Jonathan Britton – Market Maker Algo for Trading View


David Bean – Algorithmic Trading Systems
Description of Algorithmic Trading Systems
Discover an advanced trading strategy for the futures markets. Trade multiple futures markets such as the E-mini S&P, Crude Oil, Euro Currency, and DAX. Advanced techniques include multiple exit strategies and trend filtering. We discuss coding logic and include the open code for NinjaTrader’s C# and Tradestation’s EasyLanguage with over 40 instructional videos on our membership website at: We challenge the Lies of Wall Street that favor your broker more than you with our Trading System Principles. “You can’t go broke taking profits” (indeed you can!) and “Don’t let a winning trade turn into a losing trade” (not always true) are two biased trading “pearls” that can hurt your trading account if they aren’t applied correctly.
About David Bean
David Bean has been trading the financial markets since 1995 starting with stocks. He transitioned to futures and commodities in 1996 with an interest in the global macro view of the markets. In 1997, he began developing automated trading systems. He currently trades futures, equities, and options and has published several books since 2010. Algorithmic Trading Systems will be his fifth book. Trading, researching, and publishing are Davids’ professional passions. His academic background includes a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.