Kathy Johnson – Primitive Reflex Integration



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Kathy Johnson – Primitive Reflex Integration
In this recording, improve treatment for your clients by discovering the link between development and primitive reflexes. Learn to equate seven primitive reflexes with developmental stages and evaluate performance based on those completed stages. Practice simple techniques to immediately add to your sessions, leading to developmental successes for:

Sensory Processing Problems
Behavioral Challenges
Learning Disabilities
Neurological Deficits

Identify seven primitive reflexes and how they contribute to development
Test for and rate the severity of the retention of each reflex
Demonstrate the integration exercise, including modifications, for each reflex
Identify the behavioral and physical symptoms associated with each reflex
Examine why the reflexes may still be present
Discuss what reflex integration can and cannon accomplish

Primitive Reflexes Overview

Brain development
Possible reasons for retained reflex and re-emerging reflex
Reading, writing, math, ADHD, Autism, developmental delay
Primitive reflexes guidelines
Beyond primitive reflexes
What integration does not accomplish
What to do after integration

7 Primitive Reflexes, Including Hands-On Labs and Case Studies


Putting it all together

Hands-On Labs

Fear Paralysis Reflex
Palmar Reflex
Moro Reflex
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
Spinal Galant
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

Case Studies

Case Study 1: 11-year-old with Autism overcame hypersensitivities and became more social
Case Study 2: 57-year-old improved memory without memory tricks
Case Study 3: Student IQ test increased after 2 years of primitive reflex therapy
Case Study 4: Students improved intelligence in school findings with training