Jimmie Jayes – Cashflow Meetup



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Jimmie Jayes – Cashflow Meetup
It’s understandable. After you have talked to your friends and family, you need to learn how to cold market prospect (if you want to be in control of your income). And frankly, cold market prospecting SUCKS (In person AND online).
It’s too slow

It doesn’t feel natural

You’re always chasing people

It’s time consuming

Too much follow up

You attract the wrong kind of people

They don’t always give you the respect you deserve

Sometimes they’re downright mean

You have to answer STUPID questions and objections

When they DO sign up, they waste your time

Attract and Enroll Better People By Following these 12 Modules!
Why Cashflow?

What Makes This Network 20 Times Better Than Others?

Mindset: Farmer not Hunter

Multiple Streams Of Income

First Steps

Shopping List (On a Shoe-String Budget)

Where To Order From (Savings!)

Creating Your Feedback Form


Finding a Venue to host the game

Choosing the Best Time to Host Games

Creating a “Code Of Honor”

Finding People To Join Your Club (Even If None Of Your Friends Are Entrepreneurs)

Building Your Automated Meetup Funnel

How to Get (Almost) Free Advertizing

How to Optimize Your Home Page to Grow Your Group

How to Name Your Club

Selecting the Proper Tags

How to Set Up Recurring Events

Meetup.com Launch (The Best Way To Grow Membership)

Final Checks

Download And Print Checklist

Detailed (Minute By Minute) Game Flow

“Cheat Sheet” To Remember Rules To Explain

Music Choices and Music Players

Game Time!

Venue Setup (Based On RSVP’s)

Being a Facilitator VS Being a Teacher

How to Protect Your Network From Vultures

Get Paid! (Follow Up)

Fortune is in the Follow-Up

(Universe Loves Speed)

80/20 Rule- Finding the Best Prospects

Reason to Come to the Next Game

Selling Without Being Pushy

Building Your Database: The Real Asset

Owning Contact Information VS Renting

Making Your Marketing Simple (With Tags)

Multiple Streams Of Income

Growing Your ONLINE Meetup Numbers

How to Profit From Other Meetup.com Groups


Business Cards (With a Purpose)

Public Speaking Events

“Home Field Advantage”

NEW Players Attending Your Games

Asking The Right Questions

Themed Event Cycle

Download Theme Ideas

How To Incentivize New Players

“What To Expect Video”

REPEAT Players

Getting Players to Return Over and Over (Lifetime Value of Customers)

How to Run Cashflow 202 Games

Advanced Games of Cashflow 101 (Rule Changes)

Suggested List of Rules NOT to Change (And Why)

Abundace Game, Residual Income, Millionaire Maker Game

Long Term (Culture)

Create Larger (Yearly) Culture Events

My “Freedom BBQ” Case Study (And How Much $$$$ It Has Made Me)

Getting Your Event Sponsored

Leveraging Other Speakers And Trainers
6 Amazing Bonuses!

Time Saving Organization System

Like Being Super Prepared? Save time and frustration by organizing your local team calendar through meetup. Imagine having the next 6 months planned out and not needing to spend time communicating it:
Custom Emails

Recurring Dates

Collect Money in Advance

National Events

Culture Events

Automatic Reminders

Create Custom Meetup Groups

Want to find customers too?? In this Bonus I will show you how to create a meetup group around your product or your passion; AND how to cross-promote this group with your cashflow club. Anyone who attends both groups is your perfect prospect. I actually interview some of my students as case studies to give you real world examples of what you can do with custom groups. Best of all, you can create two additional groups for free.
Single Travelers Meetup (3K Members)

Lose Weight, Get Fit, Have Fun (2k M and $4,365)

Entrepreneurs Having Fun

Online Marketing Meetup

Leadership Book Club

Law of Attraction Group

Real Estate Investors Club

Imagine Teaching Your Team This!

Public Speaking

You don’t need many skills to run a cashflow club (you let the game do the teaching); however learning to influence (even more) from stage (or the front of any room) can get a great ROI, and is wonderful for positioning and branding. Grow Your Speaking Ability For:
Speaking at cashflow games

Influencing Groups (Like One Section Of Your Team)

Being on stage as a sponsor at a prospecting event

Training from stage for your network marketing company

Even finding venues that will pay you to speak

Get other products by Jimmie Jayes right now!
Private Facebook Group

Hate getting stuck? Me too. Everything in the course is set up to be step by step, and in many cases you can just copy and paste what I do. But even then, sometimes you just need one little question answered to help you max out your club. Introducing your private facebook group! I FREAKING LOVE private facebook groups. I am in one for creating online courses (without it this course wouldn’t exist!) and one for building great webinars (without it we might not have met!). In both cases, the Facebook group alone has been worth the cost of admission. Why? Because your network is your net-worth. There is something to be said about being around other top quality entrepreneurs who think like you do. Ask questions and get real-time feedback. Oh, and I pop in there from time to time too!
Team Piggy Bank

Refer other network marketers to this course and get a 20% commission. What to do with the money?
Give teammates a 20% discount

Put the money into a team fund to use for culture events

Use it to run a team-wide contest

Buy yourself something nice

Let your spouse steal it

*Goes to 50% after 20 referrals
Taking Over Existing Meetup Groups

On top of the two groups you are going to create for yourself (My suggestion is one custom group, and one cashflow club) you want to keep one spot open (Meetup lets you organize 3 groups for the price of 1) so that you can “take over” existing groups. This happens when an organizer of another group “steps down”, and you get a chance to “step up”.
In this bonus I’m going to show you:
How to get on the list to “take over” groups.

Making sure you aren’t taking over a “dud” group.

How to capture the contacts from a group, and then move on to the next group.