Keith Krance – Everlasting Ad Method™ Live 3-Day Boot Camp (2022)


About us:

Buy subscription with us and unlock  Keith Krance – Everlasting Ad Method™ Live 3-Day Boot Camp course today.  No more payment for gurus. Join the rest of the tribe. 

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About the course: 


The Ultimate Flight Plan for Launching a System that Turns Strangers into Customers 24/7-365 and Builds Massive Brand Awareness, Influence, and Loyalty.
​Private Coaching Breakout Sessions Every Day of the Boot Camp with the Coach Most Suited for Your Industry! (Based on Your Intake Form.)
​Intro to the Everlasting Ad Builder Trello Board Tool.
​The Best Target Audiences for Facebook and For YouTube in 2021.
​The Most Overrated Audiences on Facebook and YouTube in 2021.
​The Best Optimization Methods for Dealing with the iOS Update and Winning in 2021.
​The 5 Cold Audience Anchor Everlasting Ad Types and How to Choose the Right ONE based on Your Exact Situation and Available Assets.
​How to Quickly Rearrange Your ACT 1 Ad Building Blocks to Turn ONE Everlasting Ad into 4-8 Different Everlasting Ads.
​​Private Facebook Group with Coaches
​Recordings of all the Live Trainings
​Bonus Trainings, Cheat Sheets, Ad Templates and Examples.


When you enroll in this program you’ll accelerate your growth curve by years…

DAY 1: The 6 Ways to Beat the iOS Update and Run Profitable, Consistent Facebook and YouTube Ads.

  • Download the 5-Phase Success Path for Building a Cold Traffic + Retargeting MACHINE.
  • ​The 4 Anchor Everlasting Ad™ Types and How to Choose the Right Ad Type for You.
  • ​The Top 10 Million Dollar Ad Hooks.
  • ​The Biggest Mistakes Businesses are Making with YouTube Ads
  • ​And more…

DAY 2: The Best of the Best Targeting & Optimization Methods for Facebook & YouTube in 2021… 

  • Download the 5-Phase Success Path for Building a Cold Traffic + Retargeting MACHINE.
  • ​The 4 Anchor Everlasting Ad™ Types and How to Choose the Right Ad Type for You.
  • ​The Top 10 Million Dollar Ad Hooks.
  • ​The Biggest Mistakes Businesses are Making with YouTube Ads
  • ​And more…

DAY 3: Ad Builder Tool. ONE Good Ad – 3 Platforms…

  • The 18 Ad Building Blocks inside the 3-ACT Everlasting Ad Framework, and Why ONE Ad will Never Include Every Building Block Element.
  • ​The 7 Foundational & Wild Card Building Blocks that Can Transform Your Business.
  • ​ACT 1: The True Secret Sauce to Long-Running, Profitable Ads on the Big 3 Platforms.
  • ​Hack Your ‘Million Dollar Hook’ by Using One of the Top 4 ACT 1 Formulas.
  • ​How to Turn ONE Anchor Script into 24-48 Everlasting Ads all Optimizing for Different Customer Buyer Behaviors.
  • ​Work with Keith, Your Breakout Coach and Your Breakout Group to Craft a Compelling Opening Hook that Converts and Scales Better than Ever Before.
  • ​ And much more…

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