Karla Marie – Fiction Profits Academy 3.0



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Karla Marie – Fiction Profits Academy 3.0
The Done-For-You Fiction Program With More Results Than Any Other Course
FPA Provides Premium One-On-One Coaching As Well As A First Class Video Course

Who is this for?

Anyone wanting to make easy and repeatable passive income online month after month.
Do I need experience?

NO! This program is designed for complete beginners.
How long before I’m making money

Anyone wanting to make easy and repeatable passive income online month after month.

When You Join FPA You Get…

10 Easy to Follow Modules
For Signing Up Today You Also Get…

List of 500 Money Making Themes
Access To Our MASSIVE Email List
​Additional FPA Membership
30 Done-For-You Publishing Templates
24 Hour Profits Generator
E-Book Production Team Access

Check Out These Results From Other

Who Already Took The Leap Of Faith And Joined Us…
Karla Marie

Karla started Fiction Profits Academy in 2015 after years of earning 6 figures from publishing fiction novels. Karla has a passion for helping others and loves teaching. Karla is now able to stay home and raise her son and work from anywhere.
Roy Lewis

Roy Lewis took Karla’s course in 2016 and went on to earn 2.3 million dollars publishing fiction novels. He now enjoys helping people reach their financial goals and surfs and plays golf EVERY day.
Want more proof? 


When I found this program, it literally changed my life.I was able to quit my corporate job in 2018 and build a thriving full-time business that allowed me to achieve freedom and really live the life I had always dreamed of!

Thank you Karla Marie for showing me how to escape the rat race. Forever grateful!!

Karla’s course was life-changing for me. I started Kindle Publishingthinking that I can do it by myself looking a few videos on youtube.

After not seeing results for a while and getting frustrated, I decided to stop doing Kindle publishing. Before quitting, I messaged a few on FB asking for their help. Everyone was telling the same thing, enroll for Karla’s program. I decided to give it a try and join the course. I am amazed with the support I received from the community Karla has built.

I am very thankful to Karla for her amazing program.