John Overdurf – Advanced Coaching Practitioner


This training will teach you how to work with unconscious processes that are at the root of most coaching issues, yet do it in a natural, conversational way that makes this approach adaptable to any context.

John Overdurf – Advanced Coaching Practitioner

The HNLP Coaching Practitioner Intensive is for the busy professional who wants the newest streamlined coaching practitioner training developed and taught by a recognized leader in the NLP and Coaching fields.  If you are new to NLP or you are already an NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner you’ll benefit from the strong emphasis on how to conversationally coach the unconscious mind.

Neuro-science has long known that our unconscious functioning precedes conscious awareness by a 1/2 second. This means that most if not all coaching issues like motivation and procrastination, indecision, conflicting priorities, burnout and overwhelm, and performance anxiety are a result of automatic (unconscious) reactions and patterns which occur before conscious awareness. Amazingly, though, most coaching programs available today rely heavily on conscious processing through questioning, analysis, and tasking. It’s like trying to steer a train by asking someone in the last car to change the direction of the entire train.  It simply won’t work.
This training will teach you how to work with unconscious processes that are at the root of most coaching issues, yet do it in a natural, conversational way that makes this approach adaptable to any context.

Through his 32 years of experience in the fields of therapy, training and coaching John is able to simplify complex concepts into practical step- by-step processes with tremendous scope in the “real world.” The result is a training where you’ll acquire cutting edge conversational skills effective for business, coaching and therapy while shifting your paradigm of change and what is possible in your life.  John’s teaching emphasizes the balance of skill development while also transforming from the inside out to create congruent competence.  Skills alone make a technician with no humanity or heart. Transformation alone is inspirational, but sometimes lacks the “how to” details.  Because John teaches to both the conscious and unconscious mind you’ll have a direct experience of skill development and personal transformation – and to the extent you are open and ready for it- increase your congruence and belief in yourself to be a positive presence in life.

HNLP is the study of how Mind creates reality through language and behavior. No matter what you think you are, you are always more than that! John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn coined the term Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology™ to describe their branch of NLP. Their extensive research in quantum physics, ancient spiritual systems, hypnosis, neuro-science and the experience of life led them to create this natural extension of traditional NLP. HNLP is included in the new training format.

Here are some HNLP Topics that you will learn in the course:

Conversational elicitation of strategies

Conversational elicitation of outcomes

Determining unconscious congruence and motivation

Utilization of naturally occurring states to create powerful change

How does the training work?

When you register for this training you will receive a free, full length NLP Practitioner Training on MP3 format upon your registration and deposit. Listening to these CDs in advance will assist you in developing a familiarity with the information and the skills to maximize your learning during the seven-day training.  By the time you take the class, this familiarity will enable to have more “hands on” and question and answer time during class.  Following the training you’ll have the CD’s as your own follow-up program to further integrate your learning.

During the seven day training, you will learn:

How to Integrate transformative language patterns into your coaching work

Conversational approaches to installing and testing remedial and generative strategies

The Beyond Goals Model- Why Goals Don’t Work and What to Does!

The Most Common Coaching Issues and How to Deal with Them

The Optimal Coaching State

What is Coaching and How Does it Differ From Therapy and Consulting?

What does NLP/HNLP have to Offer the Coaching Field?

A sampling of the NLP Topics covered and applied directly to coaching

Sensory Acuity

How to develop extraordinary skill in reading other’s unconscious processing through eye accessing, voice qualities, and physiology.


New advanced HNLP processes to develop rapid natural states of rapport.

Linguistic Skills

Applied directly to coaching.

The Key to Questioning

How to ask the right questions at the right time to create a change in the listener’s perception as well as language patterns to create facilitate unconscious receptivity in the listener.

Learn processes that create significant and instantaneous shifts in emotional states in ourselves and others.

These techniques allow you to change and revise the coding system the brain uses to create meaning.

Alignment and Parts Integration
Techniques to create core change.

The training will be highly experiential with plenty of group inductions, demonstrations, exercises and discussions in a fun, easy-going and stimulating environment.

Upon successful completion of the 8 day training participants are eligible for NLP Practitioner Certification, HNLP Practitioner Certification and HNLP Coaching Certification.

Training Details
Hours: 1pm – 7pm – Ending time could run a little later on certain days
Course tuition – $2995.00

Includes 8 Day Training and Full length Practitioner Training on MP3 formatted CDs.

$500.00 deposit to enroll and receive Practitioner MP3s.
Balance of $2495.00 due two weeks prior to the beginning of the training.

Cancellation Policy:  Non- Refundable Deposit can be applied to any other training. You keep the MP3s.  The remaining balance is fully refundable with written notification received 7 business days prior to the first day of the training.

Certification Options
Two Optional Certifications are available:

NLP/HNLP Certification

This is a streamlined training. Only the NLP information directly relevant to coaching will be presented.  If you are not already an NLP Practitioner, you must have listened to all the information on the Practitioner MP3 CDs at least once prior to the training or before receiving certification.

Other criteria include:

Successful completion of training

Completion of written review

Signed Ethics agreement

$100. Certification fee.
HNLP Coaching Certification

Successful completion of training

Successful completion of HNLP Coaching Practicum/ Evaluation

Signed Ethics Agreement

$100. Certification fee.
Read more:
Here’s What You’ll Get in John Overdurf – Advanced Coaching Practitioner

John Overdurf – Advanced Coaching Practitioner : Sample