Jordan Welch – Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course



Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course, Jordan Welch – Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course, Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course download, Jordan Welch – Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course review
Jordan Welch – Ecom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course
In this course, i’ve left no stone unturned and provided every single method & strategy required to grow a successful eCommerce business in this booming digital era.
If you’ve viewed any of my content previously you will know that I am transparent about what I do and how you can do the same.
This material can serve as a start to finish guide on building and scaling an online eCommerce store with shopify & facebook advertising.
You will find the exact systems and strategies required to find success in this industry.
I’ve grown one of my Shopify Stores to nearly in just under 8 months with these exact systems.
Along with this i’ve been able to help other entrepreneurs generate over $500,000 online with my content.
This course is the all-in-one package you need to grow & scale your eCommerce business. The content ranges from building out your store, to product research, to the explosive strategies to scale further to scale past five figures a day.
Let’s push the gas and take off!
My name is Jordan, I am a 21 year old serial entrepreneur.
I come from a lower class single parent household and my main goal since I was a child was to change the situation for myself and my family.
I have been pursuing entrepreneurship and starting companies since the age of 14… after 5 failed businesses I have discovered my passion is in digital marketing and eCommerce, so therefore I went all in.
After graduating high school my main focus was to create a profitable online business. After enrolling in to university I struggled for many months pursuing goals that were not in line with my own. I was broke and surrounded by people who weren’t on the same path as me. After my first year of college, I decided to take the summer off and figure out what business I want to create.
Using the last $600 that I had leftover from a student loan refund check, I launched my eCommerce business on the first day of summer and worked 12-15 hours every single day at growing this business. After 7 months of failure & growth I finally had a breakthrough with my business. It was this point I had my systems understood, I doubled down and went all in. I am now generating over six figures consistently every single month with my online businesses. Essentially I have achieved the goals that I set out for myself whilst developing the plan for this business initially. Though this is just the beginning..
While growing my own company is incredibly important to me and I plan on accomplishing incredible things this year with my eCommerce businesses. I also understand that I have an opportunity to share my knowledge with the masses to allow others to change their lives in the same way that I did.
My values lie in transparency, authenticity and shamelessly providing value. That’s what you will find in my content.
Let’s hit the gas!
Course Curriculum

StartWelcome To The Course! (2:01)


StartEssential Entrepreneur Reading List

StartAccess Your Bonus Content Here!


StartDestroying Common Myths About Dropshipping (13:27)

StartFull Breakdown Of The Business Model (6:30)

StartCreating An Effective Strategy To Generate Results (15:00)

StartThe KEY To Understanding Customer Psychology (9:47)

StartWhat Has Changed in 2019 (17:54)

StartThe Elite Mind Decoded (Event Replay) (31:03)

StartBuilding & Scaling My 7 Figure General Store [Full Case Study] (42:20)

Product Research Mastery

StartProduct Validation Checklist (9:54)

StartWhat NOT To Sell (8:15)

StartProduct Research Tools (5:39)

StartUsing Spy Tools to Find Winners (9:47)

StartFinding Winning Products with Facebook (4:50)

StartFinding Winning Products with Amazon (12:22)

StartFinding Winning Products with eBay (13:29)

StartEasily STEAL Your Competitors Top Products (6:40)

StartTracking The TOP Trends In The Market (10:09)

StartMy Favorite Product Research Tool (My Big Edge) (6:16)

Store Design Overview + General Store Guide [v1]

StartThe Importance Of A High Quality Store (9:06)

StartNaming Your Online Store (7:08)

StartSelecting Your Shopify Plan (2:25)

StartStore Design Inspiration (Top General Shopify Stores List) (2:05)

StartHow To Select The Right Theme (6:07)

StartUnderstanding Color Psychology (6:31)

StartSetting Up Your Domain (3:44)

StartEasily Creating A Logo (10:26)

StartSetting Up Social Media Pages (6:00)

StartEssential Pages To Have On Your Store (7:29)

StartEssential Apps To Have On Your Store (7:37)

StartHow To Price Products On Your Store (8:29)

StartSetting Up A High Converting Product Page + Example (4:39)

StartProperly Configuring Your Store Settings (10:22)

StartBuilding a Sample Homepage (12:47)

StartEasily Importing Products To Your Store (4:13)

Hybrid Store Overview [v2]

StartWinning Product Mentality (15:58)

StartHybrid Store Full Breakdown (33:20)

StartHybrid Store Design Principles (9:18)

StartSample Store Design Breakdown (11:24)

StartHybrid Store Optimization (10:18)

StartExample – Optimized Landing Page (4:45)

Complete Guide To Creating Viral Content

StartAd Creative Blueprint (18:20)

StartLIVE Ad Creation – Adobe Premiere (48:17)

StartLIVE Ad Creation – Animoto (19:19)

StartLIVE Ad Creation – Slideshow (14:39)

StartGuide To Creating Engaging Thumbnails (16:42)

StartThe KEY To Massive Growth – Having Your Own Unique Content (6:52)

Facebook Ads: “0-60″

StartBusiness Manager + Ad Account Setup (4:11)

StartAds Manager Platform Overview (5:44)

StartFacebook Ads Terminology (With PDF Cheat Sheet) (2:46)

StartSetting Up Your Ads Manager Columns (3:06)

StartFacebook Pixel Explanation + Installation (1:57)

StartFacebook Ads Policies Review (4:19)

StartAd Copy Blueprint (11:57)

StartSetting Up Dark Posts (8:20)

StartUnderstanding Targeting (15:27)

Start”0-100” Product Testing Strategy (27:06)

StartAnalyzing Product Tests (7:18)

StartStatistical Analysis Hierarchy (22:41)

StartRetargeting Your Potential Customers (24:22)

StartDealing With Ad Inconsistencies (10:22)

StartDeep Dive Testing Strategy (30:15)

Facebook Ads: “60-100”

StartMy Philosophy On Scaling (4:19)

StartVertically Scaling Your Products (9:55)

StartHorizontally Scaling Your Products (6:36)

StartScaling with Lookalike Audiences (11:18)

StartExplosive Scaling with Manual Bidding (11:15)

StartMaintaining A Scaling Campaign (5:04)

StartHow To Revive a Dead Campaign (6:15)

StartMicro-Scaling Your Campaigns For Maximum ROI (19:40)

Turbocharging Your Store To Maximize Profits

StartOptimize Your Store’s Load Speed (4:25)

StartPre=Purchase Upsell Sequence (12:45)

StartBundling Products To Make More Sales (4:32)

StartPost-Purchase Upsell Sequence (8:25)

StartTrack Your Profits Accurately (2:48)

Email Marketing Guide

StartImportance Of Email Marketing (4:58)

StartEmail Marketing For General Stores (5:28)

StartEasily Building Your Email List (6:22)

StartHigh Converting Email Format (4:47)

StartAutomate Your Abandoned Cart Emails (5:48)

StartCopy & Paste Email Sequences For Your Store (3:26)

Running Your Business (Daily Operations)

StartProblems To Expect During Scaling Phase (With Solutions) (21:23)

StartManaging & Fulfilling Orders (2:17)

StartScaling To A Third Party Fulfillment Center

StartWhen To Set Up An LLC?

StartHow To Stay Organized With Your Finances

StartHow To Keep Your Customers Happy

Building A Brand: The Next Steps..

StartNext Steps After Growing A Successful General Store (12:49)

Start8 Figure eCommerce Blueprint (24:09)

StartThe Future of eCommerce (6:04)