
Julian Cole – Strategy Finishing School

Original price was: ₹165,751.00.Current price is: ₹5,040.00.


What You Get:
Progress to a leadership role in strategy with the Strategy Finishing School.
The BIG-T Strategist model gives you a;:

• Strong foundation in the strategy craft with 9 modules

• BIG-T modules (Diplomacy, Management, and Selling Strategy) that elevate you to leadership
The School includes lifetime access to;

• 80+ video lessons
Master the skills of strategy needed at the 3 levels of your career
The modules help you at the three levels (Strategist, Strategy Director and Head Of Strategy).
Chapter 1 – Strategy Fundamentals (Strategist)
Chapters 2-8 – Research, Insights, Briefing, Brand Strategy, Comms Planning, Advertising Effectiveness, Business Strategy (Strategy Director)
Chapters 9-11 – Diplomacy, Management, Selling Strategy (Head Of Strategy)
Save your time with templates you can copy/paste
You will have access to the Strategy Finishing School Library, which is a Google folder containing presentations and templates that have saved Julian and other strategists hours of presentation creation time.
You can copy and paste templates including strategy set up decks, content strategy, scoping strategy, comms planning, strategy department vision, to over 100+ frameworks that are designed for you to swipe and save.
Course Modules & Lessons
Strategy Fundamentals
What is strategy?

Writing a strategy

Different types of strategy

Managing Downtime

Short Sharp Strategy

Who’s Who In Agencies

Strategy In Under An Hour

Helpful Strategy Resources
Kick Off Questions

Strategy Scrapbook

Art of Interviewing Clients

Evaluating Data Sources

Validating Problems/Insights
What are insights?

Insights vs. observations

Flipping Insights

Polishing Insights

Adding Tension
Creative Briefing
How to write a creative brief
Sacred Six Brief Template

Tactical Briefs
Single Minded Proposition
Biggest Mistakes With Creative Briefing
Giving Creative Feedback
Tips for Briefing Remotely
Brand Strategy
What is Brand Strategy?
Brand Frameworks
Brand Benefit Ladders
Brand Architecture
Brand Archetypes
Comms Planning
What is Comms Planning?
Consumer Journey Tools
Consumer Journey Mapping
Comms Framework
Comms Planning Questions
Tactical Briefing
Articulating An Idea
Idea Formula
Building Out An Execution
Campaign Ecosystem
Content Strategy (Annual)
Framework Factory
Innovation Checklist
Advertising Effectiveness
How Advertising Works
Cogs of Marketing Effectiveness
Mental And Physical Availability
Distinctive Assets
Category Entry Points
Different Types of Measurement
Creating a KPI Framework
Business Strategy
SWOT Analysis
Reading a Financial Report
Proactive Strategy
Growth Matrix

Business Strategy Models (Coming Soon)
Professional Development
Transitioning Into Strategy
Strategy Confidence
How To Get A Raise
Creating Your Pitch
Strategy Portfolio Website
Politics 101

How To Work With Creatives

How To Work With Media Agencies

Giving Creative Feedback

Designing Decks

Writing Presentations
Managing Planners

Strategist Interview Questions

Setting Up A Strategy Department

Setting Up A Strategy Department Vision

Scoping Strategy

Being Strategy About Resourcing
Selling Strategy
Scoping Strategy

Being Strategic About Strategy

Proactive Strategy

RICK Sales Model

How Agencies Make Money

Strategy Sales Models