Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment


Pathways to Mastership provides unparalleled inspiration and an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your spiritual quest and the world around you.Purchase Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment courses at here with PRICE $97 $31Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership: In Search of EnlightenmentPathways to Mastership provides unparalleled inspiration and an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your spiritual quest and the world around you.In this unique landmark program, you will explore the very essence of who you are and where you are going. You will rise to new levels of spiritual realizations, love, tranquility, and empowerment, and your life will radiate with joy and peace!Discover the interlocking truths between ancient philosophies and the great religions. This program masterfully distills enlightening transpersonal teachings into 15 hours of personalized instruction and 38 mind-expanding meditations so you can directly experience fundamental truths as no written material could ever do.Learn, Explore And Finally Master The Following:Free your True SelfBeautiful deep states of relaxation and meditationRelease restricting mental blocks of sin, fear & guiltEliminate bad luck and accidentsPractice powerful healing methods used by great spiritual healersAura cleansingIncrease your receptivity to miracles and further enlightenmentDissolve negative, self-defeating financial limitations and blocksRelease new creativity and success forcesDispell negative energies and creating a light shield of protectionHow you can live a life of mastery with incredible love, peace, & powerLearn about initiations used by ancient mystery schoolsHow to live above all negative emotionsHow you can have direct divine inspiration as did great spiritual teachersMeditations to unite you with Universal Harmony and loveHow to live each moment of every day exemplifying full masteryMeetings with true masters through remarkable meditative techniquesEnter the highest path to God realizationProgram ContentsProgram 1: Stillness, Silence, and MeditationProgram 2:  Fear Removal. Neutralize KarmaProgram 3: Clear Guilt & Resentment. Release negative people and issuesProgram 4: Spiritual Healing—People & Animals, Aura Clearing, Astral DimensionsProgram 5: Psychic Abilities, Animal Communication, Higher Self, SuperconsciousGet Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment downloadProgram 6: Secrets to Prosperity ConsciousnessProgram 7: Protection & Psychic Self-DefenseProgram 8: Free Will and Self-RealizationProgram 9: Past & Future Life Projections & DestinyProgram 10: Nature of God. Merge into Oneness. Raise Your VibrationsProgram 11: Key to Mastery and High ConsciousnessProgram 12: Journey to Source: Clear Blocks as You Journey to SourcePlus, 9 New Bonus Meditations Only Available with This Revised Pathways to Mastership Course:Program 13: 3 Mastery & High Frequency Light MeditationsProgram 14: 4 Time Travel Meditations to Past Lives & Future LivesProgram 15: 2 Initiations to Raise Your Frequency & Enter Christ Consciousness of LoveTestimonials From Those Who Benefited From Pathways To MastershipI have done TM, bioenergetics, psychotherapy, church attendance, Bible study groups, journaling, yoga, jogging, swimming and other self-help techniques including hypnosis. Nowhere has the help been greater than from listening to Jonathan’s programs and applying his suggestions to everyday life. Jonathan’s PATHWAYS TO MASTERSHIP course has been the best instructional aide in my life thus far. One cannot put a price on such advances in one’s growth toward wholeness. I can’t express my gratitude enough.  -Steve Olson, Elmira, New YorkA few weeks ago I ordered “Pathways to Mastership.” Before I go any further, you are the best and most complete way of teaching I have ever encountered! I’ve been studying truth for 20 years – you are more advanced in your programs than any. God bless you. -A.D., CaliforniaI have been studying philosophy for 20 years now, taking course, reading scores of books, and attending many lectures; however, I have never encountered anything that surpasses your programs. I was extremely impressed with each one – how they get right to the “nitty-gritty” as to how to change habits and improve one’s life. Merely listening to your words of wisdom, as beneficial as that is, is only the beginning – your meditations are as effective as they are beautiful. I wish to thank you a million for making these marvelous lessons available. You certainly are fulfilling your purpose for being. -Frank Murphy, Indianapolis, IndianaI got my first album, “Pathways to Mastership,” from you several years ago. I was in my 70’s, had had a triple bypass followed a couple of years later by a pacemaker. I have worked with the Pathways course and the “Piercing Illusions-Gateways to Discovery” course, plus numerous other individual programs and short courses. I use your subliminals on a regular basis. I am delighted with the results. At 77 my health is better than it has been in many years, and it continues to improve. What more can I say, except to express my deepest appreciation for the programs that have made this possible. -J.J.N., HawaiiAfter almost a quarter of a century of studies in metaphysics, mysticism, and comparative religion, i was still unable to put all this knowledge to practical use. After receiving Jonathan’s PATHWAYS TO MASTERSHIP program, I was amazed at how simple he makes heretofore complicated concepts seem. No one puts it together like he does. It has turned my life around -Walter Adams, Toledo, OhioUpon my receiving the album PATHWAYS TO MASTERSHIP, I felt encouraged and elated. Every self-help pamphlet, book, tape, CD, etc. that I bought only seemed to generate more confusion to my already confused mind. When I began to play track 1 from Jonathan’s album, I immediately came to the realization that this was it. I have found many answers to many questions, and have already begun to feel a vast difference in my life and life-style. -Ben Hauser, Erie, PennsylvaniaYour programs “Pathways to Mastership,” “Meditation Course,” and “Piercing Illusions-Gateways to Discovery” have opened a door to deep understanding of life in all its manifestations. These programs that I listen to daily are some of my most precious possessions. -Dr. L. Wright, Columbus, OHThank you for your beautiful programs. They are a blessing for all mankind. After 45 days they are changing my life, all for the better. After studying the metaphysical and spiritual teachings for 30 years with various groups I found I could not “tie it together.” So I prayed for someone to take me by the hand and lead me. One day your material arrived and my prayers were answered. -B.T., KansasI wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the “Pathways to Mastership” course. I have been a student of metaphysics for many years, but it was not until I experienced your guided meditations that I began to feel like I was achieving significant progress. As a judge I am subjected, on a daily basis, to a great deal of negativity and animosity. Your course has truly helped me to raise my vibration level so that I am no longer influenced by these negative emotions. -R.R, MississippiI am so happy! Over 15, maybe 20 years ago, my beloved Dad who has since passed away bought me this program. He was a spiritual man, and saw potential in me…I was young, and while I loved them and listened to them, I didn’t really fully understand the path then. Now, in my mid-40’s, this series has been on my mind and I thought to Google it today, and here it is. I will be getting it soon and I know I will greatly benefit from the teachings.  It was, and always has been since, my favorite life lessons. Thanks for putting it out on MP3!Dear Jonathan, I listened to Pathways to Mastership 20 years ago and was able to use these beautiful teachings to accomplish a doctorate in psychology and marry the man of my dreams. We are both now doing the program together and experiencing actual miracles. Thank you and bless you! Thank you again for your wonderful work. Maybe in the future I can tell you more, but you have actually saved our lives. Deepest regardsAfter a profound mystical experience while studying adjunct courses in journalism and magazine writing at the University of Pittsburgh, I began a serious ontological and spiritual search that soon lead me to Dr. Parker’s Pathways to Mastership recorded guidance set.  It was like a rocket-launch compared to the continuous wading through books of undetermined quality and attending mediocre live presentations.  Since then I have met others who have gone through this program and everyone raves about it, much as I do.Get Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment download Purchase Jonathan Parker – The Pathways to Mastership – In Search of Enlightenment courses at here with PRICE $97 $31