Justin Sardi & Zane Miller – Video Traffic Geyser



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Justin Sardi & Zane Miller – Video Traffic Geyser
What Will I learn Inside?
Session #1: The Big Picture
Key Components of the System

What makes a good offer?

Becoming an authority

Laying the foundation for success

Optimizing your properties for long term ranking

What Else is Possible?

Your own product


Physical products

Landing clients

High ticket consulting

Traffic Sources

Getting the most out of your traffic

Preparing for remarketing

The user experience
Session #2: Crafting Your Gameplan

Why do I need a funnel?

How these types of funnels work

Building buzz/interest

Collecting leads



Target audience

Your product/service

Prepping for the video ad campaign

Finding infuencers

Research Hacks and Tools

Tools of the trade

Quick research hacks
Session #3: Putting the Plan into Motion
Content Generation Strategies

Building content around the sale

Structuring your content

Crafting your sales video

Collecting leads


On page optimization

You want me to put those keywords where?

Visual optimization

Directing traffic

Why Haven’t I Heard of This Before?!?

Creative Commons with Editor

Intro Branding

Interactive Videos

In-Video Programming

Session #4: Video Ads Catalyst
Adwords for Video Basics

Platform overview

Advanced campaign setup for beginners

Targeting options

Conversion tracking

Monitoring and tweaking

When to Use Each Ad

All ads are not created equal

Setting up ads for conversions

Aligning your ad with targeting type

Overall Strategy

Scripting your video ads

Annotations vs Call to Action

Keeping the Big G happy

Deciphering analytic
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