Jeff Glenellis – How to Day Trade Crude Oil Futures


(This course is available for immediate delivery) Indicators (there are hundreds of them), charting software and all the options that go with it, trading time frames, the mental and emotional games related to trading, the impact of astrology (star signs) on trading (and no, I’m not making that last one up)…

Jeff Glenellis – How to Day Trade Crude Oil Futures

For NinjaTrader 7 and 8 and TradeStation Users Only!

How Scott Made One Simple Tweak to His NinjaTrader Platform And Started Banking Up To 30 Points In A Single Trading Session

Works For TradeStation Too!!!

Now It’s Your Turn To Have An “Unfair Advantage” Over The Market For A Change

May 24, 2021

If you’re not pulling at least $500 per day out of the futures market, then you need to take a few minutes and read every word in this report.
Because the money is out there, just sitting on a table, waiting for you to reach out and grab it.
The question is, are you brave enough to pick it up?
Or are you more comfortable hiding behind all the same tired old chart setups and “conventional wisdom” everyone else is following…
Content to lose money day after day…
Wondering if you just need to add a couple of new Indicators to your already overcrowded chart…
Or maybe move up one time frame from what you are already using…
Or was it move down one time frame????

My name is Jeff Glenellis and I’ve been a trader for 15 years. I love trading. In fact, I hate weekends because it keeps me from doing the thing I love the most, which is trading. But I also hate wasting time and money on strategies that take forever to develop and then only give me a shot at making 1-2 points a trade. So as an experiment I put my favorite 2 Indicator trading set-up on a Renko chart, and suddenly found myself in trades that ran 5, 10, 20 points or more. And these were on normal trading days. And now I want to share this consistently winning setup with traders who love to trade but hate all these rules and methods that are holding them back.

There Are Only Two Things You Need To Know About Trading Futures In Order to Be A Successful and Profitable Trader

Look, if you’re a day trader (or want to be one) you need to understand something that is fundamental about trading.
And that one fundamental thing is this:
Trading is a hell of a lot simpler than most teachers, trainers and coaches make it out to be.
And that is all because of this simple truth:
When you are trading, price can only move one of two directions, up or down.
At it’s very essence, trading is a 50/50 proposition.
Once you figure that out, it’s a simple matter of cutting your losses short and letting your winners run.

Unfortunately, You’ve Been Victimized By Your Own Desire to Improve Your Trading Skills

But an entire industry has sprung up, dedicated to (allegedly) making you a better trader by teaching you everything you never needed to know about trading and all the component parts.
Indicators (there are hundreds of them), charting software and all the options that go with it, trading time frames, the mental and emotional games related to trading, the impact of astrology (star signs) on trading (and no, I’m not making that last one up)…
And all of this information can be yours if you just sign up for a course that costs $599, $997, $4,999, etc.
I know of traders who have spent upwards of $15,000 in their quest to become better traders and still can’t show two winning weeks in a row. And I have no doubt there are people out there who spent more than that.
Look, it’s not about how much you know about trading. In fact, knowing too much can lead to what experts call “paralysis by analysis” which means you know so much and can see things from so many different angles and perspectives, you can’t make a decision to buy or sell due to all the conflicting bits of information you are processing.

Get immediately download Jeff Glenellis – How to Day Trade Crude Oil Futures

The Good News Is I Can Help You “Fix” These Problems and Turn You Into a Consistent Winning Trader In Less Than an Hour

If you are serious about becoming a winning day trader, then your first step is to forget everything you know, or think you know, about trading, and simply start over.
Pick a vehicle to trade (ES, MES, CL, or whatever), set up a single chart and add 2 indicators…one for trend and one for entries/exits. Only enter a trade in the direction of the trend and exit when the entry/exit indicator tells you.
Can trading possibly be any simpler than that?
And don’t worry, I can hear your questions and comments from here.

What about using “Indicator X” and/or “Indicator Y” and/or “Indicator Z” for confirmation?
What about confirming the trend on higher time frame charts?
Don’t I need to use a big stop loss and risk too much of my account on a single trade?
(And my all-time favorite): If it was this simple, wouldn’t everyone already be trading like this?

I understand the skepticism and concern. Old habits are very hard to break.
But you see, there is a lot of crap out there masquerading as “conventional wisdom”. And there are some pretty hefty price tags attached to some of it.
And the saddest part is, no matter how much you spend, there is no guarantee any of it is going to make you a long-term, profitable trader.
Take a look at this ES chart:

“I used to dream about what it would be like to catch a 20 or 30 point run. Now I’ve caught two in 2 days. It’s even better than I dreamed it. I think this is called having an ‘unfair advantage’ over the market”
Larry F.

Notice anything different?

I mean, aside from the fact it probably doesn’t look even remotely like the chart you are currently trading?

It’s called a Renko chart, which is a charting system that only places completed bricks (or boxes) on your chart when price moves ”X” amount (and you control the value for “X”).

In the picture above, the Renko boxes are worth 4 ticks each, so a full box is worth 1 full point when trading the ES.

You probably also noticed a pair of lines snaking through the chart.

Those are the two indicators we use to determine both Trend and Entries and Exits. In fact, it’s the same indicator, but set to two separate settings.

Take a look at that same picture but with arrows added to show entries:
Now let me ask you a completely serious question:

If you were looking at this chart as a day trader, and you noticed the trend and the entry indicators were both changing color at the same time…

Could you take these trades? (just for clarification, there are 7 trades on that chart with 7 arrows marking the entries (red = sell, green = buy). 2 trades ended in small losses of 4 ticks each under our guidelines, 1 lost 8 ticks, while the remaining 4 trades ended up at +8 ticks, +8 ticks, +24 ticks and currently the final trade is open at + 24 ticks and climbing, for a current total of +48 ticks with more possible depending on current price action).

Let me ask you another serious question:


Can you make that many ticks nearly every day trading your current chart setup?
If you are trading time based charts, the answer is most likely a resounding NO.
Because time based charts have a fatal flaw built into them and that is the requirement that you typically wait for the current candle or bar to close before you take a trade.


Waiting 5 or even 15 minutes to take a trade can be (or at least feel like) an eternity in futures trading.
That means you are usually passing up on banking dozens of ticks while you wait for the 5 minutes or 15 minutes to elapse so you can take the trade according to your rules.
Renko traders have the clear advantage here.
Time is meaningless with Renko.
Only price action matters.
And as you can see from the chart above, when we get both of our indicators aligned, we take the trade. No waiting for a time based candle to close before we act.
And please don’t think those pictures were cherry picked to show the best possible outcomes.
What you just looked at is pretty much a typical chart we see almost every day trading Renkos.

Just to give you an idea of how much you are missing by trading time based charts, take a look at this video scroll through a week’s worth of trades on the ES

Now look at a week’s worth of trades on the CL

And since it is now available, take a look at a week’s worth of MES trades.

But Hey, Don’t Take My Word For It. Listen to What Your Fellow Traders Have to Say About Trading the “Renko Enhanced” Method

The Renko box sizes you saw in those videos were 4 ticks/1 point for the ES and MES charts, and 5 cents for the CL chart.
If you need to, go back and look at how many trades Renko traders had available to them that moved 5, 10 even 15 full points each day.
Now compare that to whatever system or method it is you are currently using with your time based charts.
Knowing absolutely nothing about how it is you enter and exit trades, I’m still willing to bet that the Renko chart (combined with our proprietary trend/signal indicator) gets you into winning trades earlier and gets you out with the most profit possible.

You Need To Ask Yourself a Serious Question: “If I’m Not Consistently Winning, Why Am I Day Trading?”

No one ever took up Day Trading because it looked like a fun way to kill time.
You trade because you want to make money, and probably a lot of money whenever possible.
If that’s how your trading is working out for you now, then by all means keep doing whatever it is you are doing. Don’t mess with success!

So, Are You Ready To Start Winning Consistently?

But if you are unhappy with the results you are consistently seeing using your current trading setup…
If you are at a point where you need to start making some serious money from trading, and making it fast…
Or if you’re simply ready to see the time you are spending trading finally start paying for itself…
Then you need to stop reading and scroll to the bottom of this page and grab one of the Renko Enhanced Trading packages while they are still available for the ridiculous introductory price of $297.
In the Renko Enhanced package you’ll get the Renko Enhanced indicator we use every single trading day to determine both Trend and Entries/Exits. You’ll also receive full video training on setting up a proper Renko chart and how to modify the Enhanced indicator to maximize your profits on your trades.
And the best past of all is this system is so simple to set up and start trading, you can be fully trained and ready to go in less than 30 minutes.
No wasted time slogging through long boring videos that do nothing to make you a better trader.

Can You Afford the 20 Minutes It Takes To Completely Turn Your Trading Around And Become a Winning Trader Day In and Day Out?

We cover everything you need to know to trade this system at maximum profitability in just a few minutes.
Can you spare no more than half an hour to become the sort of day trader you always dreamed was possible but until now just didn’t seem to be within your reach?
I hope so, because this may be your best, last and only hope at seeing the sort of consistent profitable results you’re aching for as a day trader (at least at this introductory price!)
Renko Enhanced gives you clear cut entries and exits. No critical thinking required. If both conditions are met, you trade. Otherwise you wait until both conditions are met.
Are both indicators just now turning green? You Buy.
Are both indicators just now turning red? You Sell.
If one indicator is green and the other is red, you wait until both are either green or red, then you Buy (green) or Sell (red).
Exits can either be when the Entry/Exit indicator changes color (green to red means exit the Buy, red to green means exit the Sell) or you can simply aim for a specific number of ticks/points and exit when your target is reached.
Plenty of traders trade with the goal of locking in 2 or 3 or 4 points on a trade and once that goal is reached, they exit and bank their profits.
The Renko Enhanced package is perfect for goal oriented traders because the entries are typically early enough that many trades end up moving 5-6 points in one direction before a reversal Renko box is formed. For many of these traders banking 5 points more than satisfies their goals for the day and they close out and are done.
However, with the Renko Enhanced package, traders who once were happy with 5 points are now looking to make 10, 15, even 20 points a day and are getting it on a regular basis, spread out over 4 or 5 trades.

Get immediately download Jeff Glenellis – How to Day Trade Crude Oil Futures

This May Be The Last Time You See The “Renko Enhanced” Package Offered at This Low Introductory Price

And if you don’t believe it, take another look at those video snippets above of the week of June 30-July 4 to see how many times traders could have easily picked up 5 or more points just from having the guts to take the trade when the indicators gave a clear Buy or Sell signal.
The Renko Enhanced package can clearly put your trading career in hyper-drive and leave you in the enviable position of making more money in a couple hours of trading each weekday than most of your family and friends make working 40 hours a week at their jobs.
And at the introductory price of just $297, you could easily earn that back on the very first day using Renko Enhanced, meaning you have removed all the risk involved in testing out this new way of trading and it’s all profit moving forward.
But this price is not going to be around forever.
Once we’ve sold 50 Renko Enhanced packages at the introductory price of $297, the price will immediately go up to the originally set price of $599.
And even $599 is an absolute bargain for a day trading setup that can consistently bank 5-10-15-20 points a day.
But being a success in any endeavor involving money begins with being a good steward of what you already have. That means not turning your back on a good deal when you find one.
You’ve seen the video proof. This is a very successful trading setup for day traders, and $297 is nothing compared to what you stand to bank over the next week, month and even year of day trading.

So now you’ve reached a decision point.

Stick with what you know in your heart is not the best trading method available to you and hope you can scrape out enough ticks per day to make it worth your time,


Click on the “Buy Now” button below and put yourself in a position as early as later today to start knocking out winning trade after winning trade and watch your account begin to grow almost exponentially.
Thanks for taking the time to consider the Renko Enhanced package as the cure to your trading ills, and I hope to see you on the inside in the Member’s Area.
Jeff Glenellis

Here’s What You’ll Get in Jeff Glenellis – How to Day Trade Crude Oil Futures