KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon


For the first time ever, we have broken down the barriers to Kindle success so that anyone – including you – can tap into the eBook revolution and make a small fortune from home.Purchase KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon courses at here with PRICE $197 $52Course “KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon” is available, If no download link, Please wait 12 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your emailPREMIUM QUALITY KlNDLE RESEARCH & MARKETING SOFTWARE … FOR TOTAL KlNDLE MARKETING DOMINATION!Computer Programming Geek Cracks the Kindle Code With …KINDLE”X-RAY” MARKETING GLASSES!Breakthrough “3 in 1″kindle marketing suite allows you to…SPY ON WHAT WORKSSee the hottest niches, bestselling products, winning descriptions, category listings and even how much money your book could make, before you even make it!SNAG KILLER REVIEWSNo more manually searching for reviewers and their contact details. Get instant access to real reviewers with live contact details so you can snag tons of top-drawer reviews and get sky-rocket your conversion rates!SECURE HIGH RANKINGSUse our built-in Kindle optimizer tool to get insane exposure for your Kindle books, by legally exploiting Kindle’s “little known” ranking loopholes!As you can already see, KD Suite is a revolutionary Kindle marketing software suite that has everything you need to research, launch and sell your Kindle books with a truly unfair advantage.From breakthrough stealth spy tools, to review-getting technology, to passive promotion and marketplace optimization, KD Suite uses cutting-edge algorithms to make you a true Kindle superstar, even if you’re starting from scratch…… and even if you’re tight on time.Fellow Marketer,For the first time ever, we have broken down the barriers to Kindle success so that anyone – including you – can tap into the eBook revolution and make a small fortune from home.Look, Kindle is full of buyers and people are getting insanely rich by selling simple eBooks there everyday.So the question is…Why aren’t you making good Kindle money already?Well, you probably know why…First you have to figure out what your book is gonna be about.Then you have to figure out what to call it.Then you have to figure out what kind of cover will appeal to your audience (and you know that covers can make or break your success.)Then you have to make sure you upload it to the right category.Then you have to make sure it has a description that will attract buyers.Then you have to find reviewers to get the ball rolling.And what about getting ranked? Argghhh!!But I have a confession… and if s going to wipe out your Kindle worries for good!Hi, my name is Dave Guindon.As you might know, I’m a self-confessed computer nerd.But not just any computer nerd.I’m a computer scientist and I’ve made a huge discovery on Kindle. I have discovered a way to boost your success rate on Kindle, with almost scientific precision.And it’s called…Remember that scene in the Matrix where Neo finally sees things in that weird green binary code… and takes full control of his destiny as a result?That’s what you’re about to experience with KD Suite. You’re about to see the hidden code to Kindle that can almost guarantee you more sales.Here’s a peek inside the software…TOOL#1KD BESTSELLER ANALYZERGet ready to see how ninja research can give you “X-RAY” vision to pick out golden opportunities on Kindle.Quickly drill down in multiple niches and see what’s selling, why it’s selling and even how much money its making each month!Let this tool do all the heavy lifting and spy work for you.With the research tool, you can…Quickly extract and analyse bestsellers, across multiple niches… no more guesswork, no more manual sorting through Kindle for days on endView full details of all bestsellers in your niche, in one easy-to-read snapshot… quickly see what’s making money for other people and whyView predicted monthly sales (RED HOT!)… see your potential earnings before you even put pen to paper!Spy on your competitors… see who they are, where they’re ranked, how they’re ranked, what reviews they’re getting, how much money they’re making and morePull out bestsellers based on your criteria… one-dick filters allow you to sort and focus on the kind of information you need to know the mostGroup bestsellers by titles by category, price, rankings, and more… keep your research organizedSave searchers and filters for future research… so you never have to retrace old stepsSales estimator tool predicts how much money could make (RED HOT!)… see if it’s worth your time and effort, before you even start!Auto-extract data about “other books people bought” … for further research and product ideas you can tap intoView competitor snapshots… popup screen clearly displays official listing on Kindle, so you can sneak peek at winning covers, titles and descriptions without needing to leave the tool or visit KindleSave searches as CSV, txtSave searches an interactive html files (more on this below)Never waste time creating products inside niches that don’t sell. Now you can see exactly where the hot spots are, how much money you could be making and how to “copy” their success (from titles, covers and pricing, to descriptions, category selection and so much more…)TOOL #2KD SEARCH ANALYZERKD Search Analyzer allows you to extract the hottest buyer keywords for your Kindle category. Not crappy keywords from some Google tool, but actual keywords that Kindle searchers are using to find and buy books like yours.With the search analyzer tool, you can…Extract hundreds of buyer ready keywords from a single root keyword… great uncovering hidden niches and drilling down to the low-competition search termsInstantly pull up the bestsellers for each keyword… see exactly what’s selling for each keyword, so you know where to focus your own bookSee which keywords are making the most money in any niche… never waste time targeting dud keywords that don’t make money!View the competition for each keyword result… find your own “open ocean” where there’s money, but no real competitionSpy on top competitors for each keyword (including rank and number of reviews)… see who’s doing things right and how they’re doing itSpy on individual Kindle authors… see how much cash they’re making and whether they’re still publishing (hint: check out their other books for more killer ideas)Save keyword searches as CSV, txtSave keyword searches an interactive html filesKeyword research is the difference between winners and losers on Kindle. This tool shows you exactly where the “money keywords” are and what types of book are selling for each of them.Now you really can see exactly where and how the money is being made, find your own niche and get tons of ideas, within seconds. No more tedious, manual research.TOOL #3KD EBOOK MARKETERKD eBook Marketer gives you insane exposure on Kindle, by automatically and legally exploiting Amazon Kindle’s little-known SEO loopholes and ranking systems.It has two critical, time-saving features to ensure your Kindle books get off the ground and get the exposure and sales they deserve.First, we have the Review Sniper tab… which automatically pulls up all the top reviewers in any given niche and shows you the reviewers who have contact details on their account.Just enter your core keyword and instantly see all the active reviewers, their review scores and their contact details!Here’s what you can do with the Review Sniper…Quickly find real contact details of reviewers in your chosen categories, including website and emails (HOT!)… this will save you dozens of hours when trying to find reviewer contact details for every book and every niche you’re researchingIdentify the most useful and active reviewers… so you never waste time asking for reviews from someone who won’t respond or won’t leave a decent reviewSave your searchesNext, we have the Promo Accelerator tab, which allows you to rank highly for almost any competitive keyword you want.Using a secret but legal loophole, you enter your details and let Amazon’s Kindle ranking algorithms push your book to the top, like clockwork.This is not black hat, shady or illegal.This is a legit loophole that most Kindle authors have no clue about and it’s built into the entire Kindle ranking system, so it’s not going away anytime soon.Of course, we can’t guarantee any specific rankings here, but your book will see a major boost in the search results inside Kindle, when you use this tool to optimize and promote your listing.And that’s why I guarantee…KD Suite will massively increase-your Kindle successTate (or you get it for free!)Here’s why I can make such a bold promise…1.XRAY VISIONWhat if you knew exactly what type of book to create, and in what niche before you even start? Don’t you think your chances of success would sky-rocket?What if you even knew the kind of money you could be making from your next title, before you make your first sale? Now you can with KD Suite’s unique, proprietary algorithms that show you actual earning potential for the first time ever.Never waste time or money targeting dud niches, or dud product ideas within a given niche.2. STEALTH PERSUASIONThe review tool automatically searches and pulls in the top reviewers in your niche who have direct contact details. Now you can get more legit reviews than ever, pushing your rankings up and getting more social proof for your titles… remember, people buy like crazy when the reviews are flooding in!3.  EASY PROMOTIONDon’t you hate it when your book doesn’t get the exposure it deserves? Even the best books can go unnoticed, but not anymore. KD Suite offers killer promotion technology to get your title noticed and ranked higher than the competition, legally.And that’s why…I’m not sure if I should even be selling KD Suite at all!Having access to KD Suite gives you such an unfair advantage over the Kindle competition, that it’s frankly dangerous in the wrong hands.I’M ACTUALLY A LITTLE NEHVOUS TO LET THIS LOOSE IN PUBLIC, SO I’M EITUEK GOING TO LIMIT COPIES OK KEEP PAISING THE PKICE IN BIG CHUNKS… OK MAYBE BOTH.So let me ask you, would you make a tiny investment to…Having access to KD Suite gives you such an unfair advantage over the Kindle competition, that it’s frankly dangerous in the wrong hands.Save countless days and weeks of research?Save yourself from creating a dud product in a dud niche?Get higher rankings and get more traffic?Get more reviews and make more sales?KD Suite will save you bags of time and energy, with cutting edge Kindle research at your fingertips… and it will help you spit out sure-fire Kindle books that have all the ingredients of a bestseller, from the titles, covers, descriptions, categories, tags and keywords…… the kind of insights that would take months to figure out by yourself.So would it be fair to charge $97 for access to the entire “3 in 1″KD Suite?Of course, and I probably will once this launch is over, but if you act fast, you can get inside for just $47 instead.Yeah, that’s an insane discount, but this is supposed to be a Special Offer and I wouldn’t be here if I charged you full price.But as I said before, this tool is way too powerful for the masses. That’s why I’m either raising the price or taking the whole thing off sale, or both, very soon.Act now, before you miss out for good.WANNA MAKE SOME EASY CASH RIGHT NOW, WITH THIS?Then listen closely, because here’s a big tip…Thanks to the “save as interactive html” option in each software tool, you can create and sell reports for other marketers who don’t already have this tool.This creates a searchable, interactive page full of the data you’ve just pulled up in the tool and believe me; marketers will fall over themselves to get their greedy little hands on this insider info.Tag: KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon Review. KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon download. KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon discount.Purchase KD Suite – Kindle Research & Marketing Software – Dave Guindon courses at here with PRICE $197 $52