Ken Beaton – Apartment Building Wealth Generation Program


Real Estate is one of the best places to create and protect wealth, actually, Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying “90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate”. It may not be 90% today but it is still safe to say that there are more millionaires made today through real estate than any other business. And for those who make their millions not through real estate they still consider real estate to be the safest place to protect their wealth. At ARCA Wealth Academy our goal is to help as many people as possible increase their financial and investing knowledge through our online education programs so that they may retire in comfort without any financial worries. Our Apartment Building Wealth Generation Program is designed to help you find great cash flowing properties and easily determine if it is great deal or not. Module 1 – Why Apartment Buildings ​Pros & Cons ​Language & Terminology Financing Economy of Scale Module 2 – What Do I Buy ​Purpose Built vs Non Purpose Built Size (Small/Medium/Large) ​Style and Features Module 3 – Where Do I Buy Close/Far Away? Which Neighbourhood ​Economics (micro/macro) ​TEAM Module 4 – How Do I Buy? ​4 Steps • What can you afford? • What is available • Analyze • Make the offer Module 5 – Analyze a Real Deal ​Based upon numbers provided ​Based upon Best guess ​Based upon actual ​Based upon projected Module 6 – Make The Offer ​Conventional ​My Way Module 7 – You Own It Now What? Transition year Property Management Bonus Modules Module 8 – 53 Unit Acquisition Process All the steps from locating the deal, analyzing, making the offer and Module 9 – 53 Unit Acquisition Process – Part 2 Closing process, all the paper work, finance details, new analysis and challenges/solutions.. Testimonial Hey Ken, I am just working through my financials for a lender and thought I would send you a note of THANKS!! In the 18 months since taking the ABWG course in June 2015; My portfolio increased from 18 units to 43 units. My gross income has more than tripled. I have raised and used $640,000 from investors. My networth is up by over $250,000. That’s just the financial things, I am much more relaxed, positive and energetic. I am more engaged with my family and so optimistic about the future. I no longer see anything holding back any area of my life that I choose to work on. Best of all we had another baby which we were delaying (or not going to do) because we couldn’t wrap our heads around affording the time off and added expenses. Thanks Ken for helping me turn things up a notch, I am pumped for the next 18 months. Todd Mollohan