
John Bejakovic – Most Valuable Email

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Most Valuable Email… for copywriters
June 16, 2022 by John Bejakovic

I’d like to tell you about a type of content, specifically a type of daily email, that has been most valuable for me.
This type of daily email is my go-to whenever I want to stimulate and engage my readers, including the many grizzled, wary, and sophisticated marketers and copywriters on my list.
In this way, this type of email has helped me sell stuff… grow my email list organically… get amazing job referrals… and sometimes even get interesting and cool stuff for free.
This type of email has also been most valuable to me because it builds up immediate and unquestionable authority.
It makes it clear I know what I’m talking about, even if I don’t harp on about the great results I’ve had for clients or the testimonials or endorsements I’ve gotten.
And finally:
This type of email is most valuable because it’s the type of email I personally find most enjoyable to write.
Going back to this type of email over and over has helped me stick with daily emailing for the long term, while making me exponentially better at the actual work of copywriting.
If you’ve been reading my daily emails for a while, you can probably guess the type of email I’m talking about.
But if you cannot guess, or if you would simply like to hear me go into this topic in more detail and tell you how you too can write this type of email yourself, I will do that in a free presentation I’m calling The Most Valuable Email.
You can register for the Most Valuable presentation below. But first a warning:
This type of email has been most valuable to me personally. I can imagine it being equally most valuable for for any other copywriter.
If you are not a copywriter, you might be able to adapt and use this type of email profitably in a different market, for a different type of audience. But that’s something I haven’t thought much about, and so I won’t be talking about it on this presentation.
If that doesn’t turn you off, then here are the details:
The Most Valuable Email presentation will happen live, on Zoom, on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022, at 7pm Central European Time.
You can sign up for the presentation by clicking the link below. I will then send you a confirmation email with the Zoom link and a public calender invite — which I can never manage to make work, but will try for anyhow.
Also, there will be a recording. I will only send it to you if you express interest and register below. I won’t be sending the recording out to my list in general.
I haven’t yet decided what I will do with this Most Valuable Email training in the future. I might make it available only as a bonus for a paid offer, or I might turn it into a paid offer itself.
One thing is for sure:
I will make the recording available for one week, following the live presentation. Beyond that, I make no guarantees.
So if you want to join me live for this Most Valuable Email training, or if you want to watch the recording during this guaranteed 7-day replay window, sign up to my email newsletter before next Wednesday. You will then get an email from me with the registration details for this presentation.