
Jens C – Trading Pro System

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Jens C – Trading Pro System
I’ll tell you right now … my trading system is NOT a game of chance! Bottom line: I treat negotiation like real business. In fact, I don’t even consider myself an ‘investor’ or ‘speculator’ or ‘trader’ in the traditional sense.
The truth is that this is exactly how I see myself: I am an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur I look for opportunities in the market, as well as participate in buying and selling activities to generate the highest return on my investment and then simply manage my risk.
My product is options and stocks. I buy and sell them to earn money.
All companies buy and sell to make money, I only do it with stocks and options.
All good businesses manage based on numbers and proportions. I do the same. I manage by numbers!
All companies plan profits and create opportunities for the highest possible return on investment (ROI); So do I, except I create opportunities to get the highest margin return (ROM).
I know exactly what my maximum earnings will be before I trade. I don’t guess or speculate: I have a plan. Then I simply manage the position and if necessary adjust my positions to remain profitable or reduce my losses through smart risk management techniques and collect my profits at the end of the (monthly) trading cycle.
This is an “Evergreen” business. Even like him

markets change and the economy changes …

My system will always work!
This business will never change … the principles, once you learn them, are yours forever. You could learn these and pass them on to your children and grandchildren.
The fundamentals of this business will never change because the underlying principles will never change.
So I call it a “perennial” business.
Unlike franchises or other types of consumer or business-to-business markets, stock and option markets have been around for hundreds of years. And even though markets move and change in some way, the principles have been the same for the past 200 years.
How did I find out how to start a stock and option business?
One day I woke up one day to find some extra money in a money market that was making 1.5% a year. The following year he earned 3% … wow, 3% a year.
I felt that my money should be used better and more productively and I started looking for all kinds of franchise opportunities and other businesses to invest in … but they all had a downside: the financial investment was great but so was the investment of time … something you really didn’t have as a father of four.
So after years of “successful or failed” operations, I started thinking about operating like a real business about 2 1/2 years ago, buying and selling stocks and options as a “business”. I didn’t know if it could be done, but the idea intrigued me. I knew someone, somewhere I was doing a slaughter in the markets and I was determined to find them, learn everything they know, and do my own killing.
I was determined to manage my trade as a business, not as a player, and that meant analyzing opportunities, supply and demand, market dynamics, and managing my business based on sound business fundamentals: profit, loss, expense, overhead and return on investment. .
Like any business, my only concern was to buy something that I could sell at a profit, and with a profit margin sufficient to cover my expenses (albeit small), leaving me with a steady and reliable income.
The business of commerce has all these advantages.
Once you know the system, this business

It can be managed in 15 minutes a day.
It has all the features of the “perfect” business!
The problem with creating a market-based business is that they seem to be constantly changing and there is great risk!
As you know, the markets go up one day and go down the next day.
I was really confused in which direction the market would change, and since I hated the idea of ​​losing money, I tried to “predict” the direction of the market because I thought money was made that way.
I became very, very good at ‘technical analysis’ … I THOUGHT it was the key to profit … if you could tell where the market was going, it would be easy to make money, right?
I learned all about candle waves and sticks, MACD, ADX, CCI, Bollinger and Fibonacci Bands and hundreds of chart “patterns” … and I thought I “knew” something “about the future of the market!
Frankly, technical indicators are like crutches: they only help support and validate your already formed business ideas in your mind. They do not help you become a better trader or see the reality of the market. There are only 3 technical indicators you need to run this business: support, resistance and trend lines. That’s. We keep it simple. Simple makes me money.
I also discovered that the TOP 1% of all traders do the exact opposite of what I tried to do when I started (market predicts) … The fact is …
The main operators NEVER try to predict the

market only manage risk.
Most elite traders don’t care if the market goes up or down – they make money either way. They use graphics sparingly.
All major traders do is manage their risk and take advantage of the only truths in the market: the ONLY absolute truths in the market.
For actions that ONE Absolute Truth is this:
1) All shares fluctuate in price.
For options there are two absolute truths:
1) All options fluctuate in price and
2) All options expire.
The main operators learn to respect these rules because they are the ONLY truths on the market.
You might think there are other truths but there is not–
All you hear about the market outside of these 2 rules are rumors, opinions, comments and even complete fantasy.
Of course, you will never listen to anyone on CNBC even mentioning these 2 rules because they would have nothing to report!
Can you imagine María Bartiromo saying: “Prices fluctuated today. Have a good night everyone! I’m out of here!”
I do not think so!
Therefore, the main operators respect these rules because they are very powerful and helps them to overcome “market noise”.
Then they design their commercial business around these rules to TAKE ADVANTAGE of them.
Once they see an opportunity, they take it and simply run their business “by numbers” and, for me, it takes them 15 minutes, sometimes less, a day.
How much can you do Frankly, it depends on your capital, learning ability, and your ability to maintain your discipline in this business.
Don’t worry about how much you have to start your investment business (although I had a considerable amount of money I could invest, I started mine with a small amount so I could learn this business). Just learn the skills and reinvest your earnings; they will grow rapidly.
Have you lost your TRUST?
If you have lost money in the market, it can destroy your confidence. My system will allow you to return to trading with 100% confidence because instead of waiting to make a profit by guessing what to do, you will have a plan.
Remember what I said at the top of this letter … it is not an exaggeration. I will never guarantee that you will earn money from this business because I cannot tell you how you will use the information that I will share with you. Your success in your investment business depends on one thing only: the decisions YOU make.
The only way to make the right decisions is to have superior knowledge. Once you understand how to REALLY make money, you will trade with complete confidence! That is what I can do for you and I do not say it lightly, it is true!
Also, I cannot give you official investment advice because I am not a SEC registered investment advisor and I am not a CFP (Certified Financial Planner), so if you watch the videos and you see me trading a certain ETF or stocks, please do so. interpret it as a recommendation.
I can show you exactly what I do and how I do it. I will teach you pretty much everything I know about this business; But the real decisions you make with your money depend on one person: you.
However, I can tell you with a high degree of certainty:
There is no one to tell you what I will share with you. None.
You could pay $ 5,000 or more to attend the best negotiation seminars, and still you won’t learn what I’m going to teach you!
Last year I attended a $ 5,000 “super high”, “super advanced” seminar organized by a 25-year veteran, a former floor trader and options market maker at the CBOE.
I went to another 2 years ago that costs $ 3,000 and got a tip: how to tell if an action is on a “channel” … no kidding, that was it! $ 3,000!
What I’m going to teach you will blow up everything I learned in any of these seminars. I’m not kidding. In fact, I would say that, in truth, they were almost a waste of my money.
I say “almost” because they helped a little, but they lacked a practical application of the knowledge they presented. It was mostly the theory that left the assistant no better, in practical terms, than when he started.
This course is the real deal …
It really works and very few people (even professionals) teach someone how to do it. I know this for sure because I have spoken with some of the professionals, and they do not know this system or are not willing to admit it.
But there are some guys who really know this inside and out (one guy is teaching this and the others are not teaching it at all). I found them and picked their brain over and over until I discovered it and came up with a system based on what they told me.
Most of them didn’t even know how to explain what they do – it’s like an instinct for them and they couldn’t consistently express what they did step by step, so I had really gotten it out of them.
Then I put together what I learned and came up with a complete business system that anyone can follow.
I’ll just say I think you’ll be amazed at how profitable and easy it is to run, and just 15 minutes a day is all you need.
On the other hand, if you want to make this a full-time business, you can do it! There are many opportunities to earn even more money if you have more time to dedicate to this business.
So, let’s see if you are the right person to take this course:
· Have you been in the market as an investor and have you been disappointed with the results?
· Do you stay away from the markets because you think they are too risky?
· Are you confused by technical and fundamental analysis?
· Would you like to stop ATTACHING which direction the markets are heading and adopt the professional approach to operate as a business?
· Does the idea of ​​running your business “by numbers” make sense to you?
· Does the idea of ​​trading stocks and options like a real business sound good to you?
If you answered “YES” to one or more of the above questions, I think you would be a good candidate for this training.
There are a total of 41 videos within the course. The videos are grouped into various “Modules”, and each Module contains “hands-on” videos that guide you throughout the system. We use videos because you can SEE exactly what to do while learning, and you can watch them over and over again (if necessary) to review and develop your understanding.
This course contains more than 40 videos …

Totaling over 24 HOURS of teaching!
The videos and modules are very well organized in an easy to navigate membership area, and are sequenced in a perfectly logical order so you can easily learn the system step by step.
You can watch these videos directly on your computer … you will have access to them at any time of the day or night, whenever it is convenient for your schedule. The course will be delivered 100% online.
Downloadable. You can also download the full resolution videos (Windows Media files) directly to your computer. This allows us to offer you the highest quality and clearest videos for you to watch. You can make a copy of these videos on a storage device (CD, DVD or external drive) but you cannot allow anyone else to watch, copy or share them. They are for your use only. (with the exception of your spouse)
There are a total of 41 videos within the course. The videos are grouped into several “Modules”, and each Module contains “practical” videos that guide you through the topics covered.
We use videos because you can SEE exactly what to do as you learn, and you can watch them over and over (if necessary) to review and develop your understanding.
You can watch these videos directly on your computer … we will give you a username and password to access them at any time of the day or night, whenever it is convenient for your schedule.
In addition, you will have permanent access to these videos and you will also receive new ones that we add later!

The modules in the course include:
This module is designed to introduce you to a new way of trading stocks and options, as a business. Emphasis is placed on risk management and the creation of a portfolio of operations that can be managed “by numbers”. Learning the trade, acquiring the necessary skills to be successful in this business.
This module contains over 4 hours of excellent teaching!
The “Greeks” play a fundamental role in their commercial business. I totally demystify them and tell them exactly what the Greeks are and, in practical and easy to understand language, I demonstrate how they impact their business. The Greeks are the numbers you need to understand to profitably manage your portfolio.
Special report included! I also include the most comprehensive and easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to take advantage of “The Greeks” available in the world (yes, the world and no, I’m not kidding).
We have set the stage, now is the time to continue the work in question. This is where things get good and interesting. What positions do we take? How do we determine when and how? Do “graphics” matter? What is the big picture behind what we are doing?
This module delves into FIVE videos covering EEM, ADSK, DIA, SPY, and IWM (Don’t worry, you’ll understand everything later!)
Build a portfolio by putting posts that work together. This is where many traders go wrong: they take individual positions and don’t understand how they affect their overall portfolio.
You will discover why diversification in terms, prices and strategies is key to making money.
This is simply essential to be a good investor.
ThinkorSwim (TOS), in my opinion, is the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the kind of analytics tools that provide you as an account holder, it would cost you many hundreds of dollars a month in fees, with TOS being free. I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power you have at your fingertips.
(There are other programs / software that you can use to analyze your operations, but TOS is also free when you open an account.)
Now that we have built our portfolio, how do we manage it by numbers? We learned the Greeks, so now is the time to put them into action. The key to success is knowing how to look at the numbers and knowing, without a doubt, what they mean and what to do with them.
This module includes 5 amazing videos with real life examples while managing a portfolio.
What happens when our numbers don’t look good? This is where 99% of all traders are killed in the market … they have no idea what to do when a position goes against them and they lose money. Too bad because most exchanges can be saved for profit!
Imagine making a small change in your position and increasing your chances of making a profit by 80%! That’s what tuning can do for you!
At Trading As A Business, we KNOW what to do. We trade with confidence. We know and understand that when an operation goes against us, it is an OPPORTUNITY to add to our portfolio by adjusting. I call it Smart Capital Allocation. The art of adjustments is the missing link in trading options and stocks that hardly anyone teaches.
How and when to close positions, and how to close them for maximum profits. The risks of maintaining positions in the expiration week. When and how to “buy” short-term insurance to protect your earnings and increase your wealth in the due week. How to close positions and obtain surplus free trades that, although small, have the possibility to DOUBLE our earnings.
This module contains 5 videos, and the key theme here is to MAXIMIZE our earnings!
What types of technical analysis help us in our business? There are only a few key analysis tools that can help you determine the market direction odds and I tell you exactly what they are. I will give you an idea of ​​why the market moves the way it does.
I will also give you a historical perspective on market movements since 1900 and give you a realistic plan of attack to determine the future direction of the market based on objective evidence. In the second video, I dive into short-term indicators that can sharpen your edge in the markets to improve your trading time. Then, I tell you about an indicator that I stumbled upon, which predicts the short-term and open market direction with a surprising degree of precision about 95% of the time, as well as how to determine intraday movements and how to know if the Money is flowing into or out of stocks and what it means for intraday price trends.
This module contains over 3 hours of solid teaching.
Not even one of these strategies requires any knowledge of “technical analysis”; It can help, but it is not mandatory. These make money if the market goes up or down. These are strategies you can manage based on “the numbers.” One important thing to mention: There are ways to earn money that are NOT obvious. For example, Strategy # 1 is something I’ve been studying for years, and it always works and can’t stop working.
11. Explosive strategy # 1
Using this method, I converted a $ 14,000 trade into a $ 75,000 profit in just 8 months. The most money at risk? Only $ 650. That was the total amount that was at risk when this position was started and no more money was put into the position. Incredible profit / loss ratio. And it doesn’t matter if the stock goes up or down, but it requires a longer period of time: 6 to 8 months.
It is not uncommon for these trades to create the profits you can boast of. Do you want to make a killing in the market? There is nothing better than this.
12. Explosive strategy # 2
Another method I call “Flip Stocks” allows me to buy stocks cheaper than anyone else and if the market doesn’t cooperate with my plan, they pay me a lot of money to wait until I do! This is for bigger players with more capital … but when you have $ 15k or more to put to work, these long-term exchanges generate explosive profits.
I show you in a nice 52 minute video
13. Explosive Strategy # 3
This new strategy that has unlimited upside or downside potential and only $ 50 risk! This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real “secrets” that no one has discussed that I know of. Wait until you see the power of this strategy.
You can win $ 1000 with a total risk of $ 50 or so. It is extremely powerful. Do you think there is no free lunch on Wall Street? This isn’t one either, but it’s the closest to one! This is the perfect strategy to reproduce earnings reports, stock acquisitions, and any stocks you think will move big in any direction with little risk.
14. Explosive Strategy # 4
If you want to be more active in stocks but hate risk, you’ll love it. Daily trading without the risk normally associated with daily trading. It can be configured to be a “semi-automatic” trading system. Very powerful and again another low-risk, high-income strategy for the most active participants.
This strategy includes 9 videos, and I take you through some real life operations over the course of 7 days and show you exactly how I earn thousands of dollars from these operations.
I’ve also included 3 worksheets (Excel spreadsheets) for your convenience!
15. Explosive Strategy # 5
If you liked the idea of ​​monthly income transactions but were wondering how to “charge them turbo” to make a fortune, then you will love THIS. Instead of $ 1000- $ 2000 per month, you could start generating income in the range of $ 5,000 to $ 40,000 per month after learning this and with much less stress while operating as “big” as you like.
This last strategy is the “icing” on the cake … the highlight of your entire study and will be worth 100 times more than what you paid for this course, maybe even more. Why didn’t I reveal this until the end of the course? Simple: You couldn’t use this strategy without a good foundation established in the previous modules. Everything we have learned so far has led to these explosive strategies.
Inside Days Strategy Video (69 minutes) + Ebook
$ 147.00 value – Yours is free when you join today!
I created this mini course to teach a very powerful indicator in the market, which can show you how to prepare for explosive profit. I use this strategy to make profit over and over again.
Xtreme Trading Video (50 minutes)
$ 97.00 value – Yours is free when you join today!
As you may have noticed, although I cover some trading days in the main course, it is NOT a “day trading course”. However, I can apply my principles to a certain type of daily trading, and I use this powerful strategy to make profit on demand. This 50 minute video will show you exactly how I do it.
This course contains more than 40 videos …

Totaling over 24 HOURS of teaching!
get Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Course
Want to learn about Forex?
Foreign exchange, or forex, is the conversion of one country’s currency into another.

In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued according to the laws of supply and demand.

In other words, a currency’s value can be pegged to another country’s currency, such as the U.S. dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.

A country’s currency value may also be set by the country’s government.

However, most countries float their currencies freely against those of other countries, which keeps them in constant fluctuation