
Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand

Original price was: ₹1,199,100.00.Current price is: ₹92,130.00.



Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand, Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand, Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand download, Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand review, Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand free torent
Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind – On-Demand
This is the “Lite” version of the LIVE year-long Mastermind, meaning there are NO LIVE intensives or Quantum Human Design™ Levels 1&2 Professional Certification Training included.

This is the ONLY Human Design Coaching program that integrates this powerful tool with a powerful system to help you build a thriving coaching practice.
Not only will you get an in-depth understanding of Quantum Human Designâ„¢ but also a strong foundation in how to build a coaching practice that sustains and supports you.

Does this sound like you?

YOU’VE HEARD ABOUT HUMAN DESIGN, MAYBE YOU’VE EVEN STUDIED IT ON YOUR OWN OR WITH ONE OF THE MANY EXCELLENT HUMAN DESIGN TEACHERS OUT THERE, but you’re confused about how to actually apply what you know about Human Design in an actionable, goal-oriented way with your coaching clients.
YOU’RE A COACH AND YOU’VE BEEN HEARING ALL THE BUZZ ABOUT HOW POWERFUL HUMAN DESIGN CAN BE for helping you accelerate your client’s success but you don’t know where to start learning Human Design for coaching.
YOU LOVE HUMAN DESIGN and you want to learn a high-vibrational, grounded way to learn how to use Human Design to really help people, but you don’t know where to start.
YOU KNOW YOUR PURPOSE IN THE WORLD IS TO HELP PEOPLE DISCOVER THEIR AUTHENTIC PURPOSE and to help them structure an actionable plan to create an authentic aligned life and you want to most effective, empowered way to help people activate their potential.
YOU LOVE TO BLEND SCIENCE WITH PERSONAL GROWTH and you’re been on a quest for a way to blend science and spirituality to really help people reach peak performance and fulfill their potential.
YOU’RE CALLED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD….to lead, teach, coach and inspire and you’re looking for a way to build a sustainable, profitable, thriving practice doing the work your Heart is calling you to do…
In the way that’s right for you.
If you’ve been trying to learn or use Human Design in a way that is practical and helps you help more people but you don’t know where to start or what to do next, it’s not your fault.
The maze of Human Design information can be overwhelming to navigate. It’s an elegant system that can be complex to learn – even though it’s actually pretty simple.

Not only that, in spite of the many amazing Human Design programs out there, most don’t teach you how to actually USE Human Design as a coaching tool. The language in traditional Human Design is clunky and doesn’t always speak to the awakened potential in your clients so you’re hesitant to use it without modifying it in a way that lifts your clients up.
If you’ve been looking for a way to do good and important work in the world as a coach, but you don’t know what to study, how to make sure what you learn is relevant to coaching or helping others heal and you’re wondering how to actually turn coaching into a profitable business without burning yourself out, the Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind Program offers you the depth and practicality of a Human Design coach training program with a system that helps you build a strong foundation to either build or scale your coaching or healing practice.
My name is Karen Curry Parker.
Integrating Human Design with coaching is a powerful way to accelerate your client’s growth and progress. Using Human Design and high-level coaching gives you deep insights into how you can help your clients quickly pivot, become more resilient and support them in truly creating a life that is the manifestation of their Authentic Selves.

When you know how to use Human Design, it gives you a powerful edge in the coaching or healing industry.
But knowing Human Design isn’t enough to help you build a thriving practice. You have to know how to build an enduring and sustainable coaching or healing practice that supports you.
Not only that, you have to have a strong and deep enough foundation for your practice that you can pivot and adapt to whatever changes happen in the world and in the marketplace.
I’ve been a Life Coach for 24 years, a student and teacher of Human Design for 23 years. I’m one of the few people in the world who studied personally with the original creator of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu. I’m also the author of one of the world’s top-selling Human Design books, Understanding Human Design and many other Human Design books.
Adding Human Design as an essential tool to your coaching and healing practice will dramatically change the results you get with your clients. You’ll be quickly get to the root of their pain or “stuck-ness” and know how to integrate vital information about their Life Purpose, how to sustain their energy and well-being, and accelerate their results.
I have coached and trained more than 10,000 people to use Human Design as a powerful coaching tool and to build thriving coaching practices that sustain them and give them the freedom to serve the world in the way that’s right and aligned for them.
Isn’t it time for you to find the path that’s right for you, to get the training, support, experience and foundation that you need to learn how to use Quantum Human Design™ as one of the most effective coaching tools in the world and a powerful way to help others discover who they were meant to be?
I look forward to working with you!”
Introducing the Quantum Human Design Coach Mastermind Program:

Through QHDCMM On-Demand, you’ll receive pre-recorded video lessons and learn to master the complexities and the power of Quantum Human Design™ and to learn to use Quantum Human Design™ as a coaching tool that dramatically accelerates your client’s success.
To master this system, you need a depth of knowledge that’s delivered in a way that helps you quickly integrate the information you need. You need to learn from experienced people who understand the full scope of traditional Human Design and Quantum Human Design™ and can help you know exactly how to use these two systems as a coaching tool. You need a specific model that helps you craft an actionable plan for your clients so that they don’t just learn about their chart, the discover exactly what they need to do to use the chart as a “map” to build an authentic life.
We’ll also help you learn how to build a sustainable coaching practice in the way that’s right for you and your unique energy blueprint.
So you can keep doing the work you love…
What You’ll Get in the Quantum Human Design™ Coach Mastermind On-Demand:
7 Powerful Modules Covering the Following Topics:

• The QHD Coaching Model

• The Power of Personal Branding

• Creativity and Human Design

• Building your Platform

• Action and Motivation by Type

• Funnels and Launches

• Motivation and Resiliency
Complete Vault and Self-Study Training: (valued at over $2K)

• Quantum Leadership Activation

• Transform Your Relationships

• Money by Design

• Quantum Money

• Writing by Design

• Quantum Alignment System™ Foundation Course

• Quantum Business Activation Quantum Alignment Program (QAP)

• The Solar Plexus Mutation

• QAS Resiliency Keys

• Quantum Narrative
HERE AT THE QUANTUM ALIGNMENT SYSTEM, we believe that we are standing on the cusp of a Creative Revolution that will prove to be as vital to our understanding of how the world works as the Scientific Revolution was hundreds of years ago.
WE BELIEVE that to evolve the world, we must live in the energy of inspiration and possibility thinking. We model and teach you how to harness your innate creative power that helps you stay connected to that Divine Spark that takes your breath away and elegantly delivers the solutions to the challenges facing a rapidly evolving world.
WE DEFINE creativity as the ability to transform an inspiration into a manifested idea. This includes not only artistic creations that lift people up and inspire them, but also the manifestation of ideas that promise to change the world we live in and usher in an era of just, equitable, sustainable peace.
AS A COACH, it’s your role to help people reconnect to their true creative power. The more people we wake up to this creative power, the easier it will be for us to find the solutions to the challenges facing humanity today.
WHETHER YOU END UP COACHING PEOPLE ONE-ON-ONE or leading hundreds of people on stage, your work as a Quantum Human Design Coach, will help change the world.
WE ALWAYS have our ear to the ground and our sights set on the fastest, most effective way to deliver inspiration so that your work is immediately relevant to the current cultural dialogue. We keep your contribution on the leading edge of change so that you get to do what you are meant to do with your life.
WE ARE A COLLABORATIVE NEXUS, a portal that shares the art and science of maximizing creative power, a gateway to deep alignment and fulfillment of the potential of humanity, a home for inspired thinkers and a source for inspiration the keeps us all aligned with a future that is worthy of the Heart of Who We AreFrom our Hearts to Yours,

Karen and the Quantum Human Designâ„¢ Coach Mastermind Team