Kam Yuen – Home Study Course Digital Content


The Yuen Method™ energetic healing technique is a form of Chinese Energetic Medicine that has taken ancient Chinese healing and combined it with a blending of modern western knowledge including anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics, Qi and Shen Gong Training.

Kam Yuen – Home Study Course Digital Content

The Yuen Method™ energetic healing technique is a form of Chinese Energetic Medicine that has taken ancient Chinese healing and combined it with a blending of modern western knowledge including anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics, Qi and Shen Gong Training. Dr. Kam Yuen D. C. developed his Yuen Method Of Chinese Energetic Medicine is the result of a lifetime of martial arts training, as well as being a structural engineer and a doctor of chiropractics. I also studied nutritional therapy and homeopathy.
These are digital items that you can download from our VIP Membership section:

10 recordings of TeleSeminar calls made with Dr. Yuen ($250+ & unavailable for individual purchase)

Digitial download from Dr. Yuen speaking at the 2009 Health Freedom Expo ($9.97 & unavailable for individual purchase)

All this plus 1 month of Infinite Radio Experience for free! ($29.97)