
Keenan Online – Mastering Mount

Original price was: ₹71,700.00.Current price is: ₹10,292.00.


Description:Everyone says that The Mount is one of the most or even the most dominant positions you can earn in a Jiu Jitsu battle…
Keenan Online – Mastering Mount
…but that really doesn’t seem like the case sometimes don’t it?
Your skills of Passing the Guard and actually getting to Mount might just be way better than your actual ability of holding the Mount…
…crazy when you think about it but it’s true in a lot of people’s cases.
It’s frequent for Jiu Jiteiros to even avoid the Mount because they feel unequipped to maintain the control and finish from the position.
Let’s change this for you!
After Mastering this Course you will feel way more comfortable with your Mount Control than before.
Getting bridged off shall remain a thing of the past.
Pay attention, take notes, practice and watch how what you learn in this Mount Course will increase your finishing percentages.
If you enjoyed this Mastering The Mount Course, make sure you check out our other Mastering Positions Courses.
Course Content

Properly Transitioning From Side Control To Mount

How To Control The Mount

Worm Guard 101 Sweep + Getting To Mount

Shoulder Crunch Sumi Gaeshi To Mount With Armbar Finish


Triangle From Mount Option Two

Armbar From Mount

How To Properly Finish The Armbar

Monoplata From S Mount

Cross Choke From Mount

Gi-Zekiel Choke From Mount


Basic Mount Escape

Mount Escape (From The White Belt Course)

Escaping Bottom Positions