John Cochran – The King of Systems – Motivated Seller Lead System 2.0


Last year, we had 10 systems that could bring in Ultras.-Motivated Sellers that nobody knew about. We had to drop 4 of The 10 systems you should be using “Lack of Motivation” The sellers ends. Who could blame them… America is on fire RIGHT NOW!!! Motivated Sellers are the heart of the economy of Our Real Estate Investing Business was 8 months old. We had to go back to the drawing boards and test systems and strategize to make sure we were bringing in A TON. of quality sellers who want/need to sell their home in a market that’s on fire.

John Cochran – The King of Systems – Motivated Seller Lead System 2.0

The “Shift” It is here. We are in middle of The Real Estate “Shift” Inventory in the whole country is extremely low. Systems We used the same method 8 months ago to get a vendor to call us. of what’s happening in the Real Estate market.
Last year, we had 10 systems that could bring in Ultras.-Motivated Sellers that nobody knew. We had to drop 4 of The 10 systems you should be using “Lack of Motivation” The sellers ends. Who could blame them… America is on fire RIGHT NOW!!! Motivated Sellers are the heart of the economy of Our Real Estate Investing Business was 8 months old. We had to go back to the drawing boards and strategize and test systems in order to learn how to bring in A TON. of quality sellers who want/need to sell their home in a market that’s on fire.
It took us 4 Months of Marketing and testing are key, but we’ve figured out what makes a good seller. “motivated” in this Real Estate Market that’s on fire. Although we lost 4 powerful systems to bring in sellers just 8 months back, we have since acquired 2 very strong systems. “The Mother Of All” system to bring in the ultra-Motivated sellers who are willing to hand you the keys even if everything else on the marketplace is selling for more than asking in 3 days.
I am an expert in marketing and numbers and I can guarantee that I will show you how to find 100. ‘PLEASE take my house’ Seller leads in 30 days, while everyone else is complaining “Lack of Inventory”.
The sellers I’m talking about aren’t the ones you see on the MLS listing their homes. They’re not the homeowners who will sell to you on the condition you pay what THEY want. And they’re not the sellers who respond to the typical and tired “I Buy Houses” Postcards and websites
The sellers I’m talking about are the pirate’s gold. The Selling is something that NO ONE knows about…or how to reach. The People who are desperate to give you their keys to their homes in a flash, even if they’re dead of An eye. (THIS IS what I mean when i say ‘ultra-motivated’…the ONLY homeowner you should EVER buy a house from. A purchase from anyone else could cost you a fortune.
Without Leads, You’re Dead in the Water
Let me clarify. Leads are lifeblood of Your business. Without leads, your business is doomed. None.
Without sellers, there’s nothing to buy. Most investors only find a handful of decent sellers every year. But it’s not enough, because they’re constantly struggling to find the next hot deal. It’s no different than having a job where you’re working paycheck to paycheck, trying to make ends meet.
However, if you have a FLOOD of never ending red-Hot leadsYour pipeline is always full. See, the problem is, most investors are starving because they have no clue how to find super motivated sellers… the ones THAT COUNT. The Selling can make you a fortune.
The majority of real estate investors are affected by this. ‘grass is greener’ syndrome. You know the ones I’m talking about. They always say… “Sure, you can find motivated sellers, but not in my neighborhood.” Well, I’ve got news for you. For the past several years, I’ve been snatching up LOTS of houses each and every month in my own neighborhood from sellers who couldn’t wait to Unload the ten thousand-pound gorilla from their back. The same applies for hundreds of My high-end coaching students and tens of Thousands of My members.
My name is John Cochran and to be honest, I’m GLAD most investors think there aren’t any super-Motivated sellers in their locality Because that leaves more For me and my students, screaming deals In fact, I put up a record 38 times in the past 38 day. 27 houses are under contract.

I’m not saying this to brag or boast…but to prove to you that 99.9% of real estate agents and uninformed investors are just flat out WRONG when it comes to their belief that… ‘It’s not a seller’s market.’
‘Those types of homeowners don’t exist.’
‘You have to go into a war zone to get those types of deals.’
Screw that.
My exclusive and proprietary ‘Motivated Seller Leads Secrets 2.0’ System… It doesn’t matter the time of Year, what type of neighborhood you’re looking at, how competitive it is, or any of That stuff. None of That is all that matters. This system has helped my students as well as fellow investors to acquire hundreds of Homes from motivated sellers
Want Proof?
Here are just a few of deals I picked up. This is something you should also know. The houses I buy… and teach my clients and students to buy…have solid profit margins built in. Not only that, but I also like to make damn certain they Sell in 7 days or less! I don’t want to be wasting time and money in holding costs. You shouldn’t either.
Sale Page:
 Here’s What You Will Get in John Cochran – The King of Systems – Motivated Seller Lead System 2.0