Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 3.0


You were taught over and over that life is a series of “If This, Then That” scenarios.“IF you study hard, THEN you will get good grades.”“IF you get good grades, THEN you will get a good job.” “IF you get a good job, THEN you will be financially secure.”“IF you are financially secure, THEN you can plan for a secure future.”“IF you have a secure future, THEN you can relax a little and perhaps have some peace of mind.”Purchase Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 3.0 courses at here with PRICE $500 $35 Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 3.0You were taught over and over that life is a series of “If This, Then That” scenarios.“IF you study hard, THEN you will get good grades.”“IF you get good grades, THEN you will get a good job.” “IF you get a good job, THEN you will be financially secure.”“IF you are financially secure, THEN you can plan for a secure future.”“IF you have a secure future, THEN you can relax a little and perhaps have some peace of mind.”Or what about this one?“IF you study hard, THEN you will get good grades.”“IF you are a nice person, and IF you just follow the rules about how to live a good life, THEN you will be rewarded.”“IF you are good enough THEN the rewards include companionship, connection, and evenGet Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 3.0 at the CourseAvailove.”“IF you get a good job, THEN you will be financially secure.”“IF you are financially secure, THEN you can plan for a secure future.”“IF you have a secure future, THEN you can relax a little and perhaps have some peace of mind.”Yikes. With this long list of conditions required for happiness, success or just plain peace of mind, is it any wonder that virtually the entire world is hustling and scrambling like mad to “Arrive”?We are driven to succeed, yet secretly starving for inner peace. We are rushing to arrive, yet craving simple enjoyment.You are hustling to win… yet the finish line is moving as fast as you are.The old books talk about slowing down, and the beauty of simple times… but do you know why Emerson, Thoreau and other sages of the past were so chilled out?BECAUSE THEY LIVED IN A BORING TIME.There wasn’t much to do, no internet, no Facebook, no thousand emails a day.Back then there weren’t social and economic changes multiplying faster than breeding rabbits (and those relaxed old guys certainly never had to suffer through a Kim and Kanye video).So, yes in the past things were simpler. Slower. More relaxed.But those days are over for good. And if you expect to maintain any slight bit of inner peace, inner power or the ability to weather the storms of modern life… a new approach is desperately needed.Your education didn’t prepare you for a world where change is happening so rapidly…and the pace is only quickening.Your teachers did not know for themselves – and were likely doing the best they could – but there’s no way anyone could have prepared you for the changes that are happening now.In a world where the rate of change is speeding up so fast, where both opportunities AND dangers are crowding your screens, your newsfeed and your inbox…The only choices are to A) go faster and try to keep up for as long as you possibly can, competing daily and exhausting yourself. Or B) Opt out.WHAT!? Opt out?Well, not like an off grid survivalist or a backpacking couchsurfer… More like a monk, or a Jedi would.Get Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 3.0 at the CourseAvaiBecome the master of your Self.Master your thoughts. Your emotions.Master your perspective.