Jessica Flint – FoodBodyLove


Jessica Flint – FoodBodyLove“If I only could have a normal relationship to food!”How many times have you caught yourself saying this after spooning heaps of peanut butter straight from the jar minutes after dusting off that brand new bag of organic granola that was suppose to last the whole week?The numbers (calories, grams of fat, grocery bills) are enough to make your head spin. But you know, nothing sits as hard as the shame of another broken promise.If you’ve been following all the diet rules year after year and feel even more out of control and stressed around food and your body size, you know how frustrating it is.Despite your best efforts, it just seems to be a never-ending struggle…What’s the deal?You watch other people have a normal relationship to food…like eat at restaurants without obsessing over the bread basket the whole time or simply eat a cookie (or two) without summoning the binge beast. They have a relaxed state around food as if it’s not that big of a deal. At this point you’re probably wondering if that could ever happen to you.It soooo can! Imagine if……You finally stopped eating frantically straight from the fridge, paranoid someone is going to catch you any second.…You no longer felt like you’re constantly letting yourself down and disappointing others with the secrets and lies.…You stopped struggling with your weight going up and down like a teeter-totter (stability please!).….You felt confident in your body and treated it like the sacred temple it was built to be. Yes, you can have a normal relationship to food that fuels your mind, body and heart. Not to mention, the amount of mental space you’ll free up is HUGE. You’ll be able to create space for the things that truly make you happy and fulfilled like a loving relationship, a career your crazy passionate about, or actually following through on those big travel plans around the world. It’s not the number on the scale and food that’s holding you back…it’s your approach to them that is.FoodBodyLove™ pulls together the knowledge and insights of the world’s best experts and activists into one powerful system of support and mentorship. I created FoodBodyLove™ to share the EXACT principles and strategies I used to face my food and body challenges head on like a warrior.I haven’t always had the whole food and body thing mastered. In fact, over 11 years ago I wanted to die. No joke, I felt like the suffering would never end and no one would miss me when I was gone. Needless to say, I was in a super dark and hopeless place. Although I was a talented athlete and top of my college class, I felt alone, exhausted, and trapped by a vicious cycle of dieting and bingeing. No matter how hard I tried, I felt like a failure. One thing I’m eternally grateful for is….I didn’t give up on myself because deep down in my heart I knew that there was more to life…that I had more to offer life.At this point I’d tried all the diets and cleanses — read all the magazines promising magical meal plans and workouts — and thought that maybe, just maybe I was wasting my time on methods that didn’t work.I decided to try out a new approach I weaved together from the advice of experienced mentors and treatment professionals. And month by month, things changed.Year by year, things REALLY changed. Now over a decade later, I’ve never felt better about my body and who I am. I effortlessly maintain my weight and no longer feel held back at all in this area of my life. I exercise because I want to, not because I have to and feel stronger than ever. Foods I use to binge on without fail like cereal and granola can sit around my house for weeks without being finished. This would have sounded surreal over a decade ago, but it’s so real. Food is no longer a big deal.Here are a couple reasons why changing your relationship to food and body should be your top priority:1. You’ve lost way too many years of your life already being at war with your body and confused over having a conflicted love hate relationship with food. Frustrating = Understatement. (And how exciting to know that with the right mindset shifts, you could be on your way to ridding yourself from the binge beast for good). 2. Straight up, there are reasons why your relationship to food is so chaotic and stressful. No diet will ever solve these underlying issues and it is your responsibility to do the “real” work that leads to real results.But with the knowledge of what to focus on and what to steer clear of you can start to make decisions that are in alignment with where you want to be. So, even if someone close says a completely hurtful and totally unnecessary remark, you won’t find yourself reaching to food.No, there isn’t a “magic pill” you can take that will give you results overnight (that ole 1 pound/week x 10 weeks crap math has gotta go). BUT getting to where you want to be is easier than you’d think and literally ANYONE can do it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.FoodBodyLove™ combines an awareness of the problem with solutions you can start practicing right now.Here’s everything you can expect to learn when you enroll in FoodBodyLove:Why diets keep failing you (not you failing at them!).The hidden messages your hunger is telling youWhat is going on in your brain before, during, and after you binge eatHow to boost your overall health using the 9 dimensions of wellness modelHow to work with your metabolism, not against itWhy you need to set boundaries and how to do itAttachment theory and it’s impact on how you bond with othersEmotional eating and it’s connection to relationshipsExploring the roots of your limiting beliefs and where they came fromPractices to bring more self-compassion into your lifeUnderstand how to work with perfectionism constructivelyWhy you’re setting goals wrong and how to set purposeful one’s that are achievableSimple practices to build more confidence and awarenessHow to shift your identity from where you are to where you want to beThe impact of judgement and how to care less about what others thinkHow to use the archetype of a Warrior to overcome your challenges with food and bodyWhy spirituality can be a powerful path to self-acceptance and changeDiscover the important balance of masculine and feminine energies we must all be aware ofLearn how to work with the ancient Eastern system of chakras to healUnderstand how you astrological moon sign ties into your relationship with foodCourse CurriculumUnderstanding the ProblemWhy Diets Don’t Work + The Program That Actually Does with Evelyn Tribole, RDWhy You Feel Crazy Around Food and How to Stop with Isabel Foxen DukeDeciphering the Hidden Messages in Your Hunger with Anita Johnston, PhDThe Brain Science Behind Binge Eating with Kari Anderson, DBHWillpower Isn’t Enough: How to Stop Binge Eating for Good Using the 9 Dimensions of Wellness with Marissa Sappho, LCSWWhat Healthy at Every Size Really Means with Christy Harrison, MPH, RDN“How Can I Ever Love This Body?” with Rebecca Scritchfield, RDWorking with, Not Against your Metabolism with Erica Drewry, RDHealing Your Relationship with Self and OthersAttachment Styles and Our Ability to Make Deep Connections with Sharon Zimbler, LMFT and Nancy Staycer, LCSWHow to Set Boundaries and Strengthen Your Personal Power with Rosie MolinaryLet’s Talk About Sex….and Emotional Eating with Mary Anne Cohen, LCSW“It All Makes Sense Now”: The Advantages of Understanding Internal Family Systems with Betsy Thurston, RD“I’m Not Good Enough”: Exploring Your Limiting Beliefs and Changing The Narrative of Your Life with Leora Fulvio, LMFTHow To Rise Up From Diet Rock Bottom and Find Love with Kelsey MillerHow to Bring Self-Compassion Into Your Daily Life with Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhDHonoring Your Authentic Introverted Self with Meghan Kacmarcik, RDShifting Your MindsetCognitive Dissonance, the Super-Serum for Body Acceptance with Carolyn Becker, PhDPerfectionism: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Dr. Colleen ReichmannHow to Respect and Love Our Bodies Unconditionally with Dianne Bondy, E-RYTOvercoming Superwoman Syndrome with Lisa Lewtan“Why Do I Keep Chasing Goals, But I Never Feel Fulfilled?”: How to Finally Beat the Achievement Trap with Brandilyn TeboLetting Go of the Number: How to Retrain Your Brain with Eliza Kingsford, LPCLive More Confidently and Fully with Dana FalsettiThe Adventure to Self-Love and Acceptance with Shannon KaiserWhy You Can’t Have Body Positivity Without Feminism with Melissa FabelloCreate the Life You Desire ing NOW with Katie DaleboutWhy Finding Life Beyond Food Is Possible and Awesome) with Angela GulnerThere are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.