Katrina Ruth Programs – Fuck This Shit


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Katrina Ruth Programs – Fuck This Shit

“Fuck This is so pathetic, I am done. I don’t even care how. I don’t give a single flying fuck about the details.


It was 2013, and I’d just come off the back of the scariest year of my life.
Think about how it feels to lose massive amounts of blood every day, without warning.
It was scary to be told that I would need a mandatory hysterectomy and possibly my bladder removed.
Sitting down with a bevy of doctors and experts at 26 weeks pregnant (a few weeks in to all the madness aka random extreme haemmoraghing) and having the conversation about what it would mean if I made it this many weeks … no this many … how about that many scary.
I was told that my baby was safe and sound, but that there was a risk of death due to the condition I had. Due to all the blood loss that could happen, and how fast it would go if so, and how they couldn’t refill it fast enough. This is kind of scary.
It was difficult to balance my 3 children with being in hospital almost every day since the beginning.-year-old daughter and … run and grow an on its way to a million bucks a year business.
Wanna know the worst bit, or at least what felt worst of all through all of this, since I quite effectively managed to compartmentalize and separate myself emotionally from all of the above while I focused on manifesting like a MOTHERFUCKER …
The worst thing was the sales calls, and the webinars.!
Every day, I’d sit there in my hospital bed, all hooked up to ALL the straps and traps (baby monitoring!I would also make sales calls.
Every few days, I’d run webinars from the hospital cafeteria.
One time, I ran one while having a cervical scan. Yep, that’s one where they stick the wozit up your hoo-ha. There were 10 men in the room. They wanted to take a look at my unique situation.
(I don’t mean my vagina is a work of mystery and beauty, and rare amongst jewels, although obvs it IS … I’m talking about the rare condition I had :))
Let me tell you –
When you ‘home’ is a hospital and your having cervical scans every other day, you soon stop caring whether or not you’re mid-webinar when it’s time for one, and you just keep on going. When your legs are extended, your laptop will balance well on a pregnant stomach.
However, it was a very difficult year. You probably get the picture. Haha.
I had what was at the time my largest month (72k cash received, btw – I only ever ever talk in cash earned btw – it did feel good, but also – man.
I was running on empty. Slowly but surely, I felt like I was moving towards alignment. And I wondered –
What was the point of it being this way?
Perhaps you feel the same way. 
When I look back now, I’m SO glad for that time, for everything that led up to it and even for all of the hospital bed hustle.
It saved me, it kept me focused and purposeful so that I wasn’t thinking about all the scary shit, but it served a purpose far beyond that as well –
It drove me to the breaking point.
An ‘enough is enough’ Point, you know?
A point of no return, in which I finally had to acknowledge –
This It is not working for you.
I can’t keep doing this.
Yeah, my income is impressive … and I’m on my way to a million dollar a year business … but at what cost, my SOUL?
There are certain times in life, I don’t have to tell you, when we’re thrown a set of cards that basically throw US up against a wall and into a position of NO LONGER BEING ABLE TO AVOID HONOURING OUR TRUTH.
After weeks and months of journaling, blogging and manifestation work in order to have a healthy baby and not dread my arrival at the hospital, I finally reached the conclusion I knew was coming.


I was DONE.
Don’t follow your heart and make money.
Done trying so damn hard to make every penny.
Done with the ONLY push approach and hustle with being ‘successful’ Because I worked harder than anyone and because I pulled the rope hand over fist, no matter how bloody or torn my hands were.
Most importantly, I bought into the idea that I needed to do business – or live! – in a way that DIDNT FEE LIKE FUCKY YES.
What we will do: It’s all it takes
What you can expect: What you absolutely need. With bells on.
Oh, what? Do you need more information? Weird … haha. Okay, fine!
(Not-So-side-note: some of you probably don’t need more info, ’cause you just know. It’s fine! Scroll down!
Fuck This ShitWhat is it?
Duh, it’s a movement, it’s a calling, it’s a freakin’ slap in the face with a cold fish, it’s a bucket of cold icy water thrown STRAIGHT at you when you just got your hair did, and it is ALL the oily-Bulletproof coffee needs to be brewed up so the shit can come out.
Which shit?
The shit you’ve been spinning to yourself.
“Oh, yeah, if I just keep pushing this here ole pile up the hill then SURELY it’ll stop smelling so bad soon enough, and SURELY the view and rewards will be plentiful and wonderful at the top?!”
Let’s be clear:
– Following your soul does not mean not doing the damn work you know you need to do
– Flow ain’t always comfortable
– And no, you’re not going to manifest jack SHIT by going on and on about how you’re gonna manifest it!!
It is easy to see what we are here for, what it is TIME for, and what we must now do.
We’re going to call in the power FUCK.THIS.SHIT. energy.
You’ve seen it.
It is obvious that it exists.
And it’s time to go get yours.
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