Keshia Johnson – Listings Give Leverage Some Buyers Are Liars



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Keshia Johnson – Listings Give Leverage Some Buyers Are Liars
As an 18 year Veteran I often have to take inventory of my business.
It was during one of those moments that I realized; the times when I was making the most money, and as a single mother for 10 years, achieving the highest level of BALANCE, was when I had a Listing To Buyer Ratio of 65:35.
This was the moment I realized that longevity in the Real Estate business equates to building out a LISTING-based business because what good is a list of buyers with nothing to sell?
In this course you will learn:
1. Why you need more Listings

2. Top 3 Ways to get more listings TODAY
3. Marketing to Sell More Listings
4. How to Properly write a listing Description
5. The Specific Tools That I Use to Successfully “Farm” A Neighborhood
This course will be a live webinar session with a Q&A. It will debut on January 14th, 2019 at 8 pm EST. Instructions to access the live webinar will be distributed closer to course date.