Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)


(This course is available for immediate delivery) Connect and Grow with Jeremy and our Group of 6, 7, and 8 Figure Investors – Over 160Million dollars worth of individually managed portfolios

Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)

Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdowns
If you are serious about stock market investing this is the group you deserve to be in. Take things to the next level!
Connect and Grow with Jeremy and our Group of 6, 7, and 8 Figure Investors – Over 160Million dollars worth of individually managed portfolios
Course Curriculum


Watch This Video First Please (19:20)
Overview of Everything Included in The Private Group (4:31)
5 Apps Jeremy Uses For Stock Management and Research
Stock Investing Checklist (Bonus)
Going through a 10k/annual report with me (29:53)
How I Do channel Checks (23:21)
The most life changing for the better video you may ever watch (6:26)
Running Revenue Projections for a Stock (7:18)

OCT 2021

Episode 204 – Oct, 1, 2021 (14:55)
Portfolio Breakdowns – Oct 1, 2021 (13:21)
Livestream October 4th (32:05)

September 2021

Episode 200 – Sept 3, 2021 (7:08)
How I research a stock step by step as efficient as possible (11:19)
Episode 201 – Sept 10, 2021 (13:04)
Private Livestream September 13th (35:53)
How I think and run probabilities when losing $ on a stock (8:13)
Episode 202 – Sept 17, 2021 (18:14)
Portfolio breakdowns – Set 17, 2021 (21:57)
Private Livestream September 20th 2021 (35:37)
Episode 203 – Spet 24, 2021 (16:05)
Portfolio Breakdowns – Sept 24, 2021 (9:38)
Private Livestream September 27th (34:23)

Get immediately download Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)

Stock Market Investing Mastery Course

Welcome (6:34)
How to Buy and Sell Stocks plus what reports to look at (15:53)
Why Modern Long Term Investing (13:23)
Confidence in Yourself (9:46)
Brand Strength (12:48)
Balance Sheet and Capital Structure (10:20)
Income Statement (6:01)
Executive Management (10:38)
P/E Ratio (9:09)
My Perfect Stock (6:33)
How To Outperform The Stock Market (25:49)
Thank You (4:45)
How I Value a Growth Stock I like
How I value a Growth Stock part 2 (12:40)
How I Find The Next great high Growth Stock (58:44)
The big key ? to my investing process (3:23)
Stock Market Mastery Quiz
How I Model Revenue and Net Income (20:10)
Valuations model (10:04)
What is good cash level compared to market cap for me?

Dividend Investing Mastery

Intro (2:10)
How to tell if a dividend is safe (8:51)
What Makes A Great Dividend Stock? (8:28)
Examples of great dividend stocks (10:31)
Building a Great Dividend Portfolio (9:32)

12 Part Stock Options Mastery Course

Options Base Fundamentals (19:03)
Call Options Intro (7:06)
Writing Covered Call Options (11:11)
Writing Naked Call Options (6:20)
Buying Call Options (11:14)
Put Options Intro (3:19)
Writing Covered Put Options (10:33)
Writing Naked Put Options (6:00)
Buying Put Options (7:34)
Advanced Options Strategies – Part 1 (14:48)
Advanced Options Strategies – Part 2 (11:54)
Advanced Options Strategies – Part 3 (19:31)
Stock Options Mastery Quiz
Bonus Lesson – Why I Buy in the money sometimes vs out of the money calls (10:27)

August 2021

Margins and how a business improves them over time (9:06)
Episode 197 – Aug 6, 2021 (16:13)
Episode 198 – Aug 13, 2021 (18:52)
I just bought and sold several stocks in public acct
Episode 198 – Aug 20, 2021 (11:35)
What I do & don’t on a massive day (7:07)
Episode 199 – August 27, 2021 (12:19)
If my a bunch of my stocks crash 25% tomorrow I will do this (5:52)

July 2021

3 Lessons from Warren Buffett (11:10)
3 Lessons from Goat Buffett (11:47)
Private Lesson – Get ready to have your mind blown. $1Mil+ on the way (9:30)
Episode 194 – July 2, 2021 (10:11)
Episode 194 – July 9, 2021 (18:40)
Why I buy in the money options sometimes and out of the money sometimes (10:27)
I just bought call options in 2 stocks. July 15, 2021
My alternative Investment class (12:26)
Episode 195 – July 16, 2021 (12:53)
I just sold $145,000 of a stock and bought 2 stocks… (4:09)
Huge LT growth – Overvalued or naw? (14:44)
Episode 196 – July 30, 2021 (10:26)
Private Lesson – How I value based on growth (10:48)

June 2021

Episode 190 – June 4, 2021 (11:42)
Private Lesson – How I think about buying a call like this (10:24)
Private lesson – Don’t get caught in this trap (4:29)
I just bought $6000 of different call options
Episode 191 – June 11, 2021 (17:01)
Episode 192 – June 18, 2021 (11:50)
Episode 193 – June 25, 2021 (10:43)
A look at valuations right now – June 21, 2021 (9:11)

May 2021

Private livestream – May 3, 2021
Episode 186 – May 7, 2021 (17:32)
Channel Checks May 7, 2021 (9:19)
Private Lesson with Jeremy Lefebvre 5-10-2021 (16:45)
Episode 187 – May 14, 2021 (15:49)
Episode 188 – May 21, 2021 (11:02)
Private Lesson – Price to Sales Ratio (10:53)
Episode 189 – May 28, 2021 (12:56)
Private Lesson – 3 Stock Charts that will forever change your perspective (13:47)

April 2021

Episode 181 – April 2, 2021 (7:36)
Private Livestream April 5, 2021
Episode 182 – April 9, 2021 (9:28)
Private Group Livestream April 12, 2021
Episode 183 – April 16, 2021 (16:08)
Just bought 1,000 shares of a stock
I just bought call options in this stock. April 22, 2021 (1:56)
Episode 184 – April 22, 2021 (19:39)
Private Livestream April 26, 2021
I just bought more of 2 stocks in public account
Portfolio Breakdown (18:09)
I just spent $8,000 on call options today!
Episode 185 – April 30, 2021 (13:41)

March 2021

Private Livestream – March 1, 2021
Just bought $20,000 of this stock – March 3, 2021
Portfolio Breakdowns (11:40)
Episode 177 – March 5, 2021 (11:24)
Private Livestream – MARCH 8, 2021
Episode 178 – March 12th 2021 (20:10)
How Voyager makes money (3:51)
Private Livestream – March 15, 2021
I just sold 2 stocks and bought 2 stocks in Public account – March 18, 2021 (5:26)
Episode 179 – March 19, 2021 (14:51)
Bought $30,000 of a new stock – March 23, 2021
Why I think this stock could moving up big by the Summer (6:00)
Private Livestream March 22, 2021
Episode 180 – March 26, 2021 (19:13)

February 2021

Private Livestream – Feb 1, 2021
I just bought a new stock in public acct. Feb 2, 2021
Episode 173 – Feb 4, 2021 (13:05)
Private Livestream Feb 8, 2021
Just bought a brand new stock in public acct. Feb 11, 2021
Episode 174 – Feb 12, 2021 (19:11)
Private Livestream Feb 15, 2021
Just bought $50,000 of this stock
Episode 175 – Feb 19, 2021 (14:38)
Private Livestream Feb 22, 2021
I just bought a brand new stock in dividend acct
Portfolio Breakdown (9:55)
Episode 176 – Feb 26, 2021 (19:56)
This stock is crazy undervalued IMO and the story is about to change (3:08)

January 2021

Episode 168 – Jan 1, 2021 (12:40)
Private Livestream – Jan 4, 2021
Episode 169 – Jan 8 – 2021 (17:11)
Private Livestream Jan 11, 2021
Portfolio Reviews (12:25)
Episode 170 – Jan 15, 2021 (8:58)
Private Livestream – Jan 18, 2021
Episode 171 – Jan 22, 2021 (9:45)
Private Livestream – Jan 25, 2021
Episode 172 – Jan 29, 2021 (13:20)

December 2020

Just took a $41,000 gain in this stock. Dec 3, 2020
I just bought $73,000 of this stock in public acct. Dec 3, 2020
Private Loom video on 2 Stock moves (6:13)
Episode 165 – Dec 4, 2020 (14:09)
Private Livestream Dec 7, 2020
2 new stocks I bought audio message
I just sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock
Episode 166 – Dec 11, 2020 (11:26)
Private Livestream – Dec 14, 2020
Are you a Piggy? (4:44)
I just bought more of a stock. Dec 18, 2020
Episode 167 – Dec 18, 2020 (8:45)
Private Livestream – Dec 21, 2020
Private Livestream Dec 28, 2020
My last move of 2020. 500 shares of this stock. Dec 31, 2020

November 2020

Private Livestream Nov 2, 2020
Just sold a stock and bought a stock in public account Nov 10, 2020
Just sold 2 stocks and bought 1 stock
Episode 162 – Nov 13, 2020 (12:51)
Private Livestream Nov 16, 2020
New AZ house tour
Episode 163 – Nov 20, 2020 (11:50)
Private livestream Nov 23, 2020
Audio Message for private group Nov 26, 2020
Episode 164 – Nov 27, 2020 (18:33)
Just bought 800 shares of this stock. Nov 30, 2020
Private Stock group Livestream – Nov 30, 2020

October 2020

Episode 157 – OCT 2, 2020 (13:14)
Private Livestream Oct 5, 2020
Episode 158 – OCT 9, 2020 (5:39)
Private Livestream Oct 12, 2020
Just bought $10000 of 2 stocks div acct, oct 13, 2020
Just sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock. Oct 13, 2020
Episode 159 October 16th 2020 (17:26)
Private Livestream Oct 19, 2020
Episode 160 Oct 23, 2020 (14:00)
Oct 26, 2020 Private Livestream
2:30AM Private video on Ely deal with TopGolf
Episode 161 Oct 30, 2020 (6:10)

September 2020

September 4th 2020 Episode 153 (9:43)
Labor day livestream – Sept 7, 2020
Just bought $7000 if this dividend stock
September 11th 2020 Episode 154 (13:47)
Bought $10000 of a growth stock in public acct Sept 14, 2020
Private Livestream – September 14, 2020
I might sell 3 different stocks in the public account!
I just made $100,000 worth of moves in public account! Sept 17, 2020
Sept 17, 2020 Episode 155 (12:30)
I just bought 2 Stocks. Sept 21, 2020
Monday Sept 21, 2020 Livestream
I just bought over $50,000 worth of 2 stocks in public account. Sept 23, 2020
SEPT 25, 2020! Episode 156 (12:28)
Sept 28, 2020 Private Livestream
I just bought $10000 worth of 2 stocks in dividend only account

August 2020

Livestream August 3, 2020
Just bought $8000 of a stock in public account
August 7th 2020 Episode 149 (16:55)
August 10, 2020 Livestream
August 14th 2020 Episode 150 (11:43)
Just bought $15000 of this growth stock
August 17, 2020 livestream
August 21st 2020 Episode 151 (9:53)
Livestream August 24, 2020
August 28th 2020 Episode 152 (14:12)
August 31, 2020 Livestream

July 2020

July 3rd 2020. Episode 144 (19:05)
June 6, 2020 Livestream
Just made a $5000 move in dividend only acct
July 10th 2020 Episode 145 (12:04)
July 13, 2020 Livestream
Just bought 2 stocks in public account. July 16, 2020
July 17th 2020 Episode 146 (16:11)
Livestream July 20, 2020
July 23rd 2020 Episode 147 (16:20)
Just spent $10,000 on a stock in dividend account
July 31st 2020 Episode 148 (16:05)

June 2020

June 1, 2020 Livestream
Bought 10000 shares of a stock. June 2, 2020
Episode 140 June 5th 2020 (14:53)
June 8, 2020 2nd livestream. 1st had no audio for 15 mins
Episode 141 June 11th 2020 (17:14)
June 16, 2020 Livestream
Just put $3000 into a new stock
Episode 142 June 19th 2020 (20:44)
June 22, 2020 Livestream
$10000 just bought in public acct in new stock. June 25, 2020
Just bought 2 stocks in public account
Episode 143 June 26th 2020 (17:45)
June 29, 2020 livestream

May 2020

Episode 135 May 1st 2020 (16:22)
May 4, 2020 Livestream
Episode 136 May 8th 2020 (19:47)
Livestream May 11, 2020
Episode 137 May 15th 2020 (16:59)
Livestream May 18, 2020
I just sold 1 stock. May 22, 2020
Episode 138 May 22nd 2020 (19:13)
May 25, 2020 Livestream
Episode 139 May 29th 2020 (16:04)

April 2020

I just sold 1 stock and bought 3 stocks in Dividend Only Account
I just bought $4500 worth of 2 stocks in dividend only account April 2, 2020
Episode 131 April 2nd 2020 (14:51)
April 6, 2020 Livestream
Episode 132 April 10th 2020 (20:02)
April 13, 2020 livestream
Episode 133 April 17th 2020 (12:48)
Livestream 4/20/20
Episode 134 April 24th 2020 (24:08)
Livestream April 27, 2020

March 2020

I just bought $8,000 of a stock in public account – March 2, 2020
I just bought $2,000 of a stock in dividend only account – March 2, 2020
Private Livestream – March 2, 2020
3 Stocks Im Buying Now! March 2020! (13:51)
I bought over $3,000 in dividend account March 6, 2020
I just made 5 moves in public account! March 6, 2020
Episode 127 March 6th 2020 (16:03)
I just bought $3,000 of a stock in main account
I just bought $2,000 of dividend stock in dividend only acct
Livestream March 9, 2020
I bought $10,000 worth of 2 stocks in public account. March 12, 2020
Episode 128 March 13th 2020 (18:20)
I just bought over $10,000 worth of 2 stocks in public act. March 16, 2020
Livestream March, 16, 2020
I just bought $10000 worth of 2 dividend stocks in dividend acct
Episode 129 March 20th 2020 (30:55)
Just bought $5000 worth of 2 dividend stocks in div acct
March 23, 2020 Livestream
Just bought over $13,000 worth of 1 stock in public acct. March 27, 2020
Episode 130 March 27th 2020 (21:58)
Livestream March, 30, 2020

February 2020

Private Livestream – Feb 4, 2020
3 Stocks I’m Buying Now! February 2020 (20:13)
I just sold & bought $22,000 of 2 stocks – Feb 7, 2020
Episode 124 February 7th 2020 (20:06)
Livestream – Feb 10, 2020
Episode 125 February 14th 2020 (20:58)
Private Livestream – Feb 17, 2020
I just bought $6,000 of a stock in public account
I just bought a stock & sold a stock in dividend only account
Episode 126 February 21st 2020 (13:55)
I just bought $5,000 worth of 2 dividend stocks in Dividend Account
Livestream Feb 24, 2020
I just bought $7,000 of 2 stocks in public account
I just bought $5,000 of 1 stock in dividend only account

January 2020

Episode 119 January 3rd 2020 (22:07)
I just bought 2 brand new stocks in the public account! Jan 6, 2020
Livestream – Monday Jan 6, 2020
I just sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock. Jan 9, 2020
Episode 120 January 10th 2020 (14:27)
Livestream replay – Jan 13, 2020
I took an $1,800 profit on a stock. Jan 17, 2020
Episode 121 January 17th 2020 (12:36)
Livestream – Jan 20, 2020
I just bought over $6,000 of stock in public account. Jan 23, 2020
I just bought $3,000 of a new dividend stock in the dividend account. Jan 24, 2020
I just bought $7,000 of 2 stocks in public account. Jan 24, 2020
Episode Episode 122 January 24th 2020 (19:02)
Livestream Jan 27, 2020
I just spent $5,000 buying a stock – Jan 31, 2020
Episode 123 January 31st 2020 (22:42)

December 2019 videos

I just bought $4,000 of a dividend stock for the dividend only account
December 2, 2019 Private Livestream
I just bought 2 stocks and sold 1 stock
Episode 115 December 6th 2019 (21:06)
Livestream Dec 9th, 2019
Episode 116 December 13th 2019 (19:02)
Livestream Monday Dec 16, 2019
I just took a $6000 profit on some shares of one of my stocks. December 18, 2019
Just took another big profit in a stock. December 19, 2019
Episode 117 December 20th 2019 (21:40)
Just took out $8,200 to pay 2019 taxes
Livestream December, 23, 2019
Episode 118 December 27th 2019 (7:33)
Livestream DEC, 30, 2019
3 Stocks Im Buying Now! January 2020! (22:33)

Get immediately download Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)

November Videos 2019

I sold over $8,000 of 1 stock and bought another – Nov 1, 2019
Episode 110 November 1st 2019 (18:18)
November 4, 2019 Livestream
I took a nice profit and bought more of 1 stock – Nov 6, 2019
I just bought over $6,000 of 1 stock in public account. NOV 7, 2019
I just bought a stock in the dividends only account. Nov 7, 2019
Episode 111 November 8th 2019 (15:16)
Livestream Nov 11, 2019
I just sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock. Nov, 12, 2019
NOV, 14, 2019 I just sold 1 stock and bought 2 stocks
Episode 112 November 15th 2019 (18:01)
November 19, 2019 Livestream
Episode 113 November 22nd 2019 (15:18)
Nov 25, 2019 livestream
3 Stocks Im Buying December 2019! (20:13)
Episode 114 November 29th 2019 (15:00)

September Videos 2019

Investing Before Earnings (5:52)
Just made $2500 move in main account. Sept, 3, 2019
$3,000 buy order placed in public account
Episode 102 September 6th 2019 (16:59)
Analyst (15:09)
Episode 103 September 13th 2019 (16:07)
99 Reasons Why I Won’t Buy Weed Stocks (15:16)
Just bought $4,400 of this stock
Episode 104 September 20th 2019 (18:56)
Judging A Balance Sheet Of A Company Losing Money (9:40)
I just sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock
Just sold out of 1 stock totally. Sept, 27, 2019
Just bought 1 stock. Sept 27, 2019
Episode 105 September 27th 2019 (20:03)
When A Company Cuts Their Dividend (6:32)

October Videos 2019

Just bought almost $6,000 worth of a stock. October 1, 2019
3 Stocks Im Buying October 2019 (26:42)
I just bought 1 stock. October 4, 2019
Episode 106 October 4th 2019 (15:28)
Monday Oct 7, 2019 livestream
Episode 107 October 11th 2019 (14:56)
Just bought over $6,000 of a stock. October 14, 2019
OCT 14 2019 Livestream link
Episode 108 October 17th 2019 (11:44)
Oct 21, 2019 livestream
I just bought $5,000 of this stock
Episode 109 October 25th 2019 (14:14)
Livestream OCT-28-2019

August 2019 Videos

Episode 97 August 2nd 2019 (13:00)
I bought $4000 worth of 1 stock today. August 5, 2019
Dividend Stocks I might buy asap (8:16)
I bought 1 stock today. Aug, 9, 2019
Episode 98 August 9th 2019 (16:06)
I just bought $2000 of this stock. Aug 12, 2019
Dividend only account move. August 12, 2019
Fashion Brands And Fashion Stocks (14:31)
Just bought 2 stocks with $5,000 in public account
Just made $2,000 move in dividend account
Just bought $7,000 of a stock in public account. Aug 15, 2019
Just made $3000 move in dividend account. Aug, 15, 2019
Episode 99 August 16th 2019 (15:22)
Why You Don’t Feel Confident Valuing A Company (21:25)
Episode 100 August 23rd 2019 (17:22)
Why I Buy Several Stocks In 1 Sector At The Same Time (7:46)
3 Stocks Im Buying In September 2019 (23:26)
Sold all my shares in this stock
Just bought 3 stocks with the proceeds. August 27, 2019
I just bought $3,000 worth of 1 stock in public account. August 28, 2019
Dividend only account buy $2,000. August 28, 2019
Episode 101 August 30th 2019 (20:14)

July 2019 Videos

Why I think 10%-30% cash is perfect (13:04)
Episode 93 – July 3, 2019 (9:36)
Selling Specific lots and why (8:18)
Just made 4 moves in the market! July 9, 2019
Just bought 1 stock and sold 1 stock. July 11, 2019
Episode 94 – July 12, 2019 (17:05)
What to do when you like a business but not a valuation (8:41)
I just bought $2500 of a stock
Episode 95 – July 19 2019 (17:37)
3 Stocks im buying August 2019 (18:30)
How recession proof is you portfolio? Lets look at mine (13:03)
I just bought $5,500 of a stock
Episode 96 July 25th 2019 (21:08)
Setting Goals In The Stock Market. What To Focus On. (10:22)
First ever investment in new Dividend only account

June 2019

I bought 1 Stock today – June 4, 2019
Summer 2015 and How it could relate to Summer 2019 (8:16)
I just bought 1 stock today. June 5, 2019
Episode 89 – June 7, 2019 (13:48)
Who the Huawei ban really hurts and helps.. (8:20)
Just made 3 big moves in the public account. 6-11-19
Episode 90 – June 14, 2019 (16:40)
When Does averaging up on a stock make sense (7:42)
Episode 91 – June 21, 2019 (16:46)
Just sold a lot of shares. June 24-2019
Just bought 3 stocks! June 24 -2019
Averaging up on positions part 2 (6:01)
3 Stocks Im Buying – July 2019 (28:41)
I just bought 1 stock and sold 1 stock – June 26, 2019
Episode 92 – June 28, 2019 (23:24)

May 2019

I just bought a stock. May 1, 2019
I just bought a stock. May 3, 2019
Episode 84 – May 3, 2019 (24:27)
Episode 85 – May 10, 2019 (17:38)
I just bought a stock today. May 13, 2019
5G Stocks (14:33)
I sold 1 stock and bought 2 stocks today
I just bought a new stock – May 17, 2019
Episode 86 – May 17, 2019 (20:00)
I sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock – May 20, 2019
How to judge the balance sheet of a high debt industry stock (11:00)
I bought 1 stock today – May 23, 2019
3 Stocks Im Buying June 2019 (27:54)
Episode 87 – May 24, 2019 (23:45)
Why Taking a Loss is sometimes the right move (7:50)
Episode 88 – May 31, 2019 (19:21)

April 2019 Videos

Lets Talk Dividends in depth (9:40)
Episode 80 – April 5, 2019 (24:29)
Lets Talk Share Buybacks in Depth (11:29)
Episode 81 – April 12, 2019 (13:25)
I Sold 1 stock and bought 1 stock today. April 18, 2019
Episode 82 – April 19, 2019 (19:11)
3 Stocks Im Buying May 2019 (16:38)
I just bought 1 stock. April 26, 2019
Episode 83 – April 26, 2019 (18:46)

March 2019

1 Stock Im Buying – March 2019 (12:58)
Episode 75 – March 1, 2019 (18:09)
Index Fund Investing (11:23)
I bought 1 Stock Today – March 7, 2019
Episode 76 – March 8, 2019 (19:49)
I bought 1 stock today. March 11, 2019
The State Of The Pharmacy Industry (11:37)
Episode 77 – March 15, 2019 (15:40)
Should you hire a professional for your tax needs? (7:55)
Episode 78 – March 22, 2019 (17:48)
My Thought process on why I might sell Apple stock this coming week (6:40)
Episode 79 – March 29, 2019 (19:05)

February 2019 Videos

Episode 71 – February 1, 2019 (25:53)
Options trade Went Wrong (10:10)
This would mean a lot to me. Thank you! (2:36)
I bought a stock today. Feb, 8, 2019
Episode 72 – February 8, 2019 (16:53)
What Makes A Great CEO? (11:36)
I sold 1 stock and bought a new stock today
Episode 73 – February 15, 2019 (19:21)
The Inherent Flaw with Commodity Stocks (9:07)
I made 3 trades today – Feb 19, 2019
Episode 74 Plus Iron Condor Explanation February 22, 2019 (19:45)
The Valuation Evaluation (9:42)
I bought and sold 1 stock today. February 27, 2019

January 2019 videos

I bought 2 stocks today
Episode 67 – January 4, 2019 (20:28)
The State of the US Economy Currently (10:09)
Just bought $5000 of a new stock – Jan 10, 2019
Episode 68 – January 11, 2019 (21:36)
The State Of The World Economy (17:05)
Episode 69 – January 18, 2019 (15:57)
10k/annual report. What to look for (10:20)
Just bought some of this stock. January 22,2019
Bought some more of this stock today. Jan 23, 2019
3 Stocks Im Buying Feb 2019 (15:52)
Episode 70 – January 25, 2019 (19:12)
What happened to Japan?! (13:47)

December 2018

In Depth on Tariff Situation (9:24)
I bought 1 Stock today in public account. Dec, 4, 2018
I bought 1 stock today! Dec 6th, 2018
MUST WATCH! Episode 63, December 7, 2018 (22:50)
What I Do if a Stock Goes Down Over 20% (8:03)
Episode 64 – December 14, 2018 (18:19)
Investing in Popular Stocks vs Not (10:07)
I bought 1 stock today. Dec 19, 2018
I bought 1 stock today. Dec, 20, 2018
Episode 65 – December 21, 2018 (25:40)
I bought 1 Stock plus buyers advantage 2019
Episode 66 – December 28, 2018 (19:01)
3 Stocks Im Buying – January 2019 (16:30)
Just bought last stock of 2018. Dec 31, 2018
What to do & not do if you are maxed out (11:17)

November 2018 Videos

Episode 58 – November 2, 2018 (31:31)
I might buy this new stock (12:36)
Episode 59 – November 9, 2018 (28:40)
Im Changing Strategy (6:11)
I Bought 1 Stock Today (1:17)
Episode 60 – November 16, 2018 (15:01)
I bought stock today plus you need to see this (3:24)
I bought 1 brand new stock today – November 20, 2018 (0:55)
3 Stocks I’m Buying – December 2018 (15:01)
Episode 61 – November 23, 2018 (15:30)
I Bought 1 stock today! November 26, 2018 (0:55)
What Makes A Powerful Business Model (15:55)
I bought 1 stock today! November 27, 2018
Episode 62, November 30, 2018 (17:50)

October 2018

Michael Kors Buys Versace Lesson (14:59)
I Bought $4,000 of 1 stock today (1:07)
I Bought $3,000 of 1 stock today – October 4, 2018 (1:03)
Episode 54 – October 5, 2018 (27:52)
I Never Buy A Stock Without Doing This (8:54)
I Bought $10,000 worth of 2 stocks today! October 10, 2018 (1:15)
Episode 55 – October 12, 2018 (17:44)
Understanding Cost Basis and How It Works (8:39)
Bought over $10,000 worth of Tesla shares in private accounts today fyi
Episode 56 – October 19, 2018 (21:25)
I Bought $5,000 Worth of Stocks Today. Oct 24, 2018 (2:38)
Episode 57 – October 26, 2018 (24:00)
3 Stocks Im Buying – November 2018 (19:21)
Lesson On 7 Different Ratios (11:33)

September 2018

I Bought 2 Stocks today. Sept 4, 2018 (1:12)
Insider Trading Explained (10:10)
Episode 50 – September 7, 2018 (18:31)
Avoid these 2 mistakes (10:31)
I Bought 2 Stocks Today – September 12, 2018 (1:39)
Episode 51 – September 14, 2018 (21:33)
How To Deal With The Stress Of Stocks (9:04)
Episode 52 – September 21, 2018 (22:11)
3 Stocks Im buying – October 2018 (24:10)
Modeling Numbers – Part 1 (9:11)
I Bought a Call Option Contract today – September 24, 2018 (2:59)
I Just Bought 1 Stock – September 27, 2018 (0:49)
Episode 53 – September 28, 2018 (21:24)

Get immediately download Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)

August 2018

I Sold 1 Stock and Bought 2 Stocks Today. August 1, 2018 (2:33)
I Bought 1 Stock today. August 2, 2018 (1:19)
Episode 45 – August 3, 2018 (32:47)
Time of year I don’t buy stocks? (5:44)
I Sold a big position today (5:28)
Episode 46 – August 10, 2018 (21:49)
Are Chinese Stocks & China economy a scam? (12:51)
Episode 47 – August 17, 2018 (17:58)
Buy Your Own F*cking stocks. Here is why (13:05)
I Bought 2 stocks today (1:32)
3 Stocks Im Buying – September 2018 (15:35)
Episode 48 – August 24, 2018 (16:25)
Warning if you Own Walmart, Costco, Target or Kroger (9:10)
I Bought 1 Stock Today – August 30, 2018 (0:50)
Episode 49 – August 31, 2018 (16:04)

July 2018

4 Stocks I own – July 2018 (24:37)
Worst Balance Sheet Stocks (9:41)
I bought 1 stock today. July 5, 2018
Episode 41 – July 6th, 2018
How I initially look into a stock on my iPhone in 15 minutes (6:41)
Episode 42 – July 13, 2018 (18:20)
Family, Friends & Investing (9:42)
Episode 43 – July 20, 2018 (19:01)
Buying vs Renting and Stocks (15:00)
I Bought 1 stock today. July 23, 2018 (1:05)
3 Stocks im Buying – August 2018 (10:59)
I Bought and Sold 2 Stocks today (1:21)
Episode 44, July 27, 2018 (32:47)
Taxes and Stocks (11:02)

June 2018

Episode 36 – June 2, 2018 (16:09)
In Depth Video All About Dividends (13:22)
I Bought 1 Stock today. June 5, 2018 (0:51)
I Bought a Brand new Stock Today! June 7, 2018 (1:18)
Episode 37 – June 8, 2018 (17:26)
Is Netflix like Amazon and Disney like Walmart? (8:15)
Episode 38 – June 15, 2018 (20:02)
Buying products from companies you own (8:10)
Episode 39 – June 22, 2018 (18:49)
3 Stocks Im Buying – July 2018 (17:19)
Is it Morally Right to Buy Certain Stocks? How I handle it (10:52)
I Bought a New Stock Today! June 25, 2018 (1:12)
Episode 40 – June 29, 2018 (31:14)

May 2018

My 4 Biggest Investments – May 2018 (19:40)
I Bought 4 Stocks Today! May 2nd 2018 (3:52)
Episode 32 – May 4th, 2018 (23:46)
Sell in May and go Away? (6:46)
I Loaded the Boat for 1 stock today (1:52)
Episode 33 – May 11, 2018 (26:52)
I Bought a Brand New Stock today! May 15, 2018 (1:07)
3 Years in stocks and hasn’t made any money yet (15:47)
Episode 34 – May 18, 2018 (17:36)
Great stock market investors are like great athletes (10:09)
I bought 1 stock today. May 22, 2018 (1:46)
3 Stocks to Watch – June 2018 (10:58)
I bought and Sold one stock today – May 24th, 2018 (1:35)
Episode 35 – May 25, 2018 (21:23)
How Warren Buffett Get Richer and Richer (9:48)
My 4 Biggest Investments – June 2018 (16:09)
I Bought 1 stock today. May 30th, 2018

April 2018 Videos

Share Buybacks and the 3 ways they help (7:50)
I Bought $10,000 Worth of 2 Stocks today. April 2, 2018 (1:21)
Episode 28 – April 6, 2018 (15:09)
Why you have an advantage over big fund managers (12:54)
I Bought 2 Stocks today. April 12, 2018 (2:19)
Episode 29, April 13, 2018 (20:29)
Gut vs Brain with Buying and Selling (10:25)
Episode 30, April 20, 2018 (22:36)
3 Stocks to Watch – May 2018 (8:18)
Doomsday Scenario (13:41)
Episode 31 – April 27, 2018 (26:54)
Passion (11:37)

March 2018 Videos

4 Stocks I own – March 2018 (13:01)
Episode 23, March 2, 2018 (26:16)
Apples Big Hidden Advantage no one thinks about (10:12)
Episode 24, March 9, 2018 (16:57)
Should you worry about a CEO selling shares? (15:03)
Just bought $5,000 worth of two stocks. March 13, 2018 (1:38)
Episode 25 – March 16, 2018 (22:36)
I Placed 1 trade Today. March 19, 2018 (1:11)
Risk vs Reward. How I view it (11:25)
3 Stocks to watch! April 2018 (11:13)
I Bought $5,000 worth of stocks today. March 22, 2018 (2:11)
Episode 26 – March 23, 2018 (28:16)
How to Calculate “Jeremy’s PE” and why I do it (17:21)
My 4 Biggest Investments – April 2018 (21:07)
Episode 27 – March 29, 2018 (21:05)

February 2018 Videos

Episode 19 – February 1, 2018 (12:12)
4 Stocks I Own – February 2018 (17:18)
Darling Stocks (12:31)
I bought shares in 2 stocks today (3:46)
Episode 20 – February 9, 2018 (21:26)
Beginner Mindset Help (10:28)
Episode 21 – February 16, 2018 (21:50)
How I know if a company will probably beat earnings.. (17:08)
3 stocks to watch – March 2018 (8:57)
Episode 22, February 23, 2018 (20:44)
How I decide what price to sell a stock and reasons why. (34:08)
I bought 3 Stocks today… Feb 26th, 2018 (3:14)

January 2018

4 Stocks I Own – Jan 2018 (17:53)
I Bought 2 Stocks today. Jan 3, 2018 (2:05)
Episode 15 – January 5, 2018 (15:21)
I sold it all (0:48)
I bought a new stock (2:20)
Episode 16 – January 12, 2018 (24:36)
Episode 17 – January 19, 2018 (22:35)
I’m Making trades like Crazy today! January 22, 2018 (3:04)
3 Stocks to watch – Feb 2018 (11:40)
Episode 18, January 26, 2018 (23:38)
OMG OMG OMG! Honey we found one! (9:50)

December 2017 Videos

Episode 10 – December 1, 2017 (15:04)
Episode 11 – December 8, 2017 (15:55)
Episode 12 – December 15, 2017 (21:41)
3 Stocks To Watch – January 2018 (11:04)
Episode 13 – December 22, 2017 (15:04)
Episode 14 – December 29, 2017 (20:54)

November 2017 Videos

4 Stocks Im Buying – November 2017 (21:30)
Episode 6 – November 3, 2017 (22:17)
Trades made – November 7, 2017 (2:03)
Episode 7 – November 10, 2017 (18:47)
I sold a Small Position – November 13, 2017 (1:21)
Episode 8 – November 17, 2017 (18:21)
3 Stocks to Watch – December 2017 (10:03)
Episode 9 – Why I don’t buy stocks in December (8:40)
4 Stocks Im Buying – December 2017 (11:03)

October 2017 Videos

Welcome! (1:34)
Episode 1, September 29, 2017 (23:24)
4 Stocks Im Buying – October 2017 (11:34)
Comments Update 10-1-2017 (2:46)
Im Making moves 10-4-2017 (5:00)
Episode 2 – October 6, 2017 (15:52)
I bought Call Options Today :)) October 9, 2017 (4:58)
Episode 3 – Oct 13, 2017. Snapchat, Tesla, Apple, Amazon, Alibaba (30:54)
Episode 4 – Oct 20, 2017 (17:32)
3 Stocks to Watch – November 2017 (23:16)
Episode 5 – October 27, 2017 (21:35)

Here’s What You’ll Get in Jeremy – Private Group Exclusive Lessons, Live Stream Recordings, Portfolio Breakdown (2017 – 2021)