
Kamalifestyles – Conversation Script Builder Tool & The Art of Dating 11 Ebooks Bundle Set

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Kamalifestyles – Conversation Script Builder Tool & The Art of Dating 11 Ebooks Bundle Set
Quickly Create Amazing Scripts That Land Dates and Never Run Out of Things to Say

How important is mastering the art of conversation in increasing your success with women? Whether it’s a cold approach or meeting the woman you like online, a conversation is one of the crucial aspects of getting the woman you want.
However, most men just don’t know what women want to hear, and they end up losing the woman they like. I know it can sometimes be challenging to know what women are looking for in conversation or a man. But what if I told you that there are formulas and scripts that can help you become a master in talking to women.
Would you go or it? Let’s take a quick assessment, right?

Do you experience approach anxiety with women?
Do you run out of things to say when you are talking to a woman?
Do you fall into the conversation traps when talking to women?
Do you want to become eloquent and fascinating to women?

If any of your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. At the end of it, you will have a solution to how you can start your journey to become the master of conversation with women.
For years Kamalifestyles has always come up with new ways to help guys build themselves and get the women they want. We continuously do our research and develop fool-proof tools that will take you a step closer to becoming a women’s magnet. Well, we have another exciting product that will cut your work by more than half.
I am talking about the Kamalifestyles’ Script Builder. It is one of the tools that we use in in-house training’s, but with everything going on, we can use some good news.
That’s why we are releasing Kamalifestyles’ best-kept secret to the world. Its success in our in-house training is phenomenal, and that’s why we can’t keep it as a secret during a time that everyone needs someone.

Most men who experience approach anxiety it’s usually because of a lack of things to say or confidence. It is a bad place to be because approach anxiety imprisons you to live on the sidelines while your peers and friends flourish in the dating scene.However, if you know what to say, you will be confident to approach a beautiful woman you like online and off line because you believe in your content and know exactly what to say.
It is a form of liberation isn’t it? We tested the Script Builder with guys who were experiencing approach anxiety, and the results were phenomenal.
After one to two tries, they were confident to approach beautiful women and engage them in an exciting conversation. Their success rate with women went up.
As it is a product that is targeted towards attracting females we decided that it would be a good idea to see if my own female friends would find it attractive and feel the seduction. So we began conducting social experiments where my old and new clients would approach my friends with our newly built scripts them without knowing. And I also got them approach other girls on dating apps, the streets, bars, coffee shops and clubs.
The experiments were very successful. Especially my friend was nearly going to fall in love with the client as our seduction scripts were very effective. My friend had a boyfriend so we had to stop the test as she felt little bit guilty.
So, the client ran the scripts on one of my other single friends and the result was even better and my friend said she would definitely date the client… later on we all went out and the client made out with my friend using the seduction scripts.
The same client was out on his own after practicing the openers and the attraction script builder template the following week and he got an instant date and seduced a woman by using the script builder seduction templates. Listen guys this is just a glimpse of what you can do with this script builder!

You can easily build the dating and seduction scripts using the templates in Script Builder.

Yes you can honestly… there are many templates in it. The Script Builder comes in various formats depending on which topic you want to tackle. Let’s say you want to know how to approach a woman and start a conversation. Usually, when you approach a woman in the streets, bar, or anywhere, you have a short window to capture her attention and build her interest in you. We have developed a Script Builder that can help you capture the attention of the woman you’ve approached before your window expires.The Script Builder also includes different circumstances that you might find yourself approaching a woman and how to do it skillfully. For example, the Script Builder has a day game and street openers to help you know how to approach such a situation if you ever find yourself in it.
However, most men just don’t know what women want to hear, and they end up losing the woman they like. I know it can sometimes be challenging to know what women are looking for in conversation or a man. But what if I told you that there are formulas and scripts that can help you become a master in talking to women.
The trick to capturing her interest in you depends on how quickly you can assess her and now what she is into. Now, the Script Builder has a format that will help you be able to determine the kind of woman she is and what her interest is. That is just one of the Script Builders in Kamalifestyles treasure chest.

The Script Builder Gives You The Templates, Scripts And Strategies Which Will Help You Approach, Date, Text and Attract Women!

Yes, we have Script Builders for a wide array of topics that can help you advance to getting women. Some of them include;

Creating conversation hooks
Bridging conversations
Overcoming dating objections
Conversation redirection
Keeping up with a boring conversation script builder among so many others.

Script Builders are tailored to be flexible so that you can customize the scripts to fit your personality, needs, and strengths. So, what are the benefits of using Kamalifestyles’ Script Builder? Well;

You’ll never run out of things to say. The Script Builder is designed to give you the hooks in conversation that most men overlook but have great importance in wowing the woman.
You will attract women easily. The Script builder will help you to form all the attraction routines and stories.
You will control the conversation. It’s also designed to help you redirect the conversation masterfully if a topic introduced does not favor you. Approach anxiety can be beaten with preparedness.
You will be more confident than ever before. The Script Builder helps you prepare your content so that you don’t freeze when you want to approach a woman.
You will forget the anxiety as it will never be an issue. The Script Builder gives you pointers on what to look for, thus reducing your anxiety levels.
You will overcome any dating objections effortlessly. The script builder will show you the way to encounter all the objections thus reducing flakes.
You will build trust and comfort. The Script Builder will help you masterfully craft your comfort and trust building routines.
You will take more action. It is easy to conquer what you understand. When you know what women want, it becomes easy to get the women you want. The Script Builders are designed to help you know what interests and fascinates the woman you have approached. There are sneaky techniques that can be used to get to understand a woman without asking her bluntly.
You will be more assertive. When you know the answer or a solution to something, you become assertive and confident when you approach the situation. The Script Builders are designed to blend with your personality and still be giving you the assertiveness and conversation mastery skill you need to get the woman you want.
You will be more successful with women. When it’s all said and done, you will always have the woman you desire. Women are attracted to men who challenge and intrigue them at the same time. The Script Builders are designed to give you that edge that most women look for in men.

There are so many benefits to using the Script Builders that we cannot exhaust all on a single page. Sometimes you might approach a woman that seems to like you, but you still lose her because the ambiance was not right.
You can create the type of conversation ambiance you want by following simple guides in the Script Builders. It’s also important to note that the Script Builders are blueprints that will help you architecture the type of conversation you want and come to the desired outcome.
Training yourself to talk to women can trigger a persuasive and influential effect on your personality. You’ll find yourself becoming persuasive to people around you.
There you have the secret. Now, the question is, what are you going to do with the secret? Are you going to sideline yourself and see the beautiful girls being taken by other guys, or are you going to step up and take your share of glory?

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]