Joseph Riggio – Mythoself Experience


how you hold yourself in the world, how you relate to others, what to be doing, how to be doing whatever you choose to do … PERFORMING EXQUISITELY … in ways that will create a life worth living … for you and for those you care about … and those you love…

Joseph Riggio – Mythoself Experience

The premise of the Mythogenic Self Process is extremely simple …

The quality of your life is not dependent on how you do it, but rather on the position you hold.
This position can be reached by tapping into deep currents that inform you, and others, about who you really are at the core. …

This is the essence of who and what you are.
The Mythogenic Self Process can help you access your best self by teaching and using it.
Using the wisdom and skills you’ve gained along the way you’ll be able to make significant choices about yourself …

how you hold yourself in the world, how you relate to others, what to be doing, how to be doing whatever you choose to do … PERFORMING EXQUISITELY …

in ways that will create a life worth living …

for you and for those you care about … and those you love.
We all have experienced those days when we wake up to find the world has set us up so that we have what can only best be described as a perfect day.
From the moment you open your eyes to the moment you fall back asleep this day has been … “as good as it gets.”
For most people, days are like this. ‘once in a blue moon’ – when the Sun and Moon … Jupiter and Venus have aligned just right – today will be ‘your perfect day’.
Maybe on vacation or when you’ve planned something really special or you’re celebrating some unique event in your life – on days like this you find it possible,

not guaranteed but possible, that you’ll have one of those perfect days.
The MythoSelf process goes beyond just hoping for a day like this. ‘to just happen’.
Instead, learn how you are on days similar to this. ‘perfect’ days – you can recreate them and have them whenever you choose – anywhere, anytime, with any one – or even with no one at all – regardless of the circumstance or situation … no matter what!
This magic is found in the MythoSelf Process
The Secret to Uncovering Your Unique Success Blueprint
* Act Like a Tiger … And NOT Like A Deer Waiting To Be Hunted Down

* How To Stop Asking For Permission To Be At Your Best

* The Difference Between Just Feeling Pretty Good And Really Living Your Life To The Fullest!
This post contains:
• “Taipei 2009 MythoSelf Experience”  (the uncut, uncensored audio version of the training, mp3 audio).
• “Behind the Scene Advanced MythoSelf Presentation”.
• 3 Special Audio Recordings on Power | Creativity | Influence  from the popular Private Access ™ Program Membership
•  Mythoself – Decision-Making – Taipei 2009
Joseph Riggio The architect and designer of MythoSelf Process.
Joseph Is the author of “Towards a Theory of Transpersonal Decision-Making in Human Systems” Available at
He also studied and practiced architectural design professionally and spent many years as a professional trainer and behaviorist for animals.
Joseph apprenticed and studied intensively for seven years with NLP Master Trainer, Roye Fraser or NLP America/ Blue Dell Systems, the creator of the Generative Imprintâ„¢ Model,

and is one of a select few individuals to have been approved as a trainer of the Generative Imprintâ„¢ Model by Roye.