Jose Rosado – 10 Year Shortcut



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Jose Rosado – 10 Year Shortcut
Welcome to 10 Year Shortcut
The Step-by-step Guide To Plan, Build, And Launch A Funnel That Makes $100-$500/day
8-week program to turn emails into checks even if you don’t have technical skills or aren’t a writer or english is your second language.
I made my first $100K online in 2019.
2019 was a year of building and crafting my system.
Then came 2020.
My system was fire-proofed by all the chaos we experienced globally in 2020.
Nowadays, making six figures only takes me a couple of weeks.
For example:
In November 2021, I made $134,522 with a funnel that took me 6 hours to set up – a simple funnel that anyone can use.
I’m not telling you this to brag, but to show you what’s possible.
I don’t have any special powers.
I’m a regular guy trying to makes sense of this world.
But certainly, my success wasn’t a lucky stroke.
It was the result of the 4-step system I put together – a repeatable system that allows people in different niches, with different interests, and with different levels of expertise to get real results.
Let Me Unpack The 10-Year Shortcut Program
Week 1-2: Plan Your Funnel

Wait.. WFT is a funnel? It’s the steps you potential clients take to become clients.
Get it right the first time.

How to plan your funnel
The easiest way to create a profitable funnel even if you’re a non-techy person – you don’t need coding and design skills to make it work
​How to create a “bait” to fill your funnel with potential clients
​Lead magnet ideas you can create in 30 minutes
​Tips for creating your lead magnets

Week 3-4: Build Your Funnel

Automate the boring parts.

​The quickest and easiest way to start with email marketing using a professional state-of-the-art tool
Examples of emails I send to my list with explanations about the psychological principles I use in each email. (Feel free to use them as inspiration)
​How to create a landing pages that convert without being a professional designer
Simple ways to automate scheduling and following up on your sales meetings

Week 5-6: Launch Your Funnel

Get people into your system.

How to self-promote even if you hate self-promotion
How to generate leads quickly
​Simple ways to use DMs to make money
​A proven system to create endless amounts of content that attract potential customers willing to buy

Week 7-8: Sell Like Crazy

Close deals like never before.

​Increase your fees with confidence
​The Barely Legal $100K Sales Script that I use to close deals fast
​​A clear explanation of how to conduct high-ticket sales call – the kind that gets your prospect to reveal their deepest secrets to you and get you paid
​​How to get paid on the phone

A System To Turn Words Into Paychecks.

A straight-line path to grow a six-figure business with email marketing
​The success funnels to go from $0 to $10K months.
A look over my shoulder: Watch Jose Rosado’s system in action.
​The rock-solid messaging foundations that’ll make your prospects drool for your services and products.
The automated persuasion system to drive people crazy for your services and products.
​Persuasion secrets you can use to close $2K to $5K services.
​Bonus: Plug-and-play sales script you can use to close deals high-ticket deals in 30 minutes.
Bonus: ​How to conduct a high-ticket sales call – the kind that gets your prospect to reveal their deepest secrets to you and get you paid.

Hi, I’m Jose Rosado.
I’ve been perfecting my systems to generate more leads with social media, automate the boring parts, and crafting a persuasive sales pipeline that works.
I’ve seen people who have 100K followers who barely made a couple of bucks online. I’ve seen people with less than 1000 followers who made thousand of dollars online.
The main difference between them?
One had a better system. I show how to set up that system.