John Locke – M21 Options Trading System


Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours
A Macrohedged fund is an investment technique that helps neutralize risk in portfolio assets. It is a specialized branch of portfolio management that helps facilitate the performance of a portfolio through derivatives. Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours was created to encourage traders to take a step forward from traditional portfolio management concepts and understand a particular financial instrument that is vital for asset performance.
The purpose of introducing Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours is to equip you with the necessary knowledge of Options and to encourage you to trade with honesty and transparency. Macrohedged – Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours is an institution that mitigates easy ways and instead provides academic training for strategy formulation in portfolio management. The study of Options will help you understand risk-reducing ways of trade, helping you minimize losses and excel in trading.
What You’ll Learn In Options Education FULL Course 30+ Hours?

Market microstructure.
The Options on Futures market.
The CME, EUREX & ICE – Why they are different and who futures exchanges operate.
The Greeks (1st Order Greeks).
Option Value Calculation.
Knowing your position and how it will change.
Glossary & Jargon.
Setting up the right tools for the week.
Objective is to get everyone on the foundation day fully prepared to learn at a greater depth for the rest course DeepDive (17 Hours)
Spreads & Strategies
The Models (B&S, Binomial Trees)
The Market Maker – Their role, your role
Skew (RR, BF and path trading)
Trading Volatility & Skew
Dynamic hedging
Position risk
Greeks in depth
2nd Order Greeks (Vomma, Charm, Vera,Dvega, DeltaTime)
3rd Order Greeks (Color, Speed, Ultima, Zomma)
Option sensitivity
Position sensitivity
Cross Greeks & Correlation sensitivity
Trading Skew
The Volatility Surface
Volatility diffusion
Dynamic Replication and Jump diffusion
Bringing all the tools together
How to run an Options portfolio
Cross asset risk management
Finding the trade, looking for value.
Understanding the CME’s rules on option and postion margin
Understanding how your FCM calculates span risk to meet CFTC obligations.
What if planning and modelling