
Ken Wilber – Actualize Os: Digital Training

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Ken Wilber – Actualize Os: Digital Training
Install a New Operating System for Your Mind that Illuminates the Full Spectrum of Your Potentials to Actualize the Greatest Possible Version of Yourself

Experience the life changing 10-part online training

with world-renowned author, teacher and contemporary philosopher, Ken Wilber.
With The Many Problems That Humanity Is Now Facing, Have You Been Asking Yourself, How Can You Rise To The Challenge And Be Of Greater Service, At This Critical Moment In History?

You’ve landed on this page for a reason.
There’s a powerful impulse awakening within you and many other around the world. It’s a deep inner yearning to be of greater service and become all that you are capable of being in this life.
It’s the growing awareness that we as a species are not living our lives at the level that you know in your heart we are capable of. The feeling that in spite of all of your success and accomplishments, that there is so much more to express and give, just waiting beneath the surface, ready to emerge.
You may be experiencing this as an unwillingness to settle for complacency and mediocrity, or the rising inspiration to make a greater impact in our world.
If you’ve reached this point, it’s because you’ve already done a lot you can be proud of.
Most of the essential needs in your life are probably met, and from an outsider’s perspective, it may already look like you’ve “made it”. And that’s because in so many important dimensions, you have.
And yet, even though you’ve already accomplished so much, you can still sense that you’re just scratching the surface of what we are, individually and collectively, capable of
What is Self-Actualization

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably already heard about the concept of self-actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is taught in high schools and universities, and it is common knowledge in the academic world.
Every human grows through this hierarchy of needs, and when their needs are sufficiently met at one stage they move to the next.
We all begin with physiological needs, the need for food, water, warmth, and shelter, then we move up from there, to safety needs, belongingness needs, and esteem needs.
Finally, at the highest level, once all of our earlier needs are satisfied, we switch from “deficiency needs” to “being needs”. This is the shift into the impulse for self-actualization, and this is truly the beginning of our new lives discovering what it means to be fully human.


Loading Module Introduction
Encountering Your Greatness
A Radical New Stage of Human Development
Exploring the Terrain of Your Full Spectrum Potentials
Accessing Higher Levels of Development to Accelerate Your Growth
Engaging with the Actualize Operating System
Neuroplasticity and Expanding Your Perspective
Reorienting and Retraining Your Default Operating System
Weekly Practice: Taking on the Role of Other
Loading Module Conclusion

Installation 1:

Accelerating Your Evolution

Install a technology for your mind to illuminate the full spectrum of your development, catalyze growth and enrich your understanding of yourself, others and the world
Lesson Plan:

Installation Module Introduction

Introduction to Levels

Tools for Growth

The Backbone of Development

Exploring the Levels

The 1st and 2nd Levels

Infancy to Adulthood: the Magic-Mythic Levels

The Amber-Mythic Stage of Development

New Levels Define the Modern Era

The Radical Emergence of 2nd Tier

An Integral Tipping Point

Accelerating Your Evolution

The Path of Transformation

4 Important Steps

Weekly Practice: Embracing the Full-Spectrum
Installation 2:

Activating Your Multiple Intelligences

Illuminate the full spectrum of your skills, talents and abilities to cultivate your true greatness and live your life at the highest level
Lesson Plan:

Introduction to Lines of Development

Many Kinds of Intelligence

Lines Develop Through Levels

The Willpower Line of Development

Is an Intelligence the Same as a Skill?

Exploring the Cognitive Line of Development

Solving the Great Problems of Our Time

Emotional Development Versus Cognitive Development?

10,000 Hours of Practice

Installation 2 Conclusion

4 Important Steps

Weekly Practice: Activating Your Full-Spectrum Potential
Installation 3:

Awakening Your Higher States of Consciousness

Explore your five primary states of consciousness to awaken your highest potentials and discover the dimensions of who you really are

Introduction to States of Consciousness
Our Pathway to Transcendence
The Gross, Subtle, Causal, Witness and Non-Dual States
Progressing Toward Enlightenment: A Profound Shift in Perspective
Growing Up and Waking Up
The Comprehensive Nature of the Actualize OS
Becoming an Actualized Being
The Benefits of Reaching Higher States of Consciousness
A Perfectly Balanced System
Toward Ever Greater Love, Compassion and Care
On The Struggle Between Science and Spirituality
The Deeply Psychoactive Nature of States
Closing Comments by Program Host
The Non-Dual State: a Guided Experiential Contemplation with Ken
4 Important States
Weekly Practice: Accessing Your Multidimensional States



Discover the underlying drives and impulses of your personality and sexuality so that you can optimize your life to leverage your unique gifts and abilities

Introduction to Types and Drives
Understanding the Uniqueness of Your Nature
Finding Yourself in the Actualize OS
What are Personality Types and How Do They Work?
How Do We Use Types to Achieve Our Fully Potential?
Are There Masculine and Feminine Types?
Types in Men and Women: Agency and Communion
Drives in Men and Women: Eros and Agape
The Higher Evolution of Masculine and Feminine
 What Does an Actualized Relationship Look Like?
Using Types to Propel Our Actualized Development
Closing Comments by Host and Upcoming Events
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practices: Accessing the Innate Power of Your Typology



Expand your perception to reveal the four fundamental dimensions of reality, so that you can perceive the full spectrum of life and create solutions at a higher level

Introduction to Awakening Your 4-D Vision
What Are The Quadrants or Why are They Important?
How Does Each of the Four Quadrants Affect the way We See the World?
What Happens When We See the World in All Four Quadrants?
Can Seeing in all Four Quadrants Help Us Find our True Purpose in Life?
How Does our Life Purpose Shift as Our Perspective Grows?
The Power of Collective Unity in Action
Energizing the Psychoactive Map With 4-D Vision
Changing the World with 4-D Vision
Closing Comments and Upcoming Events
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practice: Awakening Your 4-D Vision



Discover the three essential aspects of your human body so that you can express the full range of you physical, subtle and causal abilities

Introduction to the First Application Module
Identitifying and Developing Our Three Bodies
The Proper Care and Development of Our Gross Physical Body
Cultivating Yoga, T’ai Chi and Tying the Subtle Body to the Physical Body
How Do We Identify, Access and Developing Our Casual Body?
Cultivating Our Optimum Health and Wellness In All Three Bodies
Attaining Your Self-Actualized Body
Closing Comments and Upcoming Events with Program Host
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practices: Breathing the Microcosmic Orbit



Illuminate the hidden influences and blind spots that sabotage your development and hold you back from achieving the highest visions for yourself and your life

Introduction to Shadow Vision
Allergies and Addictions
How Do We Identify Our Own Shadow?
What Powers the Shadow and How Does it Affect us?
Common Addictions and Their Disruptive Effects
Healing Our Shadow: The 3-2-1 Practice
Reclaiming Our Fundamental Power
Transforming Your Shadow Into Light
Freeing Your Consciousness for Higher Development
Beyond the Individual: Addressing the Collective Shadow
A Daily Practice for Reclaiming Our Shadow
Closing Comments and Upcoming Events
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practice: The 3-2-1 Shadow Process



Discover the full range of inner technology that will open you to entirely new realms of power, energy, vision and fulfillment in your life

Introduction to Inner Tech
Becoming The Witness – Guided Meditation with Ken
Realize Your Ultimate Potential By Realizing Who You Really Are
The Power of Ultimate Cross Training
Spiritual Technology and Brain State Training
Closing Comments and Upcoming Events
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practice: Apply the Actualize OS to Daily Life



Integrate all the installation and applications of the Actualize OS in your direct experience to discover the full spectrum version of yourself

Welcome to Actualization Module
 Introduction to the Actualization Module with Ken Wilber
Part I: Recapping the Actualize OS
Recapping the AOS: Levels
Recapping the AOS: Lines
Recapping the AOS: States
Recapping the AOS: Types
Recapping the AOS: Quadrants
Recapping the AOS: Bodies
Recapping the AOS: Shadow
Recapping the AOS: Inner Tech
Part II: Where do we go from here? How to take the Actualize OS further
Part III: Activating the Actualize OS
Activating the AOS: Flight Plan and System Check
Activating the AOS: Navigating the World of Forms and Appearances
Activating the AOS: Breaking Free Means Including Everything But
Activating the AOS: Transcendence and Ultimate Freedom
4 Important Steps
Weekly Practice: Apply the AOS to Daily Life