Jonathan Altfeld – Knowledge Engineering


Most of the “Real Estate” home-Study-courses advertised through infomercials are examples of people who modeled their own skill (or someone else’s) at acquiring real estate

Jonathan Altfeld – Knowledge Engineering

Jonathan Altfeld

Knowledge Engineering
Do you want to model the wisdom of others?

How can you reproduce entire areas of behavior?

Work with people’s -extensive- Belief Systems?
These are your first questions:
Do you have the skills but not the knowledge?amp; Knowledge These areas are worth a look

Are you able to master enough skills, but not enough intuition?

An announcement about a new home-Study-Course that will help enable you to…
Model other people’s Belief & Decision Systems with More Depth, Breadth & Accuracy than you would believe today, and help you to Intuitively Identify ways to Optimize those Systems.

Before I founded Mastery InSight Institute and before I became a Neuroscientist,-Linguistic Programming and Artificial Intelligence. I was an expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence.-Modeling professionally, almost exclusively for Fortune 500 businesses. I was paid to interview business experts, find out what they knew, how they knew it, how they made the decisions they made, and then build software systems to reproduce those experts’ decision making processes.
I can just hear some of you thinking… “What? You mean the field of NLP doesn’t hold the only claim to modeling expertise? Blasphemy!”
The field of Knowledge Engineering Many of the NLP skills are closely related. There are obvious differences, but certainly at the core of what constitutes the NLP technology & skillset is a set of tools to model human knowledge & subjectivity. Professionals will be familiar with this description. Knowledge Engineering. They are often considered to be two different fields. Knowledge Engineering It is about creating software systems that behave & ‘think’ As human experts. In such a project, core software development team members would be tasked with acquiring knowledge from the experts, and then encoding that knowledge in a fashion that allows computers to reproduce the expert’s behavior consistently and fast! We can continue to list! “similarities” There are two ways to model. We can’t decide between them. “differences.” Both exist, but rest assured.
The Knowledge Engineer (KE) spends time interviewing & studying the experts, and learning directly from them. There are many ways to achieve this. All of them can be grouped loosely under the name Engineer. “Knowledge Acquisition.” Once you have enough knowledge to begin, you can move forward.-base of modeled knowledge has been amassed, the KE then determines ways of storing/structuring/representing the expert’s knowledge, and then proceeds to build a software application known as an expert system.
NLP practitioners & master practitioners may recognize the above process as being highly similar to what is known as Modeling in NLP. This goes beyond strategy elicitation. It is used to logically replicate behavior in a particular domain of expertise. Sometimes, we hear people think of ‘reproducing a tennis swing’ Or ‘matching/mirroring’ someone else’s behavior as ‘modeling.’ It isn’t, don’t let them oversimplify things. If they’re suggesting such things, they categorically don’t know what modeling is.
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Do not allow others who suggest that if you (for example) learn to identify when someone’s in a particular Sensory Mode (like “Visual”), that you’re modeling. It would be unfair to you and to modeling. This example is just a small part of the story. “strategy elicitation” It is very small.
One (false but useful) rule of thumb is that it should take you at least three fulls.-time AND efficient weeks or months, to acquire an area of expertise, then maybe you’re modeling. If it takes months for you to acquire the knowledge, integrate it into your unconscious mind, organize & optimize it, and then use it to reproduce expert behavior, then maybe you’re modeling. You thought you knew how to build rapport with others? “colored mental bubbles” If you thought modeling was easy, think again. It ain’t. At best that’s strategy elicitation. I once saw a trainer walk into an exercise room. “expert circle,” in which he said he imagined all the skills he wanted (but hadn’t actually elicited) into that circle, and he could feel what it was like to be the expert. As if he were modeling a surgeon, I would allow him to be within 3 miles of my family and friends who need medical assistance.
Give me a break! Modeling is a rewarding career. “bad rap”

because of distortions & examples like that.

The question is, are REAL modeling skills really useful?
So let’s look at some examples of real models at work.
Have you heard about the “Mega-Math” Or “Mega-Memory” courses often advertised on television, as collections of genius strategies in particular areas of skill (math & memory skills)? Kevin Trudeau is making a boatload of money from sales of these (& other related) courses. He advertises worldwide; his infomercials were heavily tested in Australia when he visited there in July 2000. Click here to view or buy the Mega-Mega or Math-Memory courses.

The majority of the “Real Estate” home-Study-courses advertised through infomercials are examples of people who modeled their own skill (or someone else’s) at acquiring real estate with no-Money-down. Someone helped them package the model in a way that is easy to understand.

The website An example of NLP is shown below-Person who was a model for sports performance optimization and now trains others to use his system.

The upcoming Persuasion Tactics Power Summit™ seminar is a Persuasion Tactics ‘model’ Chris Tomasulo was a person who I had the opportunity to acquire this information. Chris runs the “Accelerated Persuasion Newsletter.”
Find out for yourself what the CD’s in the course sound like.

This seminar was recorded in Los Angeles in 2001.
Here’s what you’ll get in Jonathan Altfeld – Knowledge Engineering