Jim Cockrum – Proven Private Label



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Jim Cockrum – Proven Private Label
Finally! A reasonably priced, step-by-step course showing how anyone living anywhere in the world can succeed selling Private Label Physical Products on Amazon, eBay, Google (Or Anywhere Else)!
Between our two experts, no one in the world has more experience or more success stories when it comes to launching Private Label brands online and selling physical goods online. Tom Freeman has over a decade of success and has grown a multi-million dollar private-label empire & Jim Cockrum is the founder of the #1 training course on how to sell on Amazon and has been teaching his audience physical products sales since 2002!
Let me ask you one question…
How would you like to own your very own business selling your own brand products, with sales systems in place that pay you money every month for years or even decades to come?
Fact! By choosing to create and sell your own brand physical products (that consumers trust, easily connect with and buy in droves every day) you’ll leave the competition still trying to sell the same old “me too” products, undercutting each other on price and seeing their profits dwindle…
…while the “brand owners” sit comfortably immune from the front-line price wars and consistently make high-margin sales!
If you’re already selling (or thinking of selling) any kind of product that anyone else can buy to resell, then you’ll know that sooner or later lots of other sellers can and will begin selling the exact same products as you, undercut your prices and literally swipe your next meal from under your nose.
What Happens When You Resell Products Online?

You have trouble finding enough of the “hot items”
You’re competing directly with other sellers on the EXACT same brand and product
You depend on the manufacturer for the quality & pricing
Your reviews are highly dependent on the manufacturer’s work – that could TANK your sales

If you can follow simple step-by-step instructional videos and implement what you learn, then YOU can become a brand owner literally overnight.
In this Proven Private Label modular course you’ll see everything you need to be able to protect your future, secure your income and ensure your own success, when you become the proud owner of your very own private label brand products.
This thorough A-Z course leaves nothing unturned. You can think of it as you’re guide to building a six-figure-business with private label physical products from the ground up.
As soon as you sign up today and begin the course you’ll be way in front of the pack because you’ll have all the know-how at your fingertips to be able to…

Sell your “own brand products” that other sellers will want to buy from YOU, and to resell for you – (making YOU lots of profit and securing your income in the process)
As soon as your become a brand owner by “adding value” to private label products, there’s BIG potential to profit from a HUGE demand when you promote and sell your own brands on eBay, Amazon, Google, or anywhere else (with absolutely NO direct competition)
Set and forget marketing systems sell your products for you “over and over” again, putting money in your bank account 24/7/365 – and unlike some other online “all-work-no-play” business models, creating your own brands to earn a “6-figure income” is fun to do!
You’ll OWN your own brands giving YOU an advantage over other sellers and your “would have been” competitors instead become YOUR “sales force” (making you even MORE money by reselling your products for you!)
Your brands and products are valuable “assets.” Keep your brands for long term profit or sell your brands on for 10x monthly profit, (for example, a product making just $2,000/month could be at least $20,000 if you decided to sell it to someone else!)

You’ll Get the Modules of “Over-my-Shoulder” Video Training

and All the Tools and Resources You’ll Need to Dramatically Increase Your Income
As soon as you see how easily you can build your own brand of products that YOU control, you’ll wonder why you’ve never done this before…

Here are just a small handful of example categories you can easily introduce your own line of private label physical products into…
Do I need to be a marketing genius to do this?
The answer is definitely NOT…
…and you definitely don’t need the IQ of rocket scientist.
If you DO already have SOME marketing knowledge then great, although you definitely do not require ANY prior marketing knowledge to learn how to private label physical products for maximum profit and to be able to sell your products with eBay, Amazon, and via your own eCommerce websites because all this is taught in the course.
Once you’ve completed some of the course modules and you’ve learned how to effectively build your own brand products (–the right way that is–), then you’ll want to begin promoting and selling your products. To help you to do this, during the course we’ll cover everything you’ll need to know about eCommerce listing strategies so you’ll get maximum exposure when listing your products on eBay and Amazon sites.
In addition, we’ll also cover multi-channel marketing techniques so you’ll be able to begin promoting your products on multiple-sales channels including your own websites to build a solid income, establish your brand’s presence and protect your business by selling your own brand products on multiple sales channels.
We’ll also cover some more advanced direct marketing techniques in the latter course modules.
Screenshot of the course

Here’s What’s Included

In The Proven Private Label Course…
Use ‘Fast-Start’ Research Techniques to Quickly Uncover

the Most Lucrative Products to Private Label
In this first module you’ll discover all the steps you’ll need to be able to quickly research and identify niche markets where ‘physical’ private label products are already being sold in droves every day of the week. We’ll scout out and reverse engineer the ideal private label markets like Nutritional Supplements, Health & Beauty, Apparel & Clothing, Pet Care, Automotive and Home & Garden as well as other lesser known ‘ideal’ markets. You’ll also discover why you need to be selling your ‘own brand’ physical products to generate a proven list of buyers and to build a 6 figure business at the same time.
This module includes…

Learn the truth about selling private label ‘physical’ products to build your own brands (and why in my opinion it’s THE most profitable online business model)
How to find the most lucrative niches to launch your private label products that put money in your bank account in the quickest possible time

Uncover in-demand ‘hot’ products that are ‘Golden Nuggets’ (and perfect for private label)
Discover the secret to adding value to build a unique brand of physical products that will have your competition scratching their heads (and wondering how the heck you did it)
Setup the ‘auto-pilot’ framework for your private label business and your customers will keep on buying from you, time-and-time-again

Stake Your Claim with Private Label Suppliers to Lay the Foundation of Your Online Business Empire, in Less than 1 Day
This module covers ‘physical’ private label product sourcing in detail. Once you’ve chosen a market and identified product(s) to brand, you’ll then need to find the right ‘domestic and international’ suppliers who’ll manufacture and package your private label products for you, at rock bottom prices. You’ll also discover how to source the best products following a proven path for importing and exporting your products across international borders and you’ll also learn how to get your supplier’s full co-operation to brand products for you.
Revealed in this module…

Discover how to ‘talk’ the same language to get the upper hand when dealing with international –(and-local)– suppliers
IF you want to sell the best products ‘no one else’ can get, then you’ll need to ‘look’ where nobody else looks – (these videos reveal how to find those ‘secret’ product sources)
Discover the secret to adding value to build a unique brand of physical products that will have your competition scratching their heads (and wondering how the heck you did it)

Get Your Products ‘Packaged like a Pro’ for Pennies

with NO Professional Knowledge
In module 3 you’ll discover everything you’ll need to know about adding value to your product packaging to create a truly unique and professional image that increases your brands net worth. We’ll cover the different types of packaging available to you and which packaging you should use for your products. By the time you’ve watched the videos in this module you’ll be armed with everything you’ll need to be able to bring your products to market on a professional level. We’ll cover the importance of brand harmonization and why you need to maintain your brands integrity and how to increase your product retail prices using the packaging available to you.
You’ll enjoy this module when you see…

How to get value added ‘professionally designed’ labels and packaging more than just a few pennies or less!
Your brand image will determine your bottom line profits –(follow these ‘fail proof’ tips to maximize income from your brands)–
Make your products stand out from the crowd to make an IMPACT – (without being a ‘me too’ product)–
Discover the ‘secret’ to successful product packaging –(get this wrong and your products are guaranteed to fail literally, before you even begin to advertize or list on Amazon)–
Learn the ‘A to Z of Barcodes’ in 10 Minutes Flat, –(no ‘neuro science’ degree required!)–

Watch Over My Shoulder to See ‘Real Life Examples’ of Private Label Products Making Money Right Now
In this module we’ll review and solidify what you’ve learned so far as you ‘virtually’ step into my ‘brand cave’. This is where you’ll see firsthand the magic that can happen when you create your own brands. You’ll look over my shoulder as I show actual real life examples of private label products being researched, sourced, branded and resold for profit. You’ll also discover why ‘brand psychology’ plays an important role in the success (or failure) of your private label product business. In addition, you’ll see the exact process for legally protecting your products and brands as your valuable business assets.
Join me in this module…

Watch ‘over my shoulder‘ examples of real private label products making money right now
We’ll explore No Less than 5 niche categories perfect for private label, that You can swipe for your own business
Your website visitors won’t be able to resist buying when you discover and apply the ‘Psychology of a Winning ‘Brand Name‘
Domain Names Exposed: Discover how to get the unique domain name you need for less than 10 bucks, in a World of ‘Domain Hoarders and Sharks’
Trademarks & Patents Explained – Use this one technique to instantly increase your brand’s ‘asset’ value –(and protect your business and sales from ‘Infringing’ Copycats)–

Take Advantage of Multi-Channel eCommerce and ‘L.A.C.E.’ for World Domination, (Seriously, You Really Can Sell Your Brands in Multiple Countries and Win!)
By the time you’re private label product business begins expanding and you’re making a good, solid monthly income you’ll want to automate your systems to place your physical private label product business growth on semi-autopilot. This will allow you to control every aspect of your business as you leverage your products to be sold into online markets worldwide. As soon as you’ve implemented what you learn in this module you’ll still have plenty of time spend with the family and do your own thing –(or even build other businesses)– because you’ll only need to work the equivalent of 3 days each week to maintain your private label business growth using L.A.C.E.
Watch the videos in this module to implement ‘L.A.C.E’ – Leverage, Automate, Control and Expand…

Leverage just one good selling product to multiply your business
Automate shipping and ‘back-end’ processes for multiple sales channels and multiple points of sale
Control (and profit) from your product sales in multiple countries around the world
Expand your sales network to reach 5 continents –all from one single control center

Implement the ‘Wholesale Wealth System’

to Fortify Your Business and Your Sales
By this time you’ll already be able to create your own private label physical products with ‘do-it-yourself’ professional branding on a shoestring budget. You’ll also know how to effectively market and sell your products. Next you’ll want to begin implementing what I like to call the ‘Wholesale Wealth System.’ Do this and you’ll be able to take a back seat and reap the financial rewards as you magnetically attract other re-sellers to sell your products for you. Then, all you’ll need to do is literally observe as your income grows month on month, whilst the retailers do almost all the hard selling of your products to attract more new customers to your products and brands.
Watch the step-by-step tutorials in this module to…

Use the ‘Wholesale Wealth System’ to attract re-sellers who’ll become some of your best customers –(and your marketing ‘worker bees’ at the same time)–
If you’re the only one selling your brands then you may as well be sitting on a stool with one leg. Follow this proven path to recruit re-sellers and build a solid network –(do this and you’ll protect your business, long term!)
How to recruit, manage and select the best associates and resellers
Learn how to find and select distributors for your products and who NOT to sell to at wholesale prices

Release Contagious Affiliate Networking Techniques to Increase Viral Sales

and Solidify Your Brand Presence
You’ll be pleased to see the videos in this module…
In module this, if you’re not already earning six-figures then you’ll strengthen your presence by making your brands go ‘viral’ with select affiliate recruitment techniques and networks. By partnering with top level affiliate marketers and joint venture partners you’ll be able to leverage your joint efforts to bring you unlimited traffic and unlimited sales.

Know how to find your selling price ‘sweet spot’ to price your private label products –(and attract the best affiliates)–
Use a secret strategy that can easily turn one low cost private label product into thousands of dollars of profit every month
Create niche portals that attract more ‘like minded’ customers to buy your private label products

and LOTS More…
This is the most comprehensive Private Label course I’ve ever seen. All the way from the WHY through Financial Calculators, How to Negotiate with Your Suppliers and even Building a Branded Community. If you are going to add Private Label products to your business, THIS is the course to get.

Kat Simpson (ThatKat.com)
Jim has done an amazing job finding people with proven business models over the past 10 years. All of the courses have been taught by people who can prove their success and Jim wants to see many other people have the opportunity to achieve the same success if they apply what they learn to grow a real business. I have participated in one of the proven courses six years ago that provided an opportunity for me leave my full time IT job over three years ago and work with my family. Proven Private Label course gives me a new level of opportunity and hope to build a brand of physical products to sell at a high profit margin and provide what the customers want and need. The creator provides all that is needed from A-Z and the necessary tools as well to build a brand online. This course is not exclusive to Amazon, but eBay and other online markets as well. I encourage you to get this course if you are serious about expanding your business with Private Label products.

Doug Renz
Holy smoke! Tom Freeman delivers mind bending quality content in his Proven Private Labeling Course! By partnering with Tom Freeman, Jim Cockrum has unleashed perhaps the most powerful course to date in the MySilentTeam family of courses. It’s well known that having your own private label product(s) sets you apart from the competion and offers a degree of stability for your business. Now there is a comprehensive course that takes you through private label creation in an simple step by step, easy to follow and diligent fashion. The Proven Private Labeling Course is your ticket to quantum leaps for your business.

Jerry Siegel