John P. Forsyth & Jamie R. Forsyth – Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training



Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training, John P. Forsyth & Jamie R. Forsyth – Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training, Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training download, John P. Forsyth & Jamie R. Forsyth – Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training review
John P. Forsyth & Jamie R. Forsyth – Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: Experiential Intensive Act Training

Cultivate fluid and flexible use of ACT in practice
ACT techniques for a broad range and severity of mental health disorders
An interactive workshop including experiential exercises, demonstrations, clinical worksheets and practical tools
Transformative for you and your clients!

How often do you review your appointment calendar and start wondering how you’re going to, finally, help a regular client who seems to progress for a while – and then regress?
Each time he/she arrives, you use the same tools and techniques you’ve used for so long – and mostly successfully – but this one client is testing your skills. Now, you can begin to integrate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into your practice – and see improved outcomes.
Researched and developed by world-renowned researcher, speaker and author Steven Hayes, PhD, ACT has fast become the treatment approach that gets to the heart of human suffering and what is needed to restore psychological health and wellness.
Join ACT experts, Drs. John & Jamie Forsyth for this workshop where you will develop highly practical, evidence-based skills, case conceptualization techniques, and powerful therapeutic strategies that will help you when working with a broad range of mental health concerns including:

Anxiety Issues
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Mood Disorders
Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Personality Disorders
And many more!

View this intensive, engaging and transformative workshop and start a new path for healing you can use with your most difficult clients.

List the three pillars of ACT.
Define the ACT model of human suffering (six inflexahex processes).
Define the ACT model of psychological health (six hexaflex processes).
Explain a functional contextual approach to ACT case conceptualization.
Recognize clinical concerns (e.g., anxiety, depression, problem anger) within an ACT framework.
Identify exemplars of excessive struggle and avoidance and describe mindful and compassionate alternative behaviors.
Distinguish between “fusion” and “experiential avoidance” and their role in various forms of human suffering.
Practice essential ACT intervention skills to cultivate psychological flexibility.
Deliver values clarification exercises in dyads and small groups.
Demonstrate experiential exercises and metaphors in dyads and small groups.
Discriminate ACT consistent and ACT inconsistent strategies in clinical practice.
Describe strategies to foster the ongoing development of ACT consistent clinical competencies.
Apply and integrate mindfulness and acceptance processes with commitment and behavior change processes in dyads.

ACT Model and Case Conceptualization

Centering Exercise
Why It’s Hard Being Human
Pervasiveness of Human Suffering
The Light and Dark Side of Language & Cognition
ACT Case Conceptualization
ACT Model of Human Suffering
ACT Model of Psychological Health
Self-Assessment Exercise: Eyes On
ACT in a Nutshell Role Play Demonstration

Use Creative Hopelessness to Weaken the Control Agenda

Why Creative Hopeless in ACT?
Exploring Workability
Establishing Creative Hopelessness
Exercise and Role Play: Tug of War with Anxiety Monster
Exercise: Metaphors to Weaken Illusion of Control
Exercise and Role Play: Chinese Finger Trap
Exercise: Quick Sand and Swamp Metaphors
Dyad Practice of Creative Hopelessness Exercises

Do Effective Values Work in ACT

The Nature of Values in ACT
Distinguishing Values from Goals
Connecting with Values
Exercises: Funeral Meditation & Tombstone Exercise
Values Clarification and Assessment
The Values Directions & Life Compass Worksheets
Life Compass Cards
Barriers to Valued Action
Exercise: Barriers Clarification Using Barriers Worksheet in Dyads
Values in ACTion

Cultivate Mindful Acceptance & Defusion

Opening Up: The Nature of Mindful Acceptance in ACT
Exercise: Getting in Contact with the Present
Exercise: Take Your Mind for a Walk
Exercise: Acceptance of Thoughts & Feelings
Self as Context vs. the Conceptualized Self
Defusion: Overview and Purpose
Mindful Defusion Exercise: Wise Mind
Mindful Defusion Exercise: Chess Board
Thoughts on Cards: Demonstration and Role Plays

Nurture Self-Compassion, Willingness, and Value-Guided action

Self-Compassion and Kindness – Powerful Antidotes to Suffering
Exercise: Loving Kindness Walking Meditation
Exercise to Nurture Self-Compassion: Tonglen Practice
The Nature of Willingness
Exercise: Trying vs. Doing
Compassionate Exposure in a Value-Guided Context
Exercise and Demonstration of Exposure in ACT
Building Patterns of Committed ACTion
The Role of Behavioral Activation in ACT
Distinguishing Good from Poorly Stated Goals
Setting SMART Value Guided Goals
What to do When Clients Feel Stuck