Josh & Andy Harrington – Get New Clients Academy



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Josh & Andy Harrington – Get New Clients Academy
How To Get 48 ‘Discovery Calls’ Automatically Booked Into Your Calendar Each And Every Month From People With The The Money AND Motivation To Become A Paying Client

Without having to post ANY free content on social media or direct message people on LinkedIn
Your Presenter:

Andy Harrington

Author of Sunday Times Best-Seller ‘Passion Into Profit’
What You’ll Learn:

​​How to set up the marketing for your coaching, training or consulting business in a way that automatically generates high quality leads without having to do anything manually.
​​How to create a mini-presentation that you record just once that will do all the heavy lifting of moving your ideal client from stranger to client.
How to switch your business from just a one-to-one business model to a one-to-many so you can serve more people and make more money without adding ANY more hours.
​And so much more….