Kelly Felix – The Rich Jerk 2015


The junk being packaged as “products” these days, by a bunch of fake-it-til-you-make-it wannabe hucksters, is nauseating. That crap should be sold in aisle 7 of your local grocery store as a sleep aid, doubling as a gag gift for parties.

Kelly Felix – The Rich Jerk 2015

And I’m so sick of all these touchy feely gurus who say you can “manifest” money with positive thinking…

Well guess what Einstein?
And to the people who say money can’t buy happiness?
Well… I’m pretty freakin’ happy!

So who am I?

Well unlike those other boneheads, I prefer to keep my name anonymous.

Let’s just say I’m the guy you see rolling down the street in a Lambo.
Listen, your pathetic life is about to change because I’m gonna GIVE you access to all of my dirty little secrets.

Just to see what you’ll do with it.

Chances are, you won’t do jack.

But… maybe you’ll surprise me…
It’s so easy…

…your mom could do it.

…but seriously if you’re ancient, just leave.

Because if you haven’t made money by 65, you’re a lost cause grandpa.

Just go back to the nursing home and have someone change your diaper or whatever.

Now, if you’re still here, pay attention…

Because I’m going to reveal EXACTLY how to make MASSIVE income online.

All you have to do is COPY me. I’ve helped thousands of losers like you.

Anyway, let’s get to it, cuz I don’t have time for this.
“Frankly it’s been life-changing… working with RJ. I made $440,000 in a month. You never need worry about not making money again.”

The Rich Jerk is onto something. I don’t even know what it is, and I want to buy the damn thing. He accuses his competitors of offering lame-ass bonuses… he’s got a point. Why not do something on a grand, glorious and MIND BLOWING scale!

Dan Kennedy – The Millionaire Maker

“I was able to take RJs info and turn it into $1.3 MILLION in sales – in about a three week period”

Adeel Chowdhry – Pixel Studio FX
“I started with $300. I’m now a multi-millionaire and I got my start using The Rich Jerk”
“I love to travel – this allows me the flexibility to work anywhere in the world. It’s a no-brainer”

Get immediately download Kelly Felix – The Rich Jerk 2015

You’re getting my own personal system

showing you EXACTLY how to make BANK.

You can’t get this stuff anywhere else.

You’ll learn DIRECTLY from me, and some of my personal most trusted advisors.

These guys are rockstars at making things easy to understand, especially for losers like you.

What You Get:

If you think I’m gonna hook you up with some lame-assed webinar series, e-book or DVD set, showing how “YOU TOO” can turn that frown upside down – like your favorite wet-noodle guru… I’ve got some bad news.

The junk being packaged as “products” these days, by a bunch of fake-it-til-you-make-it wannabe hucksters, is nauseating. That crap should be sold in aisle 7 of your local grocery store as a sleep aid, doubling as a gag gift for parties.

I only create stuff that KICKS ASS and gets rave reviews.

That’s why I have about a bazillion testimonials from REAL customers.

I’ve got the goods, and everybody knows it.

In fact, based on my reputation alone, you should buy my stuff sight unseen.

But for the sake of any cry-baby whiners out there, here’s a little taste of what’s inside…
Look, my entire program is easily worth thousands.

At $1,997.00 you would be getting your money’s worth.

At $997.00 it would be a no-brainer.

But during this special launch its yours for a one-time payment of $497.00

High enough to keep the tire-kickers out.

Low enough to let anyone **SERIOUS** come inside.

For a short time I have also (reluctantly) agreed to include a payment plan option…

If you can’t scrape together a few hundred bucks to change your life, I don’t want you inside my members area.
Look, my stuff ain’t cheap.

Cuz I don’t want a million numb-nuts getting access to it.
But it will cost you a lot less than a college degree that gets you nothing but a minimum-wage job and a bunch of debt.

And, I’m even gonna throw you a bone…
Here are a couple of bonuses for anyone who makes a quick decision and doesn’t waste my time.

Not only do you get my idiot-proof system…

You also get a Box Of Cool Stuff from me, delivered right to your door!

I’m not gonna tell you what’s in it, but trust me, you want this box.
And, you’ll need to open it “very carefully”.
My last one was at the Playboy Mansion, and I charged $1,000 bucks to get in. For THIS party you’re gonna be first in line.

AND you get a HUGE customer-only discount.

If you miss this event, you can just wait 7 years until the next one.
“He completely changed my life. I’m now making 10 times my salary and stay home with my boys”