Kelly Felix – Underestimated


Part 2Ongoing Weekly Videos detailing every aspect of me creating 3 new products, 3 new websites, sales funnels and even infomercials, all from scratch.Follow along in real-time.Purchase Kelly Felix – Underestimated courses at here with PRICE $297 $49Kelly Felix – UnderestimatedHow I Scaled an Info-Product Business from Zero to $50 Million, and Got AcquiredMy name is Kelly Felix…Not long ago, I wrote a simple little 19 page guide about how I fixed my bad credit, using freely available information.I sold it for $19.95… and for a while I didn’t make much money with it… and there weren’t a ton of customers…But those who did join were seeing some pretty amazing results.Because it turns out that I’m fairly good at organizing information in a way that makes it very easy for people to understand and replicate my success.In fact, many folks were going from 400 & 500 credit scores, up to 700 & 800 within a few months, or even just a few weeks.I would get heartfelt messages from people who turned their financial lives around, using my simple tips & tricks…Like Brian Murray (below), who didn’t know what he and his family were going to do…It was more of a feel-good business than anything, and my wife even did the customer support.And we loved doing it!It was so emotionally and spiritually fulfilling for us that we decided to drop everything else, and focus solely on selling my little credit repair guide.Once we put 100% of our focus into “Credit Secrets”, it wasn’t long before the business exploded!Within a few months, we had hired over 20 people just to handle all of the orders and customer service.Things were getting crazy… and it was happening so fast.I had never seen anything like it.At one point we did $4 million in a single month using just Facebook Ads!Shortly after that, we were approached by a producer who wanted to take our little book and turn it into an infomercial.So we sought out the legendary Larry King as the host, and thankfully he agreed to work with us.It wasn’t long before we had the #1 ranked infomercial in America!Ahead of household names like Lifelock, Shark, Beach Body, Guthy Renker, Total Gym and more…