Justin Leigh – Focus4growth Sales Acceleration



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Justin Leigh – Focus4growth Sales Acceleration
Programmes to Accelerate your Sales & Sales Leadership Performance
The INSPIRE, INFLUENCE, SELL online programme has been specifically designed for Sales & Business professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage. Using the proven growth systems, principles and tools from the best-selling book INSPIRE, INFLUENCE, SELL, this programme will accelerate your team’s confidence, performance and results.
The INSPIRE, INFLUENCE, SELL online programme has been designed to be completed with video tutorials helping you apply the content as you develop in your role and engage with clients. Many participants find it’s useful to work through the programme alongside the best-selling book and completion of the Sales Acceleration Scorecard.
The speed and pace of completion will depend on the ‘sales readiness’ of you, your organisation and team.
This could range from weeks to months, application and results are the key measures of success.
Work through each module step by step and enjoy applying the principles as you learn them.
The content will be continually updated with the most up to date sales principles and resources.
The SMP can be used as an ongoing ‘sales acceleration resource’ for your organisation.
Hi, I’m Justin Leigh
I’ve led some of the highest performing sales and business teams in the UK. I’ve worked for some amazing Blue-Chip Companies. Now I train, coach and consult for some of the most dynamic, fast growth companies on the planet!
These companies have an ‘unfair competitive advantage’, they have the budgets to invest in the best training and coaching from some of the most experienced trainers and coaches, using the most cutting-edge strategies available in the world today. They don’t just get better in Sales & Business, they get better in all areas of their lives!
When I created my training and coaching business I wanted to positively impact the lives of millions of sales & business people. To help them learn from the years of training, development, coaching and experience I had gained from over 25 years in sales & business.
I kept asking myself, how can I make this ‘World-class Sales Training & Coaching’ available to more business teams, sales teams and leaders, so they get the same ‘unfair advantage’?
That’s the entire reason these programmes exist – so you get the same ‘unfair competitive advantage’.
Now, you and your team can be world class too! In Sales, Business and life.
Welcome to the next level!
Programme Content


Welcome to the Sales Acceleration Programme

Evidence – Why is Sales Process important?

Overview of the programme – The 3 Key Areas

Introduction to RISE Model

Introduction to Prepare2 Framework

Introduction to INSPIRe Sales System

The Customer Journey & our sales process


Ready to get started

About the instructor

Downloadable Resources

Mindset & Sales Success Principles

Cultivating a Growth Mindset – Part 1

Cultivating a Growth Mindset – Part 2

Vital Statistics & The 10 Commandments of Sales

Test your learning

Downloadable resources

The ‘RISE’ Framework for Lead Generation & Nurturing

The RISE Model overview





Test your learning

Downloadable resources

Prepare2 Framework – Preparing for success!

Prepare2 Framework introduction

Prepare2 Worksheet Template

BONUS – Remote/ Virtual Selling Top 10 Principles

BONUS – Inbound calls

BONUS – Your Hook, Setting Objectives & Mental Rehearsal

Test your learning

Downloadable Resources

The INSPIRe Sales Process

The INSPIRe Sales System overview


BONUS – Listening – Your Blocks & The Three Levels

BONUS – Trust & Relationships

Insight & Impact

Needs Discovery 1 – Qualifying Questions

Needs Discovery 2 – High Quality Open Questions

Needs Discovery 3 – Closed, Probe & Magic Question

BONUS – Tough Questions – Ask Permission



BONUS – Listening, Reflecting & Summarising

Solutions Discussion

BONUS – Handling Objections

BONUS – Negotiating


Immediate Action


Test your learning

BONUS – Field Visit Sales Coaching Tool

BONUS – Webinar Master Remote Sales & Influence

Downloadable Resources

Wrap up

Course recap – The Three Models

Your feedback

What’s next

Sales Mastermind Workshop Sessions

September 2020 Mastermind

October 2020 Sales Mastermind

November 2020 Sales Mastermind

December 2020 Sales Mastermind

January 2021 Mastermind

February 2021 Sales Mastermind

March 2021 Mastermind

April 2021 Mastermind

May 2021 Mastermind

June 2021 Sales Mastermind

July 2021 Sales Mastermind

Aug 2021 Sales Mastermind

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Oct 2021 Sales Mastermind

Nov 21 Sales Mastermind