Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop


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Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop

Get Deals with Your Money You can create an internal BLUEPRINT of RICH and learn how to generate IDEAS that SELL. This will make selling and launching easy and fun.


I’m running my MONEY SMACKDOWN WORKSHOP, all online and fully recorded. Deal with Your Money You can create an internal BLUEPRINT of RICH and learn how to generate IDEAS that SELL. This will make selling and launching easy and fun.


This is about:

Getting your money sorted out once and for all.
You can redefine your relationship with money so that you EXPECT things to be great.
You can get out of RESISTANCE to your money situation by addressing your stupid fucking behaviors and sabotages.
These are the exact money habits and daily money practices that I used to grow my business to over 180k per month in income.
How to make your reality come to life using specific wealth affirmations and scripts.
How to make money from ideas and cash-generating machines – how to develop and launch ideas quickly and profit from them.
RUNNING A LAUNCH RACE: These are the exact sales and launch strategies I use in order to generate literally hundreds or thousands of dollars per time with ZERO advertisements, usually just a few short emails, and in a matter if days from idea to profit.
Get OVER your bullshit about scarcity, selling being bad, and whether it’s OKAY for you to want to become rich. To make money FAST and with EASE
Write a NEW FUCKING BLUEBLANT in your head about who you are as a serious rich, wealthy entrepreneur leader, artist, or leader.

This is for:

You’re doing all of the work (or a lot!) It just doesn’t seem to be working
Your habit is to slam the door on people who have finally had a breakthrough or things that go well.
Deep down, you fear that you won’t be able to manage your money. This will be your pattern forever.
Fear of even looking at your money situation in detail makes it difficult to look at it. Not just because of the numbers, but because of the idea of looking at money in the eyes.
You KNOW that you were meant to do more, to make a difference in the world, and to dance on top of it all. But you aren’t sure when it’s going take place or why you can’t just get there.
Your ideas don’t make it. It’s a complete waste. Even though they seem pretty good, they don’t sell.
You believe that selling and launching are in any way difficult, bad, or something you have to do, but don’t really want to. It takes TIME and costs you energy, space, and soul.
When you ask for money, you feel guilty
You are not currently asking for money all day everyday!
If you are honest, you will admit that you allow life to happen to you instead of creating it.
It’s impossible to believe that you are at THIS point in business life age, yet you are still WORKING WITH THIS SHIT.
It seems like you slip back into the same BULLSHIT SABOTAGES or patterns all the time, without even realizing it!
You are so damn mad at yourself, money, and how fucking endless it all seems. To be honest, you’re just TIRED
You are ready to let it all be easy, to get SERIOUSLY wealthy, to do it with ease, flow, and have a DAMN GOOD TIMES WITH IT ALL
You want to feel PASSION and CERTAINTY that you can RULE the FUCKING WORLD AGAIN
You want cash in your bank NOW and every day thereafter.

I run this workshop because I am sick of seeing messages blocked IN and natural born leaders not stepping in, you not getting or doing the money and mindset works that will MAKE YOU RICH, and hearing the nonsense about creating INSANELY PROFITABLE ideas and having a daily money flow being impossible or out of reach.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop Download now

The Money Smackdown Workshop You’ll be kicked in the butt once and for all.

How you have been HOLDING back.
What you need to do every day to increase your income and wealth?
I’ll be sharing the EXACT processes, mindset work, income and wealth attraction tools, templates, spreadsheets and systems that I use to make money easily and automatically doing what I enjoy.
What you can expect from this workshop is:

You can get rid of all that junk and money you don’t want.
Develop an inner BLUEPRINT REDISCH where you know that you KNOW that you are creating wealth
Become an idea-seller machine by downloading ideas constantly and then selling them.
You will learn how to make selling and launching fun and easy with the exact same very simple and very effective strategies and sales processes that I use to run my daily sales activities and launch races. This is hands-on practice that works and will make you rich, super fucking wealthy when you combine it with the money daily PRACTICES that we’ll be tailoring for you!
Cash in your bank now and every day thereafter
With what I teach, you can double, triple or quadruple your income. This is possible for most clients in a matter if WEEKS, or even days.

This is not a pipe dream

Yesterday evening, I heard from three different people who each told me:

I heard about you only 2 weeks ago. Last week, I had my BEST WEEK EVER because of what you showed.
I learned a single thing from you and was able to make an additional 5k immediately!
It was amazing how quickly my program was filled after we spoke!

Oh, and another client just made an EXTRA THOUSAND DOLLARS from the one 5-We had a great conversation for about a minute. Let me tell ya, this was because she helped me CLEAR HER BULLSHIT. It wasn’t because she had a magical fucking bulletproof plan for ‘what to sale’. She KNEW what to do and then SOLD IT! (and yes, I did give her some tips on that as I will you!) Because she knew that money must bend to her will and she stepped into her freaking power zone.
This stuff is all I hear every day. Every day.
My inbox is FULL of messages from people telling how they have MADE THEM MONEY.
Let me assure you, this is not because of the launch stuff and sales.
It’s because I will shift the shit in you.

I will help you to see where you aren’t playing all the time.

I will give you a fucking LIGHT about who you are, what you should be doing, and HOW to do it so you can turn on the money tap NOW.
There IS a money tap.
Let me tell you how.
Already, I have more than doubled my 7-year-old self.-You can make a lot of money in 2016 by using the exact mindset, processes, and ideas I’m going through with you in this workshop.
I will give you access to my EXACT templates, tools, and systems and show you exactly how to do it.
I will make sure you get PERMISSION and TRUTH about what you need to DEAL WITH

DO –
There is enough, baby.

You can keep following the RULES while trying to HUSTLE by putting out boring and useless stuff that people don’t really buy, regardless of how much you may try.
You can also be a WARRIOR FUCKING SUPERHERO that KNOWS they are wealthy, IS devoted to being rich, does daily WORK to become rich, has a MINDSET about being rich, and is FUCKING RICH NOW.
You will be able to make thousands, if not tens, of thousands of dollars in just a day of applying what I’m going show you and IMPLANT into your life.
This workshop will make your RICH.
You will never again have to deal with the limiting bullshit MINDSET of not having enough or not knowing how.
You can double, triple or quadruple or even quadruple the income in a matter weeks or days.
You will be an unstoppable FUCKING SUPERHERO, to whom wealth, success, and everything you want flows.
That is what this is all about.
I’m still here.
I know! I just keep going …
I guarantee it.
IMMEDIATELY within the next 2 weeks
There will be STORY AFTER story of people who made an additional 5k, 10k, or 100k RIGHT AWAY. Who filled their programs. Who finally felt the noose LOOSEN AND FLY THE FUCK AWAY. Who began making serious cash from the things they loved.
Don’t be outside and watch me post those stories on Facebook.
Stop fucking around baby.
It’s time for you to get serious about your money once and for all.
Learn to fully understand and let go of limiting patterns, repeat sabotages and beliefs that don’t serve you.
Develop an internal BLUEPRINT…
You can become an IDEAS SELLING machine by downloading ideas you know will sell and then selling them.
Learn how to make selling fun and easy, using the exact same simple and effective sales strategies and processes I use to manage my own sales activities and launch races.
Get cash in your bank right now and every day after that
Double, triple and quadruple your income. Then, finally, be fully in the conviction that you can make whatever amount you choose and that you’re doing it now.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop Download now