Kenneth Hardy – Integrative Family Therapy



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Kenneth Hardy – Integrative Family Therapy
Integrative Family Therapy

by Kenneth V. Hardy
Watch Integrative Family Therapy in action as Kenneth V. Hardy masterfully applies his holistic approach in an actual family therapy session with a single African-American mother and her teenage daughter.
The family is in a real crisis: Nineteen-year-old Erica was recently arrested and jailed for smashing her boyfriend’s car window with a baseball bat, and her mother is understandably very concerned. Watch as Hardy creates a nonjudgmental space for both mother and daughter to tell their stories, while acknowledging the complexity of the situation by bringing the broader social context into the therapy room.
Always looking for the “pearls of functionality,” this session is a beautiful example of how Hardy weaves together seemingly disparate views and facilitates a deeper intimacy between mother and daughter. The discussions before and after the session provide insight into Hardy’s distinctive style as he illuminates the key features of an Integrative approach, particularly how all behavior is best understood when considered within the context in which it is embedded.
In Depth
By watching this video, you will:

Develop an understanding of the key tenets of Integrative Family Therapy, including: embracing a “both/and” philosophy; looking for the “pearls of functionality;” and the significance of the broader social context.
Gain insight into Kenneth Hardy’s therapeutic style and how he brings together various theories of family therapy.
Learn how to apply an Integrative approach to your own therapeutic work with families.

Length of video: 1:58:00
English subtitles available
Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy is a Professor of Family Therapy at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is also Director of the Eikenberg Institute for Relationships in New York, New York. Prior to joining the faculty at Drexel University, he was a Professor of Family Therapy at Syracuse University where he also held positions as Director of Clinical Training and Research, and Chair of the Department of Child and Family Services. He is the former Director of the Center for Children, Families, and Trauma of the Ackerman Institute in New York City.
Dr. Hardy presents workshops and provides consultations nationally and internationally on issues of diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural competency. He has provided training and consultation to an extensive list of Human Services agencies and School Districts devoted to providing culturally competent services to children and families. Some of his clients have included the Children’s Defense Fund, The United States Department of Defense, the Menninger Clinic, the New York State Office of Mental Health, Harlem Hospital, the Washington D.C. Superior Court, Philadelphia Department of Human Services, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, the Westchester County Department of Human Services, and a host of Colleges, Universities, and Post-Secondary Institutions throughout the United States.
Dr. Hardy has published extensively in the area of diversity and has earned considerable public acclaim for the contributions that his numerous publications and videotapes including Psychological Residuals of Slavery and the Experts series which have made great strides toward challenging our society to think critically about issues of diversity and oppression. His recent book, with Tracey A. Laszloffy, is Teens Who Hurt: Clinical Interventions to Break the Cycle of Adolescent Violence. He was co-editor with Monica McGoldrick of Re-Visioning Family Therapy: Race, Culture, and Gender in Clinical Practice (2nd Edition).
In addition to his own writing, he also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, the Journal of Family Psychotherapy, the Journal of Divorce, the Journal of Couples Therapy, the Psychotherapy Networker, and the Journal of Family Counseling. Dr. Hardy is a frequent contributor to the print media such USA Today, Jet Magazine, and Good Housekeeping, and also has been featured in the electronic media having appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Dateline NBC, PBS, The Discovery Health Channel, and ABC’s 20/20.
Books by Hardy
Re-Visioning Family Therapy: Race, Culture, and Gender in Clinical Practice (2nd Edition)
Teens Who Hurt: Clinical Interventions to Break the Cycle of Adolescent Violence
Learning Objectives:

Explain the key tenets of Integrative Family Therapy
Describe Kenneth Hardy’s therapeutic style as it relates family therapy
Apply an Integrative approach to your own therapeutic work with families