Kevin Hogan – Instant Influence


Instant Influence
Hidden Persuaders at Light Speed
Working With Human Nature to Gain Compliance in Selling, Marketing, Business and Personal Relationships…Instantly!
On 9 CDs you can listen again and again to burn these new concepts, freshly tested, scientifically validated and immediately applicable.
Changing Minds with New Mental Technology is now required. This is that Mental Technology.
If you remotely wonder if that statement is correct, think about all of the money major corporations spent on advertising, marketing, promotion,sales; and they are now bankrupt.
Supposedly the best brains in the business have been paid billions to grow their conglomerates. But all the money in the world can’t bring in new customers if you can’t pierce the veil of the todays mind.
Getting people to “yes,” has never been more difficult in your lifetime than it is in these days. It’s going to be more difficult as people’s innate defense  mechanisms create a shell around their decision making faculty.
Delay, wait, “not yet”, being careful, and all of the other “tomorrow” messages are emanating from all directions.
I tried to fit this on 8 CD’s so it would fit the containers we…invested in.
No luck.
This is a lot of information and it just got a little bigger than I guessed.
How “good” is this program?
It’s on a par with my best work.
No one else has this information except, now… you.
Instant Influence: Hidden Persuaders at Light Speed
CD 1 Magic of Instant Influence
Track 1 10:04 Why are most people impotent at influence?
Track 2 09:57 How Their Mood Affects Their Buying Choice
Track 3 10:02 Non-Subliminal Primes
Track 4 10:02 The Dying Sales & Marketing Strategy
Track 5 09:57 The *New* Magic Words of Persuasion: Do You Know Them?
Track 6 16:00 Assignation of Meaning
CD 2 The “Pros” Make These Mistakes
Track 1 10:00 Will Logic Overcome?
Track 2 10:06 Did You Make These Influence Mistakes?
Track 3 10:02 The Influence of *Your* Friends
Track 4 09:57 Group Opinion
Track 5 09:58 Three Psychological Doors Proven to Enter Their Mind
Track 6 08:39 Convenience Vs. Cost
CD 3 The Little Things That *Really* Mean A Lot
Track 1 09:58 Peripheral Cues
Track 2 10:01 Familiarity
Track 3 10:06 Nonconscious Responses
Track 4 10:04 How Social Norms Influence
Track 5 10:02 Little Things Change Big Behaviors
Track 6 10:12 Words Cost Billions …or not
CD 4 You: “Live” in Person
Track 1 09:58 Setting the Stage for Influence
Track 2 10:08 Behind the Scenes
Track 3 09:56 Hemispheric Visual & Auditory
Track 4 10:01 Future Biography & Crowd Observation
Track 5 10:09 Distinctions in Image Creation – Men / Women
Track 6 10:32 Bonus Material: The 859 and 501 Tactics
CD 5 Digging Around in Their Head
Track 1 09:53 Cognitive Dissonance Behavioral Technique
Track 2 10:03 Your Goal in Getting Them to Yes
Track 3 10:02 Conscious and Nonconscious Mind Reading Techniques
Track 4 10:03 People Want to Buy From _____
Track 5 10:00 The Instant Influence Sequence
Track 6 11:50 Mind Reading 101 and Beyond
CD 6 The Grand Strategy
Track 1 09:56 Your Goal is to _____
Track 2 10:03 Action ===> Attitude
Track 3 10:03 People Like to Buy
Track 4 09:58 Five Ways to Get Their Attention
Track 5 10:00 Digging Deeper into Feelings, Emotions, Passions
Track 6 07:43 Designing Your Product/Brand
Track 7 04:59 Getting Them to Change / Building Your Message
CD 7 Prime Motivators & Instant Influence Techniques
Track 1 09:52 Negative Emotions are Prime Motivators
Track 2 09:58 Concepts for Instant Application
Track 3 10:15 They Are Experiencing Fear, Don’t Pop The Balloon
Track 4 09:53 Completely Quell Their Resistance
Track 5 10:04 The Expert vs. The Non Expert
Track 6 07:20 The Best Techniques of Instant Influence # 1-6
Track 7 05:11 The Seventh Technique #7
CD 8 The Best Techniques of Instant Influence
Track 1 09:59 Techniques of Instant Influence # 8 – 15
Track 2 09:59 Techniques of Instant Influence # 16 – 23
Track 3 10:06 Techniques of Instant Influence # 24 – 27
Track 4 09:59 Techniques of Instant Influence # 28 – 34
Track 5 10:09 Techniques of Instant Influence # 35 – 39
Track 6 07:49 Techniques of Instant Influence # 40
Track 7 04:41 Bonus: Hypnotic Language Pattern: Tested and Found
CD 9 Know the Reasons People Buy
Track 1 10:03 The Power of “Thinking Without Thinking”
Track 2 10:00 Personal Identification
Track 3 10:01 But, What if They Dislike You or Your Product?
Track 4 09:55 Seven Instant Influence Tactics That Really Work
Track 5 10:01 What Motivates Them to Buy?
Track 6 07:11 People Buy Because of Presentation.
If that doesn’t make you hungry for Instant Influence….
SIZE: 800 MB Audios, Pdf