Kevin Hogan – Persuasion Protocol


“Imagine…in Every Interaction in the Real World or Online, How Would Your Life Be Different If People Were Desperate to Instantly Say ‘Yes’ to You?” The Persuasion Protocol By Kevin Hogan. Use the “Add to Cart” Click Below. Automatic Compliance is science fiction. It simply sounds too good (too scary) to be true…

Kevin Hogan – Persuasion Protocol

“Imagine…in Every Interaction in the Real World or Online, How Would Your Life Be Different If People Were Desperate to Instantly Say ‘Yes’ to You?”

The Persuasion Protocol By Kevin Hogan
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Automatic Compliance is science fiction. It simply sounds too good (too scary) to be true…

It seems instantly unreasonable that you could have the same (more precisely: similar) effect on that person… over there… as say, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, or Kim Kardashian would.
Neurobiologically wired, humans react immediately to two Flash Perceptions when they are presented with anyone.
Instant In-Group Recognition: Triggering “All is Safe and Secure, Allow Entrance, Interactions Are to My Benefit.”
Attractiveness: (which triggers a one of these) “I want them. I want to be seen with them. I want to be seen and liked by them. I want to be near them. I want them to want to be near me.”
IF you don’t generate that instant flash, reactance and resistance occur and the most likely response is always. “No.”
Until TODAY, literally, no one has ever released a program, a book, a manual, a video…no one has shown you anything ever that, “generates the Automatic First Reaction of Certainty, which yields, “yes, come in, I am comfortable with you, I feel like I’ve known you forever and I’m open to pretty much anything.”
Because there was only one piece of research that looked at attractiveness and liking up until the last decade, compared to 100 pieces on creating instant calm, security and comfort.
This has changed over the past few years due to major technological advances in neurobiology, nonconscious and/or subliminal stimulation. Yet nothing shows the individual, the salesperson, sales letter writer, the marketer, even the PUA how to assemble The Five Elements into one workable easy to use method…The Persuasion Protocol.
These two nonconscious neural responses are DIFFERENT. They both achieve the same critical result. They open the doors to cooperation and compliance. The benefit of their certainty reaction is that it doesn’t operate if there is reactance or resistance. The most common negative reactant reaction is by far the most common. Only attractiveness counters this in a manner similar to that of certainty.
You’ll learn how that happens and how to make it real in the program.
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You are now on the same level as the most attractive person in the world.
This was my goal when I created this program.
It has been accomplished….
The Persuasion Protocol

The Fifth Element
You’ve waited over one year for this and it has just arrived. You’ll understand the delay when you listen to the program. You’ll notice my voice “changes” within individual CD’s because I had a serious vocal cord problem and had to re-record many tracks so you wouldn’t think I was the bass singer in some musical group. I was only supposed to record short clips daily but that didn’t quite happen.
The Persuasion Protocol This elegant step will take you through the process-By-Step method for gaining the support of almost anyone you can think of. “yes” It’s up to you. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen or experienced before.
You will make it almost impossible for your Self to say anything, unlike any other program in the field of influence, persuasion, or selling. “no” to…you.
Persuasion Before you even step in the door, it all begins.
Persuasion is a long process that begins before you meet the girl or make an appointment with the buyer. Before they arrive on your website, persuading them begins.
“Are you talking about preparing for the sale? I know about that…”
….uh….no…that was 1997.
“Are you talking about making yourself look as attractive as you can?”
…again…no…no…no…The Persuasion Protocol Attractiveness is not enough.
But don’t get me wrong. If you look like Angelina or Brad….you will have a double advantage. If you’re like everyone else, you have the only advantage you could ever want or need.
The First Element

I’ve spent the last 17 months scouring crucial neuroscience research, poring through consumer, marketing and behavioral findings so that you can have a complete “package” People instantly say “yes” to *before* that first impression.
Understand…while your mastery of body language and nonverbal communication are important, it is secondary and not as important by comparison to your preparing THEIR BRAIN to instantly opt to comply with you upon first sight and communication.
…sounds like magic to me…but I promise it’s not.
It’s also *not* instantly easy and “fast.” It is possible. It is something you MUST do.
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I’ll spare you the scientific jargon and say it this way:
People have had previous interactions with thousands of people. People who live with them for a lot of time have many interactions. These experiences are all very different. When presented with the same moment in time, parts of the brain that had reacted in the past to similar situations appear instantly in the present and are ready to solve the problems of the future.
This is the problem.
Before people see you, your website, or even know you exist, they are 100% prepared for who you are *not* going to be after you have completed this program.
I’ve developed a very simple process that requires 19 days to complete. It will forever change how people respond and react to you in the same situations they would have. “no” In the past.
Problem is that people portray you as a mirror of their past experiences.
It is important to have your reflection changed to reflect the past.
If they are not distracted, this seemingly impossible task must be completed in less than one second
These two discs cover a lot of persuasive territory. The first core experience is to create a few microexperiences.-Modifications to how you interact with others can cause reactions on sight, and later in conversation or via text.
Would people react differently if they saw you dressed as Brad Pitt or Lucy Pinder, Angelina Jolie and Kat Dennings?
It’s a different set of highways in the brain, but for the purpose of this moment, go with that.
Their brain is wired. “this way.”
They will be mentally ready to agree or comply with almost anything you ask.
I can’t make you look like Brad….I can’t make ME look like Brad…
Doesn’t matter.
There is another way…
This is the most important trigger. If they react in a similar way to:

a) How you have triggered people in your past
b) How they perceive people, now gestalted into “you,” in similar situations in the past…even if they’ve never met you, heard you speak, been to your website or had a clue you were alive.

I will show you *precisely* how to take the video recording of your life and change the few crucial pieces where other people were triggered to say “no” You can let those experiences be part of your personality, persona, and even body language. As you can see, this does not require changing your body language. This is a small change in you that triggers mirror neurons to react in other people.
This is not a bogus NLP “technique” This was never tested. This shifting mechanism was tested and failed until it was found the right solution. This is the real deal.
You can’t make any changes to the areas where you are currently successful in influencing others. These situations are where your current beliefs, certainties, and behaviors are already successful.
Where you haven’t been ideally successful with persuasion, you will excise a few pieces of your life video recording so that you send a custom designed message with greater likelihood for others to say “yes,” It is up to you. It is easy to identify the points you want to shift and it is quite simple.
Warning: This isn’t instant coffee. It takes effort. But, once the change is made, it’s permanent.
The result is that you’ll see most people and their likely response to you through a lens of high certainty and reduce internal triggers to move away from you to almost nil.
You now have the power to influence all people you meet.
The Second Element

The Protocol For effective and quick persuasion flows fluidly to the Second Element.
You will learn how to control the time that each person spends on persuading you. You must decide when you will approach, meet, ask for a date, or have people arrive on your website. You can plan your arrival time.-Before you enter their space, determine if you are almost certain to gain compliance.
The Second Element does not have a limit. “what time is it,” But “what day is it,” “what date is it,” “what month is it,” You must also consider how to account for the different reactions they might have on certain days, weeks, or months. You will never see the same after you master this simple tool.
Their reaction to you, and whether or not they comply, is more important than your personal feelings. “first impression” Or what you say. It’s about a very specific individual with a specific mindset interacting with you at an absolutely optimum time.
I’ve left nothing to chance here. I’ve put the factors of the Second Element together into a template and laid it out for you for an hourly, daily, weekly and even monthly schedule of how to optimize all of your interactions with brilliant timing intention.
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It’s here that you’ll be introduced to the unknown factor that stops persuasion cold and discover how to completely bypass it!
I’ve only shown three corporations how to do this. I’ve never trained it in Boot Camp. No one else has put this into interactions, sales, marketing…no one. This is a new concept for you.
The Third Element

It’s no surprise that many of the most successful online marketers have strong backgrounds and knowledge in two specific hypnosis models. Marketers can target individuals with simple but effective hypnotic techniques to increase their sales.
These techniques are only possible if you know how to get someone to think a certain way. Random doesn’t work beyond random. Often, weak attempts fail. Now you learn what…and how.
Different “sub-selves” Neurobiologically, this is the term that activates different neurobiological terms in different environments and in different people. This is why it’s crucial to make changes in environment, location, people, and triggers in an environment a key factor in The Third Element of The. Persuasion Protocol.
You must also be aware of how your perceptions are being interpreted at all times.
The Passive Goal Guidance System

Running their Brain and Shifting Their Selfs

When you recognize patterns, you can predict behavior. “the state,” The part that is forward in their mind.
If you predict compliance will fail, then you need to CHANGE which part of them you are forward until compliance is achieved.
The first part or state will likely be forward until Passive Goal Guidance Systems has reached a small goal. Now you learn how to optimize the use of anyone’s PGGS for Rapid Compliance.
The Fourth Element

The most important marketing and sales innovations of the past decade were those that allow you to synchronize identities with another person. This can be true in face to face communication, writing sales letters and direct mail…in fact…it’s applicable to texting and social media.
The Fourth Element is responsible for fusing bonds with their most secret identities.
The Greatest Marketing Study Ever Done will allow you to see the results from connecting with that hidden identity. Ironically, this study has not been mentioned in the world of marketers and salespeople. Strange that you’ll now possess the knowledge of what was discovered works in marketing…and what doesn’t…and specific implementation points for you.
This study involved 50,000 people. This is a record. You have the results.
The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element is similar to the first four elements.
Behavior Guidance and Compliance Discovery and then shifting their identification Protocol It is something no one has ever spoken about in real life. The reason is that it’s one of those things no one wants to talk about. It’s easy to get people to do what you want if you understand their Identity and work within it.
The Emotional Shift Protocol

People’s bias toward certain behaviors is very predictable.
Example: The optimist meets their inner drive to maintain the Status Quo by displaying behaviors that you can predict or control. These biases meet head on their bias toward over estimation creating frustration, anger and other emotions that can be remarkably valuable in the persuasion process if you know what to do with them…saving the best for last….
The Great 21st Century Influence Study(s) Results are Yours – No one Else has them….
This is the most important influence study of the century. It gives you concrete actions to take to influence others. This will teach you what to do and how to use it in different situations. Absolutely brilliant in scope and magnitude with the side effect being that people report they don’t even remember what caused them to behave differently!
“Peruasion Protocol contains extensive and up to date research about persuasion and marketing. Kevin Hogan overdelivers in terms of massive content and utterly applicable stories, metaphors and ideas about persuasion. I view Kevin as my back-up research expert who affirms or negates the viewpoints that evolve in my clinical work as a psychotherapist. The only problem in buying anything by Kevin Hogan is that it is humbling to see how much he gets done and all that he knows. However, you will know far more and be far more productive when you listen to this program and put it into practice. It is worth all the time and money you put into it.” Bob Beverley, Psychotherapist,
New Strategies Never Before Known

This program is not only relevant to my job, but also to influence, persuasion sales and marketing. This means that, for the most part this program is not only effective but also very affordable. “new” But the Five Elements interaction is a singular source of power.
I guarantee you’ll be the first person (as will the others who get this program…it’s not really JUST you and me) to have this. It’s far beyond “cutting edge.”
Do exactly what you are told to do in The Persuasion Protocol You will be able to own your Self, and others will be able to react and respond to you.
It is difficult to imagine scenarios in which The Persuasion Protocol It is ineffective because it was intended to loop to agreement. The system does not have a Test/Exit/Fail option.
It’s simply the most potent information about persuasion ever prepared for anyone.
This doesn’t mean someone isn’t going to say “no” At some point, you might be asked to do so. You might step over a line that someone else won’t ever cross under any circumstances. But because of the methodology, you wouldn’t go there in the first place because it offers a significantly possible response of “no.”
The program is a bit over 10 hours and uses 10 CD’s.
A 69 page guide is also available on CD. IF you do what is in the guide in ADDITION to what you learn in the CD’s, you’ll have a brilliant story to tell me the next time we see each other.
If you don’t use the manual with the CD’s at least ONCE you’ve missed the boat. This will not happen if you are not involved in the University on Wheels.
The program is now available at a significant discount and you can get it for the best persuasion program. You’ll see your personal effectiveness, charisma, persona grow by leaps.
The Persuasion Protocol By Kevin Hogan Why would you do this?
The Persuasion Protocol Unique. You don’t have this. This is what no one has.
It will not sell at a discount at any time in the next few years. It will not be possible to get the course at a discounted price through a future promotion.
Listen to The Persuasion Protocol Do it as often as possible.
You’ll never have invested your dollars in such a profound fashion.
The ROI will be realized as quickly as you wish.
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 Here’s What You Will Get in Kevin Hogan – Persuasion Protocol