
Kate Northrup – Heal the Way You Work: Create Time, Money and Energy Abundance

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Kate Northrup – Heal the Way You Work: Create Time Money and Energy Abundance
Better Results with Less Stress
You can have the time, freedom, and profits that inspired you to start your business in the first place, but without the overwhelming stress and burnout.
What if you had enough time for the things that matter and you were running your dream business while feeling relaxed?
It’s been a game changer to understand that my energy isn’t recreated daily (and that all the productivity books I’d read were written by men and didn’t work for me!)

The Way You’re Working Isn’t Working

Time freedom seems like a dream
You’ve got no flexibility in sight.
You’re cranky at your partner and kids
You’re not making the money you thought you would

You envisioned your dream job or business allowing you to be present in you day to day life, but it’s not happening.
It’s time to stop your toxic work habits, reclaim your time (and your life) and stop sacrificing yourself at the altar of success.
Stop sacrificing yourself on the altar of success!
If you’re ready to Heal the Way You Work so that you get better results with less stress, now is your moment!
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver
There’s A Better Way

Do the work that lights you up and heals the world
Make great money without sacrificing yourself on the altar of success

It’s our time for reclamation and I’m going to show you how.
Do any of these feel true for you?

The strategies seem to be working for everyone else and you feel like if you were just more organized, more disciplined, more focused, or had more hours in the day, you could finally make it all work, too.
You don’t know where to focus to move the needle and you’re pulled in too many directions so you start a lot of different things but never manage to finish any of them, so you’re not getting the traction or making the revenue you could be.
You’re scared to put yourself out there because so many people are already doing the thing you want to do.
You don’t feel confident, you get in your own way, and you’re having trouble believing you’re enough to have the kind of business and impact you dream of.
You wake up at 3 am with repetitive thoughts about everything you have to do the next day and a low-level panic that you can’t keep holding it all together for much longer.

Making more money isn’t going to make it all better.
Neither is figuring out how to get more things done.
Want to know why?
There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all way of working, yet we’re all operating as though there is
Heal the Way You Work
Create Time, Money, and Energy Abundance

Design a workflow uniquely suited to your body and desired lifestyle (so you can stop the cycle of overdoing it and then crashing)
Protect your most precious assets (your time and energy) with powerful, loving boundaries and crystal clear priorities
Plan and execute on your business dreams in a way that’s aligned with your body and the wisdom of nature so that you feel replenished instead of drained in the process

Your content is very aligned with where I am (4 kids and starting a business) and I love your delivery.
What a gift! Thank you!

Are You Ready To
Heal The Way You Work?

Stop the cycle of overdoing it and then crashing
Create a sustainable, even regenerative, workflow so that your body, bank account, and entire life are nourished abundantly.
Watch or listen to the course in just 4 hours (all at once or over time)
Access all the lessons via private podcast so you can listen on the go.
Includes exercises, cheat sheets, checklists, and more that help you uncover your own work habits and clearly identify the ones that are working for you and, more

By the end of this program you’ll have:
Lesson 1:
Your Do Less, Earn More Year
Break the trance of linear time and tap into the truth of who you are as a cyclical being. Find a sweet momentum you never knew was possible when you start to relate to time and work cyclically.
No matter what time of year, this lesson walks you through reflection, visioning, pruning, focusing, and planning processes to ensure that what matters makes it on your annual calendar and happens.
You’ll end this lesson with a powerful, elegant plan for doing less and earning more this year.

4 Phases Cheat Sheet
Year in Review Handout
Project Pruning Guide
Making Your One Thing Inevitable Checklist
Annual Plan Checklist
Sacred Practices Planner
Sacred Practices Tracker

Lesson 2:
Quarterly/Seasonal Check-Ins for Resetting and Power Boosts
Ever get to the end of the year, re-read your annual goals and wonder what the heck happened because you’re so far off? When you do seasonal reviews and planning with our method, you’ll not only stay on track with your goals for your business, you’ll also ensure that the other areas of your life don’t get sacrificed along the way.
Holistic success never felt better and was never more attainable than with this system!

Seasonal Review + Planning Exercise

Lesson 3:
Monthly Mapping for Cyclical Success
Learn how to plan for your unique rhythm so that you reduce friction by going with your energetic flow instead of against it. Start practicing batching to optimize your energetic phases throughout the month and get more done in less time. And finally, get into rhythm with your business and team (if you have one) by optimizing your standard operating procedures. Having these systems and processes in place makes it so that things can happen without you and you can work on other things (or rest or play!)

Batching Planner
Sample Standard Operating Procedures

Lesson 4:
Friction-Free, Profitable Weeks
The quality of your life and the quality of your work (plus your results) hinges on your ability to invest your time well. In this lesson, you’ll learn the anatomy of the simple and powerful Do Less Weekly Planning Ritual that will have you feeling productive, spacious, and relaxed.
Plus, you’ll get practical tools and strategies to get the support you need to work in your Zone of Genius more and more of the time, an agenda for a Weekly Check-In with key players in your life so that you’re not left holding the bag alone, guidance to create your dream support system, and a step-by-step process for delegation.
No more shouldering the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s time to be supported as you do your important work in the world!

Weekly Planning Ritual
Template for Shared Life Management
Weekly Check-In Agenda
Scaffolding Inventory + Planner
Delegating Cheat Sheet

Lesson 5:
Doing Less on the Daily
(While Having and Achieving More)
Unlock the power of micro-attention on your daily energetic ebbs and flows so that you can stop pushing and start flowing! Learn how a simple, 5-minute daily practice can help you access energetic stores you never even knew existed!
Plus, learn to set effective boundaries in 5 easy steps. No more being pulled in a million different directions by what everyone else wants from you. Get your loving boundaries in place and prepare for way more time available for what you want!

Daily Energy Tracker
Boundary Setting in 5 Easy Steps

Lesson 6:
Manifesting with the Moon: Tapping into the Cosmos (and Gravity)

to Manifest Whatever You Want
Tap into the power and energy of the celestial body responsible for tides to manifest whatever you want.
Want to make more sales or revenue? Want to release resentments that you know are holding you back? Want a new romantic relationship or home?
The moon is there for us 24/7 and you can work with her to call in what you want without pushing or grinding. This lesson will teach you how.
Lunar Cycles 101 Cheat Sheet
Lesson 7:
Scientific Self-Love: Using the Trends Tracker to Know Your Cyclical Energy so You Can Support It and Prosper as a Result
You are the most magnificent creature and getting to know your cyclical energy can be the greatest gift of your life. Why? Because not only are you powerful. You’re also incredibly predictable in a cyclical way. Life and work get way easier when you get to know your own ebbs and flows because you know what to expect and how to support it for the best results!

Trends Tracker Download

Lesson 8:
Egg Wisdom: Use Your Biological Blueprint to Attract What You Want
Did you know your body is wired for attracting what you want? This lesson will clue you into the mind-blowing power of Egg Wisdom and teach you how to use it to attract the business and life of your dreams.
Lesson 9:
How to Increase Your Results by 80% While Decreasing Your Workload by 80%
Did you know that 80% of your results are caused by 20% of your actions? Pareto’s Principle operates at the core of our productivity whether we’re consciously paying attention or not…so we might as well use it! Dive into this lesson and exercise to know which tasks you can automate, delegate, or eliminate immediately to free yourself up for more work that moves the needle and lights you up!

Companion 80/20 Rule Exercise

Lesson 10:
The Friction-Free Way to Manage Your Projects for Ease, Effectiveness, and Space
Traditional project management strategies lead to burnout. When you manage your projects with nature as your blueprint, however, you tap into a level of sustainable success that’s not available when your sole focus is on getting as much done as possible.
Discover the Upward Cycle of Success, the unique project management system of The Origin Company, and prepare to have more peace, creativity, and results.

The Upward Cycle of Success Cheat Sheet

Hi! I’m Kate Northrup, CEO of The Origin Company and creator of Heal the Way You Work.
With two best-selling books plus a globally distributed planner system, a 7-figure company that serves tens of thousands of customers, two little kids and a less-than-40-hour workweek, I’ve discovered how to hold a full life lightly and allow myself to be held in the process..but it wasn’t always that way.
I used to schedule myself within an inch of my life and thought if I could just fit enough into my days, I would finally feel like I had it all together and could achieve the success I’d always dreamed of.
But underneath it all, I was an anxious stress-ball (despite trying meds) who couldn’t fall asleep at night and could never truly allow myself to let go.
Becoming a mother broke me in the most beautiful way possible, and that first year of parenthood (despite postpartum anxiety and insomnia, a sick baby who wouldn’t sleep, and only 10 hours of childcare a week), we managed to bring in the same amount of revenue in our business working less than half the amount of time we’d worked in the past.The moment I realized that I knew I had to figure out what we’d done differently and how we could not only repeat those results (minus the incredible stress of new parenthood) but also codify it as a system that others could follow, the Do Less methodology began to take shape, and I’ve been shouting it from the rooftops ever since.
The concepts and practices in Heal the Way You Work have changed my life and wellbeing on a fundamental level, as well as those of thousands of other people who’ve tried them. “Gamechanger” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

This course is my loving wake-up call for you so that you can step off the treadmill and finally heal the way you work and relate to time.
If this is the year you’re ready to finally exhale, break up with busy, run your business sustainably and abundantly and no longer sacrifice the wellbeing of the people you love (including yourself), I can’t wait to let you in on the secrets that have been hiding in plain sight your whole life.
Ready? Dive on in.
This is going to be momentous for you!
