John La Tourrette – The Best of Knife Fighting


Warrior’s Guide to Knife Fighting – Valued at $49.95. (this is a special promotion through kindle publishing)
(There is also a special link within in the book that gives you a $110.00 Free Knife Fighting video that you can view online instantly after purchasing)
John La Tourrette – The Best of Knife Fighting
Warrior’s Guide to Knife Fighting includes:
How to choose the best fighting knife
How to read a knife threat vs a real knife attack
How to increase your chances of survival tenfold in a knife fight
Nine Knife fighting combat grips that work
Six knife attack positions that can save your life
How to choose the best target in a knife attack
how to use a knife without getting hurt
172 easy to follow step by step photographs illustrating the various attack defense and counter-attack, defense and counter-attack maneuvers with a knife.
Plus much much more.
Readmore about : John La Tourrette – The Best of Knife Fighting, The Best of Knife Fighting, knife fighting 101 , filipino knife fighting techniques, knife fighting stance