Keith Ferrazzi – MindValley – Ultimate Leadership 2023



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Keith Ferrazzi – MindValley – Ultimate Leadership 2023
Ultimate Leadership
To the present or aspiring leader ready to rise up to the challenges of a new world:

The idea of leadership as you may know it is dead.
In fact the kind of person who was once considered a great leader years ago (or even months ago) – could now be seen as inadequate.
And so it’s no surprise that today’s top performing and most resilient entrepreneurs, human resource officers, and C-suite executives are waking up to the same truth:
There is no going back to ‘normal’. There will be no more ‘business as usual’. The world is now a permanently different place, and it’s demanding a different kind of leader.
In this world, those who stick to the old rules will sink. While those who evolve will reap extraordinary rewards, while rapidly expanding their influence and impact.
Few know this more profoundly than Keith Ferrazzi.
Keith is one of the world’s leading business consultants, whose guidance and insights are coveted by many of today’s most influential companies and professionals.
And by observing and collaborating with the top performers in these organizations – those creating consistent, extraordinary success even in times of disruption – he has mapped out a bulletproof blueprint that answers the crucial question:
“What does it really take to effectively lead – and thrive – in this unfamiliar new reality?”
The Ultimate Blueprint For Leadership In The New Era Of Business

The Ultimate Leadership program is a series of paradigm shifts, strategic frameworks, and transformational tools that profoundly evolve your understanding of and approach to leadership – in line with a rapidly changing world.
It is the culmination of Keith Ferrazzi’s decades of work with leading companies, C-suite executives, and leaders driving innovative and high-performing teams – along with the critical shifts these top performers are making to survive and thrive in the new landscape.
No matter where you’re at in your leadership journey (or even if you’re still aspiring to be one) – the clarity and momentum you gain through this program will dramatically enhance your performance in every key marker of effective leadership.
Revolutionize Your Relationship With Your Team & Co-Workers
Ultimate Leadership is more than just a passive program – it’s a step-by-step process for envisioning and nurturing a new relationship between you and your team.
You’ll assess old shared behaviors, habits, and rituals. Discard what doesn’t serve you. Strengthen what does. And set and achieve ‘moonshot’ visions that rocket yourself and every team member towards your fullest potential.
Keith calls this process Recontracting: because it’s about creating a new contract that guides you and your team towards peak performance in eight key dimensions:
The 8 Dimensions Of Ultimate Leadership
Candor: speaking with courage, openness, and sincerity

Collaboration: co-creating for peak performance and innovation

Teaming Out: breaking down silos and merging each team member’s strengths

Accountability: leaving nobody behind and crossing the finish line together

Development: proactively guiding, and empowering each other

Energy: drawing on each other’s individual’s energy to uplift the team

Relationships: committing to each other’s success and fulfillment

Outcomes: creating exponential and extraordinary transformation

No Status Quo: releasing old disempowering patterns in favor of optimized new ones
The Curriculum

Explore The Ultimate Leadership Curriculum

Ultimate Leadership is a 21-day online program designed to elevate you into an effective leader for today’s authenticity and collaboration-focused business landscape.
Through a series of easy-to-follow daily video lessons, you’ll join Keith Ferrazzi himself as he meets you where you’re at – and builds you into an extraordinary leader capable of strategizing, motivating, and navigating your team to victory.
In just 20 minutes a day, you’ll rapidly level up your leadership skills through strategies and frameworks Keith has drawn from years of collaboration with the world’s top CEOs and professionals – including the breakthrough epiphanies they’re using at this very moment to assure sustained success in times of uncertainty.

Forming The Foundation For Leadership

Your first week begins with an exploration of the skills and competencies most vital to the new era of leadership. You’ll discover a variety of techniques to get clarity on your mission, rally your stakeholders, and gear up your team to start achieving extraordinary results.

Highlights include:

New work rules in a new work world: discover exactly what has changed, and how to ensure you and your team quickly adapt to these crucial shifts.
Defining and optimizing your mission: use this step-by-step process to get crystal-clear on your unique mission – and use it as rocket fuel to propel you upwards.
How to harness the RAP strategy to get laser-focused on your mission, identify your values and allies, and achieve your goals at record speed.
The 6 Steps of Recontracting: how to optimize the unspoken social contracts and norms that quietly (yet profoundly) shape your team’s behavior and performance.
And so much more…


Leading Into The Future

In your second week, Keith shows you the key skills every leader must now master in order to create unconditional success regardless of obstacles. From your company’s vision and goals, to risk management and psychological wellbeing, you’ll cover every base as you lead your team into the future.

Highlights include:

How to achieve the impossible by setting Moonshot Visions – and mapping out easy-to-follow trajectories that make your success inevitable.
Why A-grade leaders are obsessed with Agility: harness this trait to adapt and thrive in even the most volatile, unpredictable situations.
Do you welcome Risk as a leader? You will when you gain this ‘Bulletproofing’ approach to embracing risk and reaping the rewards – without fear or self-doubt.
The secret to Limitless Perpetual Energy: unleash this framework on your team, and watch as each member starts operating from a space of boundless enthusiasm and momentum.
And so much more…


Elevating Your Leadership

You’ll finish off your Ultimate Leadership experience with a commitment to go higher with your team through effective communication, open feedback, and an empowering optimization of your operational and psychological processes.

Highlights include:

74% of team members feel they can’t voice their thoughts in meetings. Follow these steps to ignite a culture of clear and candid communication in your organization.
The 5x5x5 method for quickly and efficiently optimizing your team’s processes in line with the evolving market and business ecosystem.
The four simple questions that transform failure into remarkable growth opportunities. Use these to turn your next failure into success.
And so much more…

Day by Day Schedule
Week 1

Day 1

Discover the New Models of Leadership

Day 2

Learn the Critical Leadership Compentencies

Day 3

Find Your Mission In the Challenging Times

Day 4

Serve and Balance Multiple Stakeholders

Day 5

Create a Relationship Action Plan

Day 6

Re-Contract for a Better Future

Day 7

Summary of Your First Week
Week 2 : Headline for Week 2

Day 8

Venture Beyond the Reasonable

Day 9

10 Tips to Achieve Your Vision

Day 10

How to Measure True Success with Outcomes

Day 11

Neutralize Risk by Bulletproofing

Day 12

Learn to Create Safety and Authenticity

Day 13

3 Key Elements to Uplift the Team

Day 14

Summary of Your Second Week
Week 3 : Headline for Week 3

Day 15

Master Clear and Candid Communication

Day 16

How to Build a Learning Roadmap

Day 17

3 Steps to Reach a Higher Level of Care

Day 18

Continuously Improve Leadership Processes

Day 19

Succeed Through Failure

Day 20

Build Relationships That Lead You Up

Day 21

Join the Movement of Co-Elevating Leaders
Keith Ferrazzi, Creator Of Ultimate Leadership
Keith Ferrazzi is one of the world’s most in-demand business thought leaders and professional relationship experts. His two New York Times bestsellers, Never Eat Alone and Who’s Got Your Back? are widely regarded as the ‘business bibles’ of networking and building positive business relationships. In fact if there are any world-class business or professional leaders you look up to, there’s a high chance they’re influenced by Keith.
Through his consulting firm and programs, Keith has spent the past two decades training the world’s top professionals and companies – including Reuters, eBay, Dun & Bradstreet, the X Prize Foundation, and many more. The Ultimate Leadership program is Keith’s urgent response to a rapidly shifting business ecosystem – and a clarion call for leaders of all levels to step up, evolve, and thrive in a new era that demands new levels of co-creation and authenticity.
Trainer Credentials

Founder of Ferrazzi Greenlight, a Los Angeles-based research and consulting firm
Regarded as “one of the world’s most connected individuals” by Forbes and Inc, and a “Global Leader of Tomorrow”
Founder of Go Forward To Work: high-profile business leaders committed to identifying and sharing best practices, strategies, and systems for the new era of business.
A frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fortune, and many other leading publications

Here’s what your personal growth path could look like…

After Ultimate Leadership, continue your transformation with Mindvalley’s other mind empowerment programs:


Level up your leadership skills and lead your team to extraordinary success with:
Ultimate Leadership

Keith Ferrazzi

Evolve your leadership skills in line with today’s rapidly transforming business landscape – and emerge with the skills, tools, and paradigm shifts you need to grow and nurture a winning team. Keith Ferrazzi: the acclaimed business consultant who’ll empower you with the same strategies and frameworks that make him a superstar among the world’s top CEOs, entrepreneurs, and professionals.