Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank) – EcomPro Academy Shopify Summit


Download available within 1-2 hours. Almost every single speaker has a 7, 8 or even 10 figure physical product business. The funny thing is that if you rewind a few years back… most of the speakers would be in the audience learning like you will be. 

Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank) – EcomPro Academy Shopify Summit


What is E-com Pro Academy’s Shopify Summit?

If you’ve been selling online for a while, you know that the landscape has changed dramatically! And continues to change… The best way to keep up and learn the strategies necessary to continue and keep your online physical product business(es) thriving and scaling is to hear what our speakers will be sharing and teaching.
Nobody can figure it ALL out! If you apply even one of the strategies taught at this event – from ONE Speaker, you will pay for this event many times over. Now, think if you apply 1/2 of the strategies from over a dozen speakers!! This is a NO-Pitch event and will be full of high level step by step action plans that you can apply to your e-commerce businesses instantly.
Why Should YOU attend??

Almost every single speaker has a 7, 8 or even 10 figure physical product business. The funny thing is that if you rewind a few years back… most of the speakers would be in the audience learning like you will be.
The amount of content and “Actionable” steps that can be applied instantly in your business is an incredible amount of value. It doesn’t matter what area you’re having trouble with or wanting to enhance (sourcing, scaling, logistics, legal, unlimited traffic and so much more…). You will walk away with the EXACT steps required in order to hit your goals this Q4!!!
Oh and the Netowrking is ALWAYS so incredibly powerful! Hundreds of “Like Minded” e-commerce people will be E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.

Featured Speaker + Meet & Greet
Kevin Harrington
Kevin Harrington has been a successful entrepreneur over the last 40 years. He is an Original Shark on the ABC hit, Emmy winning TV show, “Shark Tank.” He is also the Inventor of the Infomercial, As Seen On TV Pioneer, Co- Founder of the Electronic Retailers Association (ERA) and Co- Founder of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). Kevin has launched over 20 businesses that have grown to over $100 million in sales each, has been involved in more than a dozen public companies, and has launched over 500 products generating more than $5 billion in sales worldwide with iconic brands and celebrities such as Jack Lalanne, Tony Little, George Foreman, and the new I-Grow hair restoration product on QVC. Kevin has extensive experience in business all over the world, opening distribution outlets in over 100 countries worldwide. His success led Mark Burnett to hand pick Kevin to become an Original Shark on Shark Tank where he filmed over 175 segments.

Why Promote The eComProAcademy Summit

Earn Up To $1358.20 Per Attendee!
When it comes to referring your customers to an event, you want to know:
1. It’s not just another pitch fest that they’ll be mad at you for recommending it.

2. It’s full of actionable expert training they can put into practice immediately to build, grow and scale their physical product businesses.

3. You’ll be paid well for telling them about it.
If that’s you, then the eComProAcademy Summit is the perfect event for you to promote.
Even better, this isn’t just another eCommerce event. All the information being taught is coming from true eCommerce experts that have been in the trenches, so it’s all based on real experience.
Get immediately download Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank) – EcomPro Academy Shopify Summit
Shark-Tank Alumni Kevin Harrington has partnered with us for this event to not only present, but he’s also partnered with us on a brand new program we’ve recently put together that we’ll be presenting at the event.
It’s called the eComBlackLabel Private Label Club, and it’s the only DONE-FOR-YOU Private Label business on the market.
Yes, it’s all about launching and growing your own private label product on Amazon… but it’s all Done For You.
There is simply nothing like this anywhere, and people are begging us to join the program…
…which is why we know that your customers that attended the event are going to go crazy over this program. And when they join (up to 90 days after the event), YOU will get an addition $1,000 commission per customer.
We’ve put together an optional 3rd day that attendees can upgrade to.
It’s called The Shopify Master Class… and it’s all done WITH your customer!
By the end of this special upgrade day with my team, they’ll walk out with their very own Shopify Store that:

THEY fully own…
Is fully stocked with proven-selling, high-converting products…
Is set up with custom & proven apps to power their store…
Needs no inventory to be stored by them…
They only pay for the inventory once a customer pays them…
They never need to ship items – WE ship them to THEIR customer for THEM…
Even the tracking numbers are automatically uploaded onto THEIR store…
Ad Copy, templates and proven email copy that they can use for their customers…

…And All Of This Is Done WITH them!
You won’t find a much more turn-key eCommerce store solution than that…
…and it allows them to have yet another eCom channel working for them… with most of the work being done for them.
Everyone that we’ve told about this special upgrade day has wanted to buy a ticket right then, so we know this will be a high-converting sale for you.
Seriously, there is NO ONE out there that is offering the kind of training and programs that we’re sharing at the event…
…so be are to tell your people about it NOW and start locking in your commissions before we’re sold out.
Join The JV Partner Program Here Right Now:
Get Your Affiliate Link Now!
Thanks for your support,
Lowell Rempel
P.S. You’d be crazy yourself if you didn’t join the eComBlackLabel Private Label Club for yourself before the Join Fee jumps really soon 🙂
Be sure to ask me how you can join too 🙂

What To Expect

Network with Key Influencers
We are honored to have incredible speakers and industry experts at our conference. Mix and mingle with your favorites
Huge Unveiling
The Ultimate Business in a Box including ongoing management will be announced from Kevin Harrington. The is the ONLY Passive Business that has an income stream
Private Party
Complete with open food and cash bar you’ll mingle with the movers and shakers of e-commerce and connect with like minded entrepreneurs

Hands-On Workshops
Don’t go home with yet another to-do list. Our Hands-On Business Building will create tangible results for your business
We’ve secured a great deal with a local five star hotel where the event is being hosted. Beautiful, amazing hotel right on the ocean
Incredible Training
In depth Amazon and Shopify training + learn about multiple traffic platforms. Become an expert on how to convert and capture more sales for your existing or new e-commerce business

What’s Gonna be COVERED?

Sourcing Products
Drop Shipping Techniques
Promotional Strategies
Your Sales Page (landing page)
Building Your Brand

Shopify App’s Required
Facebook Traffic
Google Traffic
Google Shopping
Content Marketing

Continutity Programs
Building a REAL traffic funnel that converts
Investing some of the Profits
Selling Your Store(s)
Much, MUCH more!

Meet Our Speakers

Kevin Harrington
Shark Tank / As Seen on TV
The inventor of the infomercial, original Shark on Shark Tank, and Pioneer of the “As Seen On TV” Industry. He has launched over 500 products resulting in more than $5 Billion in sales worldwide.
Lowell Rempel
C.E.O eCom Pro Academy
CEO and Co-founder or Ecom Pro Academy. Lowell is a visionary and negotiator who has built multiple 8-figure companies, ranging from a retail store chain, to a marketing company (at the same time).
Neil Twa
Amazon Expert
Neil is a creative, and innovative business builder with a passion for helping the companies he builds exceed their potential. He’s an expert on Amazon and has the leading tips on how that can be applied in your business
Josh Kent
Josh Kent founded in 2014, growing the company from lean startup to global leader as an online t-shirt platform with over 11 million designs yielding 1000% financial increase in the past year (2015-2016).

Nishant Bhardwaj
E-commerce Marketing Expert
Nishant has an awesome story and he’s super REAL. He’s had some incredible success selling apparel and now multiple stores doing VERY well. You won’t forget him
Justin Sardi
YouTube Traffic Expert
Think you know YouTube? Think again. Just has had some awesome success from what he’s learned, taught & done on YouTube. One of the most un-tapped traffic sources and he’s gonna share the steps for you to have success from it in your business
Dimitris Skiadas
Google Analytics and Traffic Ninja
Untapped traffic and conversions from Google when you understand Analytics and traffic like Dimitris. Pretty much everything he is gonna share will just be one big Knowledge Bomb!
Travis Petelle
Travis is as REAL as it gets. He’s learned to focus and scale specific niches. Back-end revenue streams on multiple successful stores is his latest success strategy.

Adam Maltais
Affiliate Manager at Shopify
Adam knows what’s working when it comes to Shopify. He lives in it! Adam will be sharing some awesome strategies and growth plans that can instantly be applied to your E-commerce Business
John Hutchison
Funnel Conversion Expert
Special Live Feed from another LIVE event in Germany! John has grown his e-commerce business triple digits over the last couple years and has some amazing strategies that just WORK.
Thomas Bartke
The Pixel Whisperer
Special Live Feed from another LIVE event in Germany! Possibly one of the most smartest guys we know. He’s incredibly talented on Facebook and you won’t want to miss what he has to share. He’s earned the title “The Pixel Whisperer”
Laura Natasha Catella
Marketing Strategist / Copywriter
Laura has written thousands of promotional mails, busted out incredible sales copy that has resulted in tens of millions of dollars in revenue.

Mohamed Ali
Business Expert
He simplifies all marketing and business complex processes into simple actionable steps. A very successful multi e-com owner, Mohamed specializes in architecting strategies that allow business owners to grow and scale their businesses super-fast while eliminating the guesswork.
Thomas Bell
CEO of ViralStyle
Thomas started marketing the T-shirt selling not that long ago and did over $4M dollars his first year in sales! He saw the opportunity to do a way better “Print on Demand” platform and created one of the largest in the industry called Viral Style. Learn how his platform can help you make even more successful in your Shopify store!
Robert Nava
Ec Con to E-com Expert
After spending 13 years incarcerated between the ages of 11 and 27, Robert went on to build several million-dollar ecommerce brands. Over the last 2.5 years, Robert has generated nearly $10 million in sales
Ricky Mataka
Marketing Expert
7 Figure SAAS and Marketing Expert Has Generated Over 10 Million in Online Sales, Presentations and Launches Guaranteed to leave and impression you will never forget.

Samuel Levitz
Speaker – Investor – MC
Samuel has been an entrepreneur since the age of 7. Currently runs 5 companies, plays music in a band in Hawaii, travels the world and in the process of starting his own hedge fund. His motto is simply, “Make a difference” in whatever you do.
Demian Caceres
Brand Builder – Shopify Expert
A very successful Shopify (multi store owner) with some strong skills in branding, employee management and training.

Get immediately download Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank) – EcomPro Academy Shopify Summit
Book your hotel reservation
Lock in your stay at the Hilton Bay Front in San Diego, CA for the event under our group rate!

Limited Shopify Master Class Upgrade Option

This special Master Class is being held on Friday, October 14th, the day after the Summit ends. This optional day INCLUDES the e-com PRO Academy 2 day Summit ticket (while it’s still available).
Seating for the Shopify Master Class is extremely limited and it WILL sell out fast.
If learning and implementing two new eCommerce channels during the Summit wasn’t enough – we have a 3rd eCommerce Channel option available.
It’s called The Shopify Master Class… and it’s DONE FOR YOU!
By the end of this special upgrade day with my team, you’ll walk out with your very own Shopify Store that:

YOU fully own…
Is fully stocked with high-converting products…
Has custom & proven apps…
Needs no inventory to be stored by you…
You only pay for the inventory once a customer pays you…
You never need to ship items – because WE ship them to YOUR customer for YOU…
Even the tracking numbers are automatically uploaded onto YOUR store…
Ad Copy, templates, even proven email copy that you can use for your new customers…
And much more…

…DONE for you!
You don’t a much more turn-key eCommerce store solution than that…
…and it allows you to have yet another eCom channel working for you… with most of the work being done for you.
So now you have an important choice:

VIP Upgrade Option (Limited Seats)

The VIP Upgrade includes the main ticket to the 2 day event.
Seating for the Shopify Master Class is extremely limited and it WILL sell out fast. With the VIP ticket you will be hanging out for a private dinner with Kevin Harrington and most of the other speakers. This private VIP setting will be overlooking the Ocean at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.
You will also receive the recordings of the 2 day event, private VIP seating at all general sessions, exclusive networking access to Speakers and 4+ VIP ONLY Mastermind Sessions.