Jerry Hoepner – Cognitive Rehabilitation: Therapeutic Strategies for Effective Intervention


[Instant Download] – Immediately deliver the download link after receiving the paymentPurchase Jerry Hoepner – Cognitive Rehabilitation: Therapeutic Strategies for Effective Intervention courses at here with PRICE $219.99 $41Faculty:Jerry HoepnerDuration:Full DayFormat:Audio and VideoCopyright:Feb 19, 2016 Webcast Manual (35.95 MB) 115 Pages Available after Purchase OutlineCognitive-Linguistic AssessmentsScreening toolsCognitive evaluations (standardized and non-standardized)Language assessments (standardized and non-standardized as they apply to cognitive assessments)Rating scales (provider and consumer)Cognitive Rehabilitation TechniquesRemediation / Compensation / AdaptationTherapy decision-making (dynamic/ongoing assessment; patient centered; goal directed)Documentation of Skilled ServicesJustification for skilled, necessary and reasonable therapyICD-9 / ICD-10 codes pertinent to SLP interventionSMART goalsOutcome measuresFIMSNOMSRelevancy to G-CodesA guide for developing LTG’sKey elements required for:Daily notesProgress notesAttentionPosner’s Theory of AttentionAnatomic substrates of the attention systemAttention subtypesFunctional manifestations of inattentionInterventions strategies for promoting improved attention across recovery continuumRemediationWakefulness (stimulation management programs)Reduced agitation (validation therapy, environmental modification, positive psychology)Increased function (direct attention training with reflection)Compensatory strategies (partner-based supports, environmental interventions)Adaptation techniques (assisted prompting)Goal writing for attention deficitsMemoryAnatomy of the memory systemsMemory typesEncoding / Consolidation / RetrievalInterventions for facilitating recallRemediationUtilization of preserved systems (spaced retrieval, routines, implicit learning)Adaptation techniquesExternal aidsTask-specific learningGoal writing for attention deficitsExecutive Functions (EF)Anatomic substrates of the EF systemMcCloskey’s Executive FunctionsExecutive functioning hierarchySelf-activationSelf-regulationSelf-realizationSelf-determinationFunctional manifestations of EF impairmentsSpecific focus areas for EF’sFunctional problem solvingAwareness / InsightStrategies for reducing the effects of executive dysfunctionRemediation (Reflection, video self-modeling, Ylvisaker’s Goal-Plan-Do-Review)Compensation (routines, environmental interventions, partner-based interventions)Adaptation (cognitive prosthetics)Goal writing for EF and problem solvingVisual Perceptual FunctionAnatomy of the visual systemWarren’s Visual Perceptual HierarchyFunctional manifestation of visual perception deficitsTherapeutic strategies specific to:Low visionHemispatial neglectRemediation (known quantities, metacognitive/self-regulatory interventions)Compensation (environmental interventions, partner-based interventions, edgeness and bookness)Adaptation (visual/attentional prosthetics)Goal writing for visual perceptual impairmentsSpecial ConsiderationsDeliriumDSM-5® criteria for deliriumThe neuroscience of deliriumDiagnosing deliriumProtective, predisposing and precipitating factors for deliriumReversible causes for deliriumTreatment techniques for deliriumDepressionClinical manifestations of geriatric depressionMedications which can cause depressionSLP role in the management of depressionRight Hemisphere Dysfunction (RHD)Assessment tools specific to RHDClinical manifestations of RHDLeft hemispatial neglectPragmatic impairmentReduced awareness / insightCognitive impairmentSpecific Therapy ActivitiesCase StudiesFaculty Jerry Hoepner, PhD, CCC-SLP Related seminars and products: 5 Jerry Hoepner, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an assistant professor in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. In that capacity, he teaches coursework in neuroanatomy, dysphagia, aphasia, acquired cognitive disorders, and counseling. Dr. Hoepner received his MS from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Communication Sciences and Disorders. His current research examines the role of partners in supporting the success of everyday interactions of individuals with traumatic brain injury, aphasia and dementias. A second line of research examines teaching pedagogies and learner responses. Clinically, Dr. Hoepner specializes in the use of routines to reduce demands on working memory and executive functions. He co-facilitates Aphasia Camp and the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group.Speaker Disclosures:Financial: Dr. Jerry Hoepner is an assistant professor and researcher at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.Nonfinancial: Dr. Jerry Hoepner is on the board of directors for the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group. Salepage: Jerry Hoepner – Cognitive Rehabilitation: Therapeutic Strategies for Effective Intervention courses at here with PRICE $219.99 $41