Jerome Quellier – Addressing Patient Behavior by Brain Lesion Site: Clinical Tools & Strategies Specific to Patient Deficits


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: Total sizes: – include: Faculty:Jerome QuellierDuration:5 Hours 52 MinutesFormat:Audio and VideoCopyright:Jun 07, 2019 Manual – Addressing Patient Behavior by Brain Lesion Site (20.7 MB) 181 Pages Available after Purchase Outline Neuroanatomy And The Impact On Cognitive ProcessingBasic neuronal anatomyBrain wiring: Association, projection, and commissural fiber tractsBrain lobes locations and ties to cognitive processesCerebellum and impact upon cognitionCase Study 1: Jacob’s anxiety and how pacing the halls become therapeuticOptic System And Visual Perception Optic constructs, anterior-posterior fiber tractsVisual cortices and unique roles in visual processingEffect of tumors, shear injuries, CVA lesions upon visual processingCase study 2: Why can’t my patient just see the whole worksheet like I do?Group Exercise: Review of vision diagnostics by discipline (PT/OT/SLP)How Neurotransmitters Drive The Bus Internal communication systems within the brainDopamine pathways and effects on cognition and reward systemsSerotonin pathways and mood modulationsExecutive Functions Of The Frontal Lobe The Cognitive Pyramid and moving patients upwardSkull anatomy and effects of shear injuryShear injury as it affects anxiety and behavioral healthTherapy implications for PT/OT/SLPGroup Exercise: Review of executive function diagnostics by discipline (PT/OT/SLP)Communication And The Left Hemispheric Functions Broca’s vs. Wernike’s areaFunction of the accurate fasciculus upon communicationSpatial Processing And The Right Hemispheric Functions Neurophysiology vs neuropathology, understanding patients’ nonverbal challengesInferential language and social cognitionA sense of time and spatial organization revealedThe Hidden Processors-Thalamic InfluencesAuditory pathways and neuroanatomyThalamic engagement on sensory informationModulation of sleep and vigilanceMemory: How The Hippocampus And The Amygdala Partner Memory processesMemory types: Right vs left hippocampal functionsHypoxia and anoxia upon memory functionSleep and memory consolidation, effect of exercise on memory structuresAmygdala’s influence upon fear-based learning and hijacking executive controlCase study 3: Nile’s hypoxia and long term rehab outcomesRecovery From Acceleration/Deceleration Injuries: Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) Microanatomical features of DAICTE: Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyWhere medications have failedAgitation Management Strategies Review how working knowledge of the Rancho Los Amigos levels and practitioner tips can avoid confrontationLearn trick of the trade for avoiding escalationConfabulation and denial – addressing the elephant in the roomEnriching Patient And Clinician Relationships The science behind mediations and mindfulnessReigning in the runaway situationFaculty Jerome Quellier, MS, CCC-SLP Related seminars and products: 6 Jerome Quellier, MS, CCC-SLP, is a clinical specialist in traumatic brain injury and communication disorders at a 450+ bed Level 1 Trauma hospital in Saint Paul, MN with almost 25 years of acute, residential, and outpatient rehabilitation experience. During his tenure at the hospital he has focused on neuro-based diagnostics and intervention for dysphagia, cognitive-linguistic deficits, head and neck cancer management, patient advocacy, and curriculum development. Mr. Quellier has made a career-long study of the intricacies of neurology, completed advanced training in brain dissection at Marquette University, actively engages in staff development training, and recently joined a surgery team in preserving language function during tumor resections.In addition to his clinical practice, he has previously held a faculty position at the University of Minnesota Duluth teaching graduate level coursework, and taught undergraduate workshops as adjunct faculty at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Mr. Quellier is excited to bring this topic to the forefront after working with the interdisciplinary team’s challenges in understanding the “what and why” of traumatic brain injury, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and tumor resections as they apply to behavioral changes. He graduated Cum Laude with his bachelor’s degree and graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.Speaker Disclosures:Financial: Jerome Quellier has an employment relationship with Regions Hospital. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.Non-financial: Jerome Quellier is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Salepage: