Jeffrey Yuen – Addiction Treating The Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Roots


Jeffrey Yuen – Addiction Treating The Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical RootsThis is a high quality recording of the MAS Jeffrey Yuen Seminar presented on April 4-5, 2009, on the treatment of the spiritual, emotional, and physical roots of addictions. Fifty percent of the profits from the sale of this recording goes to benefit Jeffrey Yuen’s International Tai Chi Association.The Jeffrey Yuen Addictions seminar recording contains some very handy features.1. Each track has a distinctive title that shows up on your computer. Even the questions are labeled. All track titles are also offered in an Excel file on-line or on the USB stick. Tracks are logically divided according to the lecture.2. Within the handout, the tracks are collated. While you are listening to the recording, you always know exactly where you are within the outline and can easily find your way back there.3. We have also included a PDF of all of the drawings that accompanied the lecture, 32 altogether. They are also identified within the notes so as you are listening to the lecture, you can tell where he is in the handout but also what he is drawing on the overhead.We want to thank Francesca Paik for letting her Metal nature shine through in this artful and laborously created product.Addiction Treating The Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Roots By Jeffrey Yuen – what is it included: ( Content proof: Watch here! ) 01 Addictions CD 01 Track 01 Download Play MP3 1.6 MB 1m 46s02 Addictions CD 01 Track 02 Download Play MP3 8.1 MB 8m 47s03 Addictions CD 01 Track 03 Download Play MP3 1.1 MB 1m 12s04 Addictions CD 01 Track 04 Download Play MP3 6.4 MB 6m 58s05 Addictions CD 01 Track 05 Download Play MP3 3.9 MB 4m 17s Yuen 06 Addictions CD 01 Track 06 Download Play MP3 1.4 MB 1m 32s07 Addictions CD 01 Track 07 Download Play: MP3 3.7 MB 4m 5s08 Addictions CD 01 Track 08 Download Play MP3 3.7 MB 4m 3s09 Addictions CD 01 Track 09 Download Play MP3 2.8 MB 3m 6s10 Addictions CD 01 Track 10 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Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Thank You For Shopping With Us! Reviews There are no reviews yet.Be the first to review “Jeffrey Yuen – Addiction Treating The Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Roots” Cancel replyYour rating *Rate…PerfectGoodAverageNot that badVery poorYour review *Name *Email *Δ