Jeff Putman – Master Course Creator: How to turn your course idea into cold hard cash


This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days. The truth is that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You just simply need to make the wheel look good on a different car by adding your own perspective and flair.

Jeff Putman – Master Course Creator: How to turn your course idea into cold hard cash


A proven system that is 100% repeatable and can be used by absolutely anyone to create high ticket video courses.
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Finally, a way to teach your skills and knowledge
to create powerful presentations
and beautiful online video courses
that are effective
and highly cost effective to make
by anyone
even without
video editing skills,
expensive equipment and software,
or teaching experience.
Even the most novice of beginners can use this program!
Frequently Asked Question #1
Q: “How do I decide what to make my course about?”
A: In this course I’ve included a list of the ten most profitable online niches and given examples of how you can use them to create your online course!
Big Juicy Secret #1: You can use what already works
“What should I sell?” is the biggest and most common question that is asked when entering the online business realm.
Most people think that they have to come up with something new and exciting in order to be effective. 
The truth is that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You just simply need to make the wheel look good on a different car by adding your own perspective and flair.
Frequently Asked Question #2
Q: “What if my course isn’t perfect?”
A: The best part about creating an online course is that it will be available forever. As time goes by and new information becomes available you can simply update and improve the course making it even better and improving the total value!
Big Juicy Secret #2: You never have to fully complete your course.
One of the hidden gems of online course creation is that you can always “re-launch”
Not by completely overhauling your course 
but by adding new segments and updates.
This increases the value of your course over time.
You’re always going to be getting better at what you do
so by adding additional modules of the skills and “hacks” that you 
pick up over time to your already published course
you can gradually increase your prices.
If you could easily learn this step-by-step system
and create flowing video courses 
so you can effectively teach the skills that you already know
all while establishing yourself as an authority 
and have people coming to you to learn how
Would you?
HELL YES, you would.
So who am I?
I got my start in online business almost 2 years ago when I launched my Men’s Grooming company Rugged Legacy.
I was sick and tired of working myself to death for peanuts and being too tired to spend what free time I had doing the things I enjoyed.
That’s the true goal of entrepreneurship.
When I first got started, I was doing everything myself and it felt like I had just traded one job for another.
Later when I was able to automate my company and hire people to do the work for me, I realized that I would hardly have to do anything aside from overseeing the operations and checking in on occasion.
Get immediately download Jeff Putman – Master Course Creator: How to turn your course idea into cold hard cash
That’s when I started thinking about how amazing it was to be making money on autopilot.
It was too good of a feeling to not share it but I realized that not everyone want’s to own a company per se, but they did want the freedom that comes with being your own boss and the peace of mind knowing that whether or not they were “working” they always had money coming in.
That’s when I started trying out various side hustles. I wrote a few ebooks, did some affiliate marketing and still make quite a bit of money with those things.
Many of the customers that picked up my side hustle guide are already on there way to fully replacing their 9-5.
That’s where this program comes in.
Online Course are HOT and if you have a skill that someone else wants to learn, they’ll pay you whatever you ask to learn it.
And this program will show you how to teach it.
For only $39 you get the skills and know-how that will transform the way you sell your skills forever and create a whole new stream of passive income.
Here’s what you’ll learn how to do:

How to create flowing presentations using video that teach your audience the skills covered in your course.
How to add your course to Gumroad and launch presales to build anticipation for your course.
How to create a persuasive sales page.
EASY HACKS for to cut your course creation time in half.
How-to strategies for pulling customers deeper into your sales funnel.
& much more.

PLUS 2 FREE Bonus Training Programs 
Watch Joshua Lisec, one of less than 100 certified professional ghostwriters in the WORLD teach you how to get complete strangers to sell your course for you in his “How To Be Everywhere” affiliate training program.
Watch Oliver Cantin teach you how to market your course using the very same system that he uses for all of his online businesses in “How To Think About Marketing, Even If You’re Not A Marketer” Training Program.
Right now you’re thinking,
and you’re right.
You can use this system to create training programs 
for absolutely anything you want.
Any thing, any skill is teachable (and profitable)
using this method.
So Stop Waiting
Click I WANT THIS! to get this program.