Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Endless Love


(This course is available for immediate delivery) This course will be an exploration of those times. When we felt like we would never be loved or we felt that our love wasn’t valued.

Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Endless Love



Kate Freeman


Course will be delivered with recordings and downloadable workbooks.
12 sessions of recordings. Each recording is 1 to 2 hours.
The Basic Releasing Course is required to be taken for the Endless Love course.

The course will be gifted to you after purchase of the Endless Love course.

Are you looking for love in all the best places? If you are looking for love in other people, in being famous or in being needed…these are not the best places

You can recall the song that sings “Looking for love in all the wrong places/Lookin’ for love in too many faces/Searchin’ their eyes/Lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreaming of…”
As you probably sing that song in your head, so goes the desire in your mind for that kind of love. Do you have it? Or are you still looking?

Whether you have a love or not, it’s important to know love is really our inherent nature – not a person, object or place. Love is where we operate from when we are calm and peaceful and happy.

This course will be an exploration of those times. When we felt like we would never be loved or we felt that our love wasn’t valued.
When we felt our love wasn’t available.
When being loved wasn’t available.
So many of us have tried to find love in relationships. These relationships are happiest when we are loving, and we’re using our energy to love other people.
So are you ready? Would you like to find love where it already is?
Get immediately download Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Endless Love

Just how free would you feel if you knew the right place to look for love?

Can’t you imagine how much better life would be when you aren’t efforting to find or keep love in your life?
This course will give you a boost – to that new lovingest life that is possible now.
And if you have already found love in your life, wouldn’t you like to keep love in your life and enhance that love to its most superlative?
If you’re ready to let it all go, come and join us for Endless Love. And we’re going to have fun with it – after all, letting go is FUN!
Being freer and having love in life is about the best feeling there is!


We will be working very deeply and coming out of it freer than we ever thought we could.
Can you imagine how much better you will feel, full to overflowing with LOVE??

About Kate Freeman

Kate has been facilitating Releasing courses, retreats and coaching sessions for over 35 years.
Kate brings a tender but knowing attention to her work with clients, often facilitating life-changing shifts with the gentleness of a whisper.
Her focus is in mirroring true presence so that students and clients can feel very safe and grounded while delving into their next challenge and letting it go very quickly.
Kate’s ability to help them drop anything in the way of their pure Unlimitedness is profound. She facilitates retreats, courses and coaching worldwide.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Endless Love