Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System


(Download available within 1-2 hours)Within the Nitro Blueprint System you will learn our “1 new traffic method a month” system. And we give you proven traffic systems you put in place.Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System“YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR INTERNET SUCCESS STORY—HERE’S HOW…WITH THE NITRO BLUEPRINT…YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN SUCCESS STORY!”My First Business Selling Golf BallsFrom an early age I knew I was supposed to be an entrepreneur. In fact, I started my first business selling golf balls when I was thirteen. I was making $2,000 a year and even outsourced sales to my cute 7 year old brother. Man, you should have seen him. He was fearless—selling anyone who happened to pass by our little stand. I smile just thinking about it. Those were good times.If only I would have stayed true to my entrepreneurial roots as I got older.But, for whatever reason, when I reached 18, I bought into the idea that I needed to get a good education and find a respectable job. So I went to college to become an accountant.I was miserable. After sucking it up for a year, I realized I had made a terrible mistake and though I stayed in school, my complete focus was on starting my own business.From Pizza Flipper to Post-It Note StickerDuring that time I had a part-time job as a pizza flipper at Pizza Hut. Yeah, I was making the dough alright. Only problem is, it was the wrong kind. After that, I did a short stint at Subway (never had the privilege of making a sandwich for Jared).Next, I got a job walking house to house sticking stupid post-it notes on doors trying to get people to call in for a “free” water filter demonstration. Through a strange twist of fate, this job would actually lead to my first success online. I’ll tell you more about it in a minute.How I Got Started On The InternetThis all happened during the mid-90s and the Internet was just coming out. I saw this as a great opportunity and decided to jump in with both feet. There was only one little problem: I was clueless about how to make money online. And boy did it show, because…My First 3 Sites Were Stunning Failures!Seriously, those sites were so bad; I would be horrified to show them to anyone now. But, we all have to start somewhere.No wonder, my first year out of college while trying to make my online business a success my…Total Gross Income For The Year Was $5,000!And that was with a part-time job.I lived in a teeny 400sq foot shoebox of an apartment and cruised town in a beat-up 1986 Buick Century. At least the car served as a chick repellent, so I could devote every waking moment to developing my fledgling business. 🙂Back then, my idea of living the high-life was renting a movie (not a new release-those were too expensive) and buying off McDonald’s dollar value menu on the weekends. The rest of the week I subsisted on a diet of macaroni and cheese, bologna sandwiches and ramen noodles. Yummy!An Accidental Turning Point…Or Low Point…As The Case May BeOn this particular day, I received my credit card statement in the mail and discovered to my unbridled horror that my last credit was now maxed out as well. Desperation gripped me and I got sick to my stomach. I was planning to use any available credit to pay my rent that month (like I had the past 4 months). I had to do something NOW!So I jumped in my car and headed out into rush hour traffic…desperately trying to drum up some work.Next thing I know, the traffic slowed while I was terrified how I was going to get out of this one—and BAM—I smashed into the car in front of me!Long story short, the insurance company said I totaled my car and cut me a check. The repair guy fixed my car on the cheap and I was able to pay that month’s rent with the difference. I still get a knot in my stomach looking back on that experience. Those were some brutal times.It was during this same week, I got a second part-time job canvassing neighborhoods sticking post-it notes on people’s doors (I mentioned this earlier)…BUT…This Is Where It Gets A Little WeirdWhile walking door to door I had an epiphany and stumbled upon my first idea for an information product. I know, pretty weird. You see, I was generating leads using pay-per-click when it first came out with what was then (renamed Overture and bought by Yahoo) and was having some success. I figured out a way to spend 5 cents to generate a lead while others where paying $2 for the same lead in that market.For all I know, I may have been the first person to sell a course on pay-per-click marketing—targeted towards that specific niche market.It was pretty sweet. I packaged up everything I had learned and created a nifty lead generation system using geographic keywords and customized landing pages (way before there were any tools such as keyword research, to make the process easy). In fact, just recently a $500 software package came out (and considered a revolutionary breakthrough) allowing people to do the same thing I was doing 8 years ago!It was my first semi-success online. And at the high point I sold $10,000 dollars worth of my program in a single month.A Bone-Crushing Side StoryBy the way, I also had my first experience with merchant accounts while selling this product (you probably know where this is going).Wouldn’t you know it: I had the entire $10,000 I made during my best month frozen for 9 months! The only way I saw any of the money was by paying a collection agency 35% to collect it. In the end I barely broke even. But, I learned a valuable lesson.What Happened Next Was A PersonalTipping Point…At the time, I was also running a niche content site that was making a few hundred dollars per month, mainly through affiliate programs. The owner of my top earning site told me he was going to shut down his site, because he had other projects he needed to focus on.I offered to run the site for him, implementing some of my ideas, if he was willing to split the profits. He agreed and here’s the amazing part: the site went…From Generating $2,000 A Month To$15,000 A Month!Needless to say, I was ecstatic. But, after all the failures I had suffered, I honestly wondered if it was just dumb luck. And to my surprise, because of my success, word was getting out and I started to develop a reputation in some circles as the go-to-guy for people with good content, but poor marketing. The pressure was on.Could my luck hold out? I was about to find out.Through a friend, I was referred to an author who had an ineffective web site. It was so bad, he was only pulling in $200 to $300 a month—on a GOOD month.I implemented everything I had experimented with up to that point and turned his site into a raging direct response sales machine. The results were nothing sort of amazing! In the month and a half after re-launching…The Site Did $102,015 In The First 6 Weeks!What’s more, the site went on to sell tens of thousands of units of his products. And for back in 2001, that was phenomenal!The 4 Deadly Myths Of Internet SuccessMyth #1: The Get Rich Quick Myth. Bottom line. Life just doesn’t work this way. Short of winning the lottery or falling into an inheritance, you’re going to have to work for your money. The goal is to shortcut your way to success if possible. Enough said.Myth #2: One Trick Pony Myth. With this one you’re promised if you just learn this one “insider” technique or tactic, you’ll make it BIG. Once again, life doesn’t work that way. Ultimately, possessing one piece of the puzzle (no matter how wonderful that piece is) still is…just one piece of the puzzle. If you want to run a successful online business you need to have a solid grasp of the whole picture, not just a part of it.Myth #3: The Latest Fad/Technique Myth. Similar to the One Trick Pony, but with a wicked twist. This myth will have you believe that if you buy Mr. Guru’s latest and greatest product, instant wealth will be yours. What makes this myth so insidious is that it has you chasing your tail, snapping up the latest fad products/tactics in hopes that you’ll be able to capitalize on “the window of opportunity” it presents. Don’t buy into the hype. Sure, you might get lucky, but like they say: rather than trying to learn the tricks of the trade, focus on learning the trade. In the end, having a firm grasp of the fundamentals will bring you greater success in the long run.Myth #4: The Charismatic Guru Myth. We’ve all fallen for this one. A “famous” person tells their rags to riches story and promises they can do the same for us. All we have to do is buy their product and magically—success will be ours. You pony-up and purchase the product only to discover it’s little more than a bunch of motivational mumbo-jumbo. Sure, it can be inspiring. But it leaves you with a bunch of vague generalities about success. There’s no formula to follow and you’re left stumbling around in the fog, trying to be successful by acting successful…whatever that means.The 10 Steps Of The Nitro BlueprintLike I mentioned, each of these steps are broken down into sub-steps, outcomes, action items and checklists so that nothing is left to chance. And we teach and show you how to do everything needed to complete that step. All the guesswork is completely taken out with this system. And that’s the beauty of it.Here is a quick overview of our 10 Step Nitro Blueprint System:Step #1:Market Research: Discovering And Choosing Your Million Dollar MarketStep #2: Planning Your Business Strategy & Creating Your 4 Key OffersStep #3: Creating Your Front-End ProductStep #4: Write Your Million Dollar Sales LetterStep #5: Creating Your Website And Automated Sales SystemStep #6: Launching Your Website And Split Testing Made SimpleStep #7: The Big 3 Of TrafficStep #8: Email Marketing: Creating Money On DemandStep #9: The Top 20 Traffic EnhancersStep #10: Backend Profits: Where the BIG Money Is Made OnlineNo more guessing! No more wondering what to do next! No more frustration or confusion. In simple checklist fashion, you will be able to start, build and maintain a successful online business—and then do it again—as many times as you want!I know, it probably sounds too good to be true. But, just look at the results raw rookies and frustrated marketers were able to experience by simply using our system.6 Specific Bonus Steps:Have you ever seen a list of “bonuses” that left you scratching your head and wondering what in the world they had to do with the actual product? Or that they threw in a bunch of “stuff” (or more accurate junk) to put some lipstick on their pig!Our philosophy when it comes to providing you a bonus is each one is carefully designed to ENHANCE the product. And that’s exactly what each one of these 6 Bonus Training Sessions does for you. As I’m sure you will agree too, they enhance the results you will receive from the Nitro Blueprint System.Each bonus below comes with a CD or DVD (including written transcripts) plus its own complete and detailed chapter in the Master Manual.Bonus DVD #1:The Nitro Blueprint System Live Video OrientationDuring these 90 minutes of live training, you and I will have a mind meld. I will transfer over to you the precise information, philosophies, principles and mindset you will need to successfully implement and see results with the Nitro Blueprint System.Bonus CD #2:The 99% Solution: How To Be Ahead of 99% Of Every Other Internet EntrepreneurThis gives you the secret on how to be ahead of 99% of every other Internet Entrepreneur, even most gurus, and be in that top 1%.This has quickly become the run away favorite session of Nitro Blueprint System members because it cuts through all of the clutter and confusion and tells you exactly what you need to know AND do to become a 1% income earner in half the time. Then gives you the actions items for you to follow.Bonus CD #3:The “Mr. Potato Head” 4-Part Email Success Formula (Advanced Email Marketing)You might remember the children’s toy called the “Mr. Potato Head” where you place eyes, ears, hair and a mouth to create your own unique Mr. Potato Head.We have our own 4-part formula where you use 4 different components to create your email. Using these 4 proven parts (plus the templates we provide) to quickly create successful emails will  literally revolutionize your email marketing. Not to mention save you a tremendous amount of time.Bonus CD #4:Nitro Predictable Profits Program: How To Have A Highly Lucrative Monthly Paid Continuity ProgramWould you like to wake up the first of the month with the security and freedom that comes with knowing you will automatically make $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 — or in our case 6-figures — that month without having to do anything to make another sale or find a new customer?This de-mystifies the entire process of starting, launching and growing your own successful monthly paid continuity program. And it gives you the Action Steps and details you need. Once you complete this step you will have your very own lucrative Predictable Profits Program.Bonus CD #5:The 4 Reasons People Fail And 3 Simple Exercised To Permanently Eliminate ThemYou will find this to be a very, very helpful, and for many people life changing bonus. First we go through the 4 reasons people fail so you clearly understand why they are causing you to fail. This includes a VERY shocking look at the popular fear of success and failure.But showing you what is causing you the problems, frustrations and failures in your life would be useless if we also didn’t provide you simple solutions to eliminate those problems, frustrations and failures. So we give you 3 simple exercises that will eliminate each and every one of the 4 reasons people fail.If you have found yourself failing time after time then its my heart-felt promise to you that this bonus will literally change your life.Bonus #6:Two Free TrafficologyTraining SessionsThe #1 question we receive is “How can I get more traffic to my site?”Within the Nitro Blueprint System you will learn our “1 new traffic method a month” system. And we give you proven traffic systems you put in place.However remember success in business and life is not something you become, it is something you continue being. With the monthly “Trafficology Gold” audio and print newsletter, each month you will receive detailed, step-by-step training on another proven traffic method to implement in your business. This is the perfect compliment to your Nitro Blueprint System.You will be constantly improving your website’s traffic and sales conversion with every new insight we are learning and sharing with you – month after month – building up on your previous month’s traffic and sales conversion results,  like a chain reaction, using the latest traffic information available.You will receive 2 free issues for free. And you will continue to receive your monthly Trafficology Gold subscription uninterrupted at the special Nitro Blueprint System discounted rate of only $29 a month (a 38% discount of $18 off the publicly available rate.) And if for some crazy reason you no longer want to receive it, you can cancel at anytime and owe nothing more simply by contacting us at nitrosupport.comThe “Immediate Income” Bonus:“How To Use The Nitro Blueprint System To GenerateImmediate Income Today”This bonus is for you if you want or need to generate immediate income in your life.The Nitro Blueprint System shows you how to start, launch and grow a successful online business and love what you do. But wouldn’t you agree any legitimate, real business takes time to start making money?And although you would love to have a business you really do want and need income today. That’s why many people chase after the get rich quick promises and fads, because they hope and pray they can produce that immediate income.We show you a proven way to go out and start making an immediate income within days or weeks… WHILE still building your business that will provide you the long-term success and freedom you desire.There is no reason to only have one or the other, or settle for either short term or long term results . Instead we show you how to have both.Here’s What You’ll Get in Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System– Download Sample files “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System”Course Requirement: Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint SystemReal Value: $297One time cost: USD52Frequently Asked Questions For “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System”How to make payment for “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System” ?Please add to cart on this page and go to checkout page. You can also add as many other products as you like and make a one-time payment.We accept several type of Stripe payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Google Pay, Apple Pay and JCB, payments from customers worldwide. Paypal & Bitcoin please contact us.We strongly recommend our customers to make a payment through Stripe & Paypal . Because it is a safest and super security for you as well as for us.Is it safe?100% Secure Checkout Privacy PolicyEncryption of sensitive data and communication.All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256 and transmitting card numbers runs in a separate hosting environment, and doesn’t share or save any info.How can we deliver you the course?After you pay for “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System” on our library, please follow the download links in your account page here: |Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System|In some case, the link is broken for any reason, our supporter will renew the download links and notify to your email within a few hours business day. Your patience is appreciated.How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access download?After enrolling, you have unlimited download to this |Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System|  for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.How to download “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System”?Enjoy “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System” in your account page.Download only one file at a time. Sometimes doing all of the files at once will lead to them all freezing.Also, please do not attempt to download to a mobile device. These should be saved to a computer and then synced to devices such as phones and tablets.You can also learn online instead of downloading, but we encourage you to download for better results and viewing quality during your learn. Lastly, download times are much quicker in the mornings, before noon, Pacific time. during download make sure your device is not sleeping off screen.What is the refund policy “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System”?We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…Within 30 days of purchased |Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.Have More Questions?Our support staff is the best by far! please do not hesitate to contact us at email: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!You want to get “Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill – Nitro Blueprint System” now right?!!!YES! I’M READY TO ADD TO CART BUTTON ON THIS PAGE NOW !There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.